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Everything posted by lkb

  1. @jercrane I feel your pain. Slalom is the hardest sport I’ve ever tried and now it just got a lot harder. What’s the strap thing you mentioned?
  2. This is from today. My second session of working on getting stacked. This is not good but it’s amazing how hard it was for me to even get it this good. And it’s still what I’d call awful when I go gate to 1, 2 to 3, 4 to 5 :s https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vjS8CY5zBZU On this pass I was trying to focus on keeping my chin up and back leg straighter than front.
  3. You can google as good as I can
  4. Watch the Chris Parrish video Horton posted the other day
  5. After taking those slack hits he’s probably taller than he was early last week
  6. @horton just to be clear I’m not saying that I specifically wanted to have my rear heel off the ski I’m saying that if I bend my front ankle enough to get my pelvis over my front foot the rear heel is coming up as a consequence of that. It’s not actually possible to be stacked without hips over front foot is it?
  7. I’ve been skiing for a 18 yrs. At my peak I got through 35 at 34mph pretty often, even though I have always skied in a jackknife position. I know now I need to learn to get stacked properly. I use a reflex front and a rtp. Today was the first time ever that I have really really tried to get my pelvis over my front foot with a lot of ankle bend. It was a scary feeling but pretty amazing how high I could get on the boat on my gate pullout with little effort. What I really noticed was how much my back heel lifted off the ski. Is this normal or does it just mean my ankle flexibility is not good?
  8. Anybody know if Terry is still doing the video coaching? Emailed him but no response
  9. @MS that’s a collector’s item Haven’t seen one in years lol
  10. Calling In tow a mom and pop company to make it seem like it’s a lesser quality option is utter BS! Her products are top quality and so is the customer service! I’ve been buying ropes and handles from Brenda for over 10 yrs. never once had a problem.
  11. @jpattigr sounds good. my name is confusing. It’s Lkb but it does look like ikb...in case you pm me.
  12. You’re welcome to stop in at Area 41 for some sets. It’s between 20 and 21...just a few miles off I-65.
  13. @OldboyII nice car, My water cooled at COTA @markn @kurt
  14. holy crap...I'd hate to see what's behind those cars with them driving toward that
  15. Tennis @Markn cool car. I’ve done quite a few laps at Sebring in a Pcar. Winterfest and a couple of Chin events a few yrs ago. I remember seeing Zotz Racing set up there.
  16. Elite-most beautiful pos ever
  17. @"Pat M" I injured my ring finger cranking a chain saw last fall. I thought it was minor but it just wouldn't quit hurting. Finally saw a dr 7-8 weeks later. Tried therapy with no luck. It turns out I had torn the ligament on the underside and it healed in a contracted position that wouldn't straighten. I had to have surgery to fix it. It's much better but not nearly as good as oem. I think if I'd just had an extension splint while it was first injured I could've avoided the surgery. Long story but I'd get a specialist to look at it instead of waiting.
  18. @Ajskier mine is a '13 so I missed the buyback by one model year darnit. I got close to $10,000 for the trouble though. Is your Q7 a '15? Do those have a 10/100,000 powertrain warranty?
  19. I've been driving a Touareg TDI for the last 6 yrs...it was an awesome combo of economical daily driver/tow vehicle. I got a lot of great use from it but it's time to move on. Anybody here have a Grand Cherokee with the turbodiesel V6? The experience with the Touareg makes me want to stay with a diesel but I've never had a Jeep product. Thanks for any feedback.
  20. After skiing behind a 2009 196 with dual puck and most current revision for 8 seasons I sold it and got a 2017 Carbon Pro. The Carbon Pro is a much friendlier pull. I was told by somebody who's been around the industry a long time that upgrading the 196 to single puck would've made it somewhat more friendly like what I feel behind the CP.
  21. @Andre yes, that's what I did. I was using polyform for the boat guides but they aren't worth the trouble. On public water though wallyskier's may not be a good investment.
  22. I’ve got a warp you can try
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