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Everything posted by RichardDoane

  1. Adam Cord. MM with a -35 opener. Breezes through 38 and 39. But stubs his toe at the 1 ball at 41, scoring 1/2. Sorry for the distant photo, I was hoping to get him at the 4 ball with the other Adam video-ing.
  2. Scoring is a little challenged due to the lack of USA Waterski website. Manually entering skiers, pen/paper as the event runs, but my laptop is up and running and we’ll have a Round 1 and 2 scorebook by end of day I’m very fortunate to have plenty of help We have a great group of Officials in the PNW
  3. It was a great day, although tiring. Looking forward to tomorrow and some great conditions and scores.
  4. A beautiful day at the lake. It is truly Gordon’s front yard.
  5. My Assistant Chief Scorer, Jackson Wyatt is large, and in charge.
  6. Kris LaPoint is here for the weekend as well. I’m not sure if he needed any coaching from Jaimee.
  7. we started this morning with cloudy skies, and a small Junior Clinic with Jaimee Bull
  8. With the cancellation of the Pro Am event earlier this season, we were able to put together a record tournament in it's place. It will be a great weekend, and I'll post as many pictures as humanly possible.
  9. I just tried, and it still isn't working hopefully it's back up and running Monday am
  10. Chad did me a solid years ago at one of Super Greg's CA ProAms when there was a handle measuring saga. He's a good guy and not a criminal IMO, there's a Rolling Stones lyric about "all cops are criminals ..." which is quite a stretch depending on your perspective, he's one of best drivers and I hope he returns to ski with us asap
  11. Cedar would work, it’s just more expensive. As for wrapping the entire board, it just looks better. The important part is the contact surface and padding feature of the carpet. While you’re updating your trailer, add the new style ratchet tie downs to the rear. So much better that old school straps
  12. we don't use pressure treated because it seems to split/crack more than just good old douglas fir. use stove headed galvanize bolts, and counter sink the board so the crowned head is a touch lower than the surface. trailer bunk carpet comes in a number of grades, spend a few more dollars on better carpet. i like to through bolt instead of lag screws from underneath. fit your uncarpeted bunks, install the bolts, then a first layer of carpet on top with just a few staples to hold it in place, then another layer that wraps the entire board (just like wrapping a christmas present) then attach to the trailer, with washers and double nuts (all galvanized). jam nuts prevent loosening when that trailer bounces down the road. buy an inexpensive electric stapler and you'll be set.
  13. Wide, Strong, Center. Words to live by according to Chris Rossi.
  14. I took notes a few years back while listening to a Chris Rossi interview, and also one time when Chet Raley was addressing a ski club meeting. They’ve gotten pretty faded on my office wall as you can see :
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