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Everything posted by RichardDoane

  1. consider trades ? some $$$ and the 2015 Carbon Pro ???
  2. AZ heat will shorten the life of a cable not a big deal to change, just takes elbow grease our 2015 with 1280 hours still steers nicely with the original cable - it's the cool temps of the PNW vs. the horrible heat of AZ that ruined yours @oldmanskier
  3. @MitchellM call me. Let’s work out a great deal for you. It’s an awesome boat that needs a new home.
  4. Slalom Driver clinic this weekend at the Broho.
  5. We also just replaced the Lavorsi throttle assembly in this boat as it had developed some issues.
  6. @MISkier the original engine was not closed cooling system. It got really cold in Seattle at the beginning of winter. the boat had a couple of space heaters in it in December, but no one blocked open the engine compartment and opened up the observer's seat, and with the boat on a lift it froze like a popsicle. that style of engine cover that seals to the floor has a down side of no airflow. the heater core was also damaged up in front of the driver's feet but it's all good now. The Hilltop club is a busy place, and runs a boat about 250 hours a season, so with about 900 hours total on that 2019, it's time to sell it and get another
  7. https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Boat_3Event&postid=66837
  8. This boat had an unfortunate series of events lead to a cracked engine in last winter's deep freeze. It had 900 hours on it previously, but now shows just over 8 hours due to the fresh powertrain. 6.2 L closed cooling system complete with new transmission and all the trimmings. Well taken care of, and in excellent condition. PM me, or call Matt Skoog, his number is in the SIA listing.
  9. Low pressure fuel pump issue. It’s old and draws too many amps. Time for new fuel pumps.
  10. https://skidim.com/manifold-exhaust-cat-6-0l-port.html https://skidim.com/manifold-exhaust-cat-6-0l-star.html
  11. @BGrow76 the original manifolds were a flawed casting design, and would crack around the primary 02 sensors, leaking water either into or out of. PCM had to do a redesign and the replacements are the improved design. The parts came from Ski DIM, at about $900. each and that was about 4 years ago.
  12. https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Boat_3Event&postid=66826
  13. great boat for an affordable price, the combination of a 6.0 closed cooling system and ZO Rev S is a sweet pull, 1280 hours but always taken care of, has a fresh set of cat manifolds and all the O2 sensors at 900 hours, Elbert's shaft/coupling kit upgrade, very nice, call/PM me if you need questions answered.
  14. As I went to do some OLR this afternoon, I realized that I needed to be "refreshed" in the realm of Safe Sport. It really only took 20 minutes, and was painless. The best part was not having to pay another $30. for a background check, but I guess that's going to be due next year again. Hopefully, the next re-fresh will be just as simple.
  15. 25 ft. lbs. is plenty. Use nylock nuts. 9/16 end wrenches are all you need.
  16. we had one years ago at the Broho, I'll look to see if i still have a copy. it was very detailed about members getting in and out as necessary
  17. one of my ski partners tried the switch to Reflex and a rtp, and just like @lpskier learned, it was not pretty to watch, and also did not go well. sadly, the only benefit that came out of that idea, was that someone on the BOS got a great deal on some barely used binders
  18. I heard Mark Lord has everything on sale in celebration, including the boats at his Kenmore location of Seattle Watersports.
  19. Darren is leaving the building and moving on to other things. Come say hello/goodbye from 4-7pm.
  20. @Hortondoes it need to go to youtube first ? then copy/paste the link ?
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