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Posts posted by jlittle

  1. @AB funny. I'm +/- a boat length on my starts anyway depending if my contacts have cleared or my shorts are straightened. And some days, my skirt is up over my head and in my eyes so the 55's are the least of my problems. Truth be told we put three -15 ropes together along with a made-up 5'-0 section. Then attached our ski handles to either end so the swimmers would have something decent to hang onto. After the swimmers were in the water and the line extended the boat idled over and dropped the buoys in. The boat then backed off a ways and put the educated eyeball on the buoy placement and the swimmers did a little anchor adjusting.
  2. @ToddL & @Than_Bogan don't poke the bear. Or add fuel to the fire as the case may be. Although gatornuts would probably get my vote.


    We already have a very large protractor made from Lexan with a hole drilled in it so it's registered over the pylon. Also attached to the pylon on a big C shaped clamp dealie is a gopro camera pointed down perpendicular to the protractor. I guess we're recording rope angles or something. There's strain gauges, accelerometers, GPS devices, heart rate monitors and a host of other things @gator1 has requested I wear & ski with.


    I've seen the drone hanging in the garage. I've been told I need to write a three page paper on angular momentum preservation and how it relates to my skiing. Single spaced no less. I'm now wondering if I will be testing a safer buoy. I'm not looking forward to that. However, I've seen the gator mod in action on several occasions. And if I'm forced to run over buoys I will have one on my binding set up. It does work.

  3. @richarddoane I'll be there. For both. Missed Baseline the last couple years do to family stuff. Although last year I was at a graduation ceremony in Florida and got to ski 3 out of the 5 days I was there. Which was a bonus. But then the airline broke my ski on the way home.
  4. @Wish not to beat the western WA state drum to hard, but that's pretty much what all of the ski sites look like up here. Little differences between them, and tons of hard work put into them, and not to down play "the BroHo" at all... but Ski Park, Maytown, Havaski, Warmans, Mint, Borderline, Hilltop, Radar, Rainier, etc etc... the list goes on.
  5. Thoughts & prayers.


    A few years ago I was able to catch a weekday set at Jim's place with @jedgell and another guy... Frank, I believe his name was. Yeah Frank, I'm sure that's it. The wife & I were traveling around from home, to Glacier, to Wyoming ski tourney, to Yellowstone, etc etc and we talked to Jim about stopping buy and staying the night after driving for the day. He welcomed us with open arms. Gave us a place to park and I even got to ski. If you're into run-of-mill scenery we have here in the NW, sunsets and waking up to deer surrounding your RV it wasn't a bad place to spend the night.







  6. This is pretty much what has been stated above...


    On Oct 13 I was sent an email from Bob Mayhew with a link to a survey (which I took). It was titled AWSA Tournamnet Skiing - 2012. There was no indication of who the survey was sent to. At first I thought it would have been sent to all memebers but after reading the email the survey centers around attending Regionals & Nationals. So, it may have only been emailed to skiers whose primary sport divison is AWS and/or skiers with a certain ranking (say Level 7 and above- guessing here). And if you don't have an email addy on file with AWSA you may not have recieved the survey. Yes AWSA, as the signature line in the email was the AWSA logo and the body of the email started out The Amercan Waterski Association is embarking... This is the survey they posted the results to on facebook.


    Fast forward to today. I recived another email today from USA Waterski asking to take a survey. This will actually be a 5 part survey with one email/survey each week for the next 5 weeks. This probably the survey @behindpropellors thread is refering. I have not taken thsi survey yet but I will.

  7. I can't believe I'm about to say this but... I agree with, and am in the same situation as, @MS. I run an Approach front binding also and have found nothing I like better. I just put my last new one on my ski for next year and then I'm going to have to get real serious about a switch. I have tried RS-1s, Stradas, FMs E series, T-factor and Stealths. Some of them for a ski ride or two but the Stradas & FMs for about a month & a half each. I have not tried Reflex yet.
  8. I'm with @gregy for the most part. And @OB post right above his is not a bad idea. You definitley need to continue to make the forum better but "big forums" have their downfalls too. I frequent one other forum quite a bit in the winter months. You actually have to pay a yearly fee to get "full access" to all the forum offers. This happened a couple years ago. If you think stars have caused an uproar try telling all the members they have to pay to use the forum. This other forum has several items they keep track of and it all shows up in the header of each post you make (points, level, activity, reputation, basic memeber, premium member etc). Other members can give "rep" to you (thumbs up-green) or (thumbs down- red) based on you posts and your reputation bar fluctuates as such. It appears some of this is already in place here to some degree.


    Anyway, I really can go either way with the stars. I understand what you're trying to accomplish and you may want to stay the course as the "issue" will die down some I'd guess. However, there needs to be a way of earning stars and also loosing stars.


    @Horton It appears you must be getting some grief behind the scene as I'm not seeing to much on the forum other than some light complaining and most of that I'm taking as sarcastic jabs. I think. ?? Are you over thinking this? Part of what make this forum good and keeps it under control to some degree is, "it's not a democracy".

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