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Everything posted by Phil2360

  1. Couldn't resist having a shot at @horton 's Bio. Specifically this line:- ........because now I am old. You poor old _______. Don't expect the old sympathy vote from us more olderer (kids word). Let's start a "Horton's Walking Stick Fund" & all donate. .
  2. @Horton , we need investigate the merits of Fat Sacks. Maybe putting them up the nose will soften the wake at some line lengths.
  3. @Klinger you should of added Wake boarders to your first statement. They could come here & contribute too. We could learn all about filling our boats up with 100's of kilos of water; what's the best in the Thumping sound systems for anoying others with shit music; and most of all........... The fine art of dispatching rollers & compression swells in all directions on public waters.
  4. @Klinger haven't been in a tournament since about '85, things must have changed since then as they always scored the 2 F-F 360's as well as the B-B's. I did use to do the Wbb & Wbbr after each other, forgot to list the Reverse till I read the post. Anyway wouldn't matter much today as the Back-Splat would probably be fitted in early in the pass, it's often after the BR or the first O. @Chef23 I've only ever been able to do Wrapped WO's. Incidentally, it's amazing how the falls don't become exponentially harder with age as they do in slalom.
  5. Had a bit of a read about after the Defunct Brands thread. Stumbled over this interesting read:- http://waterskimag.com/features/2001/06/14/the-ski-makers/ Enjoy.
  6. 30 years later & I can still run the same trick run I did at 17! S 40 SR 40 B 60 F 60 BR 60 FR 60 O 90 OR 90 BB 90 BBR 90 WB 80 WF 80 WBB 150 WO 150 WBBR 150 1290 in Total!!!!!!! Oh, forgot TB & TF, and occasional Toe-Wake-Splat, but then I got wise & retire the toe harness about 20 years back.
  7. Here's a few links:- http://www.ronmarks.com/Site/History.html http://www.fredwilliams.com.au/ http://www.rapid.net.au/ http://cgi.ebay.com.au/VINTAGE-WOODEN-WATER-SKIS-VEL-AQUA-DISPLAY-/320686528238 Phil
  8. I know some one mentioned Stinger. I seem to remember the name as "Western Stinger", & I think that was from the mid to late 70's. Was Denny Kidder who was behind them or someone else. I know it was one of the well known names from the industry. Still got a 1979 EP Comp X-2, Comp 1 & '80 Trick ski on my wall. Actually my boys were on the trick just yesterday. Anyone know who was behind EP back then (Besides Hart Industries & Composite Structures). Few more names to add to the list from Aussie Manufactures:- Fred Williams, Ron Marks, Vel Aqua & Rapid Waterskis. Maybe John can dedicate a page in the history section to all these old names & we could all send in some photos. Phil
  9. John, FYI. Still getting "Done but with errors on page" in some discussions. Just noticed it on the cable skiing thread. That thread looks & reads O.K. Just has the error at the bottom. Line 8 was the reference. Seems to be permissions related. /vanilla2/uploads/FileUpload/1/661.jpg Phil PS What did I do wrong in attemption to embed the attached image. 2nd edit; Now it is there after adding & saving the "PS" edit.
  10. Sorry, Must be missing the bent Aussie humor up there. Ball of Hair... Hair = Fur ie. fur as in cat has it. Fur ball as in Cats get them from licking themselves too much. Furballs that is. So in a bizare twist, if someone grooms themselves too much it may result in them coughing up a bit of.... whatever. Yes, we do think things out rather differently down here. Cheers Phil
  11. Hey John! Maybe you should just change it to "FurBallers"
  12. Quote- "Be nice to have page numbers at the top of the page. PIA to go to bottom to select later pages." Ctrl - End will jump you to the bottom of the page quicker than scrolling down.
  13. Quote:- "Any way to get a 'tool bar' at the bottom of the page so we can click back to the discussions without having to scroll back up to the top of the page. Since I always finish looking at the last post on the bottom, it would sure make it easier to navigate back to the list." There's a "Back to Discussions" Link right below the "Write Comment" box at the bottom of the thread. It's on the left.
  14. Personally don't like posts in reverse unless it's a user option. It's a bit un-natural to read a complete tread you've not been following from bottom to top. But to have the option to switch the order would be fine.
  15. Seem to remember reading years back in an old book that the "Total width of the course was equal to the length of a ski rope". This would agree with the pre metric dimension of 37 1/2 feet out to the buoys, (now 37' 8 3/4"). Also remember the same article stating that when the rope got to 35 off it only extended 2'6" past the buoys, & if someone was to "ever" make it to 38 off, the rope would fall 6" short of reaching the buoys. Maybe it's that extra 5 1/2" of width that's given me all the grief in later years.......... Phil
  16. Made the comment yesterday that it appeared to be fixed! Both of my IE7 platforms were fine at the time. Back the way it was now. Can't scroll to bottom of posts or the discussion index. Cheers
  17. Bugger. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country." My Mum, (74) wanted to buy me some of these:- http://www.radiguard.com.au/ Had to almost scream "Don't DO IT". Phil
  18. John, Presume you've done something in the last hour? Issue seems fixed. remainder of page loads as you scroll down now. IE still reports an error; Line: 8 Char: 5250 Error: Permission Denied Code: 0 URL: http://www.ballofspray.com/vanilla2/index.php?p=/discussion/2764/new-software Phil
  19. "Would it kill u to work w/ ie and read BOS with FireFox " Probably not, what I had to do here. Interestingly; I support & install hardware & software for small business clients with networks consisting of 6 to 12 PC's. The size & annual revenue of these sites seems to dictated that their IT equipment must last roughly 5 years. They also hate spending money on IT for some reason, maybe it's a parallel to "Cutting into their Skiing Budgets". Anyway that means life's dictated by what runs consistently over a variety of older systems & needs to be a bit of a constant quantity. Cheers Phil
  20. Come on..... IE7 proves to be relatively stable on 99% of sites & is a good fit for XP platforms. I have clients the need to interact with secure sites that simply don't work with IE 8 & above. (Typically insurance companies & companys including Ford & Mitsubishi.) They also need to stick with XP platforms as their in house software is only supported on that OS. Surely this forum can be made to work on those platforms. Cheers Phil P.S. please reply within the next few posts, cause I can't scroll down. (I suffer software Issues too, as part of my day job, with my clients, so I appreciate what it's like to deal with these issues). P.P.S. Chrome is one of my pet hates...... Simply because of the way it breaks all the ATO's business portals. ATO = Australian Tax Office. So it's simply not a good option for lot's of us. __________________________________________ Horton here.... I’ll answer inside your post so you can see …… 46% of the Ballers use IE If those 76% use IE 8 I do not like losing or inconveniencing readers but to move the site forward, I had to make some compromises. I have to make the site work best for the most users. Trust me I have been stressing about this upgrade for months. I am not 100% clear on the reason IE7 does not get the whole page. I will look for a solution. XP? really? Google = Evil? Yes but they make really cool evil stuff. Horton
  21. Hey John, FYI, Just clicked on this thread:- Other Stuff Enter to win a $200 ski shop credit or a copy of movie Gifted. 2011 BallOfSpray Reader Survey; Could only scroll down & see about 8 or 9 messages of the 36 & didn't seem to get any "Next Page" options at the bottom of the screen. Cheers Phil PS. Same on the "Namo" Thread. Only seeing the first 7 posts & no Next page.
  22. Hi All, Tried to watch the Perth Night Jumping last night & got nothing for about 1/4 of an hour after 9:00pm here in NSW. (GMT +11). Any ideas what happened? did it run late? Is available to watch from somewhere after the fact? Would be interested to have a look if it is. Cheers Phil
  23. Anyone know about TV coverage down here? Thought I saw a mention somewhere of something being televised on one of the Fox Sports channels. Dunno it that would have been FoxTel or Austar. Phil
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