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Everything posted by scoke

  1. I have been blowing out my right glove for about 2 years. No hair left either. Does anyone have any right gloves they want to swap for some lefts??
  2. Good call on the EIW video. I saw some nice clips in sets I. Also, at the very end of sets II, there is a badas$ overhead shot CP running some buoys. His shoulders are square to the course the whole pass. intense stuff.
  3. Parrish's build is similar to mine and Skidawg and JD both said recommended me to be skiing more like Parrish. (shoot for the moon!) So with that, watching as many and as much video has already helped me a bit. I have several videos of Parrish running some buoys but I am trying to compile some more. Around the net there are few but I just haven't come across one site that is hosting a ton of them.  Any links to some sites that have the mpeg/wmv files or even youtubes? Email me directly if you have videos or post some links. PLEASE. dcoke76 at yahoo.com or theredstapler@gmail.com
  4. Great looking boat! /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif It's my boat's twin, maybe mine is the 'evil' twin.
  5. Just joined up here......  Took two sets at JD's place Friday afternoon. Something definetly in that water, besides the nutria rats of course.  Took a set Saturday morning and had Skidawg finally tell me what's holding me back. Took another set at JD's saturday after lunch then back to BR.
  6. skidawg has me on a quest now. especially watching that video.
  7. Skibug, what boat was this setup in?  Like JD said, it seems to be more boat/engine setup than actual Gazer. I tend to agree as I skied the gazer again this weekend.  At 36mph, 28off, was getting smoked by 0.1 seconds on the first segment but end times were 16.08's. pull felt great and actually pb'ed for the year in the same set. very weird. scoke.
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