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Everything posted by ForrestGump

  1. I'm with you guys. That should now be counted. In essence, that was another round.
  2. I'm 6' and Dane is about 2 inches shorter than me. So I'd say that 5'10" is pretty close to accurate.
  3. Dane is just a really cool dude to hang out with.
  4. @LeonL I gave up my regular rating when it expired. As well as my regular judges rating. And regular scorer's rating. And when the regional person started messaging me about my ratings and getting them updated, I said please don't anymore, here's why.
  5. @Horton Throwing Buford in the lake doesn't impress me. I wanna see you throw the bug lady in the lake the next time she does something you don't like.
  6. There might be more that I don't remember. But the two I do remember are: 1. Diablo Shores Pro-Am 2012 Those HO EXO rail bindings released directly behind the boat going through the gate and I ate shit all the way to shore. I was sore for weeks after that one. 2. 2 weeks after Diablo Shores I got on a Reflex and first time at 35 BAM! it released through the gates. And I ate shit, cut my shin, and cut my forehead. And I was sore for weeks after. So those 2 crashes left me sore for a month.
  7. CP can make a 2x6 look good through 39.
  8. https://www.safetyresearch.net/litigation-pushes-ski-boat-manufacturers-to-safer-designs/
  9. It’s like we’re stepping back in time a dozen years to that horrific Mastercraft that was a great trick boat and a shitty slalom boat. How the tide has turned.
  10. Horton, Lynda probably calls your wife and they discuss your dumbness regularly.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JohGniYph-c
  12. Have you ever given a Panda to yourself? If not, now is the time.
  13. Interesting. Martin is still on Connelly's web site as a team skier.
  14. Obviously, you're just a better human than I am.
  15. #personalresponsibilityfixesalotofthingsinlife
  16. Hey @mike_mapple thanks for all you and @perfski do for Ballers and the ski community in general. Any idea when you'll have the '22 Vapor boots in?
  17. I've taken the SS course for 3 years due to being a USABMX coach. I get it for that. I just question the metrics that prove 1 kid is effected by participants taking it. I doubt if there are metrics because everything with USAW is a kneejerk reaction to something. Not only that, it can open anyone who has taken it to blame for not recognizing an infraction. That's one thing when you're a person running an event, a coach, an official. It's a completely other thing when you're just a guy showing up to participate. @wish just because parents today do not raise their kids with the same oversight, does not mean they shouldn't. They don't get a pass in my eyes. Their child is still their business. Now, if any participant should be consuming it, it should be the college kids. Old enough to be out of their parents grasp but not old enough to have wisdom. Maybe there'd be fewer women in their 30s admitting to being molested in college if we did something meaningful like that. @BraceMaker I too know people in gymnastics as my stepkids were on the path before they and and that mean lady that tells me what to do got smart. I'm sorry but I saw a lot of parents putting wayyy to much faith in other people and not paying attention to what their children were doing and saying. With fathers living in other states while mothers were here in Houston with their kid so the kid could train. Dropping them off at the gym and going to a coffee shop to work. Or getting on their laptop or tablet in the viewing room and not having a clue what was happening. Or the kid living here with a coach while the parents were in California. Even after it was coming out about Nasser, there were still teenage girls living here on their own with coaches and gym owners. WTF are parents thinking.
  18. @horton man, if you would just pull in the transition, you'd smoke 39 and rocket through 41. Seriously, there's some things happening that are the best I've seen from you. I'm finally seeing your hip drop on top of the buoy on your on side, where we were seeing you go full counter to a whip motion back the other way before. Not sure if it's the ski or not. But I like what I'm seeing here.
  19. The thing I keep comign back to in my head is that there are a lot of top level ski talent all saying "WTF are you trying to say?!?!" You two (@gavski and Mr Prissy or whoever he is) might have the secret to nirvana, but if the best you can come up with is how you're trying to communicate this, then you just sound like pie in the sky, tutie frutie marshmallows.
  20. It's much easier to ski in the wind rather than pee into the wind. Words of wisdom to live by.
  21. Rest assured, if I break even 1 rib I'm not doing a deep water start the next day.
  22. If you are inconsistently balanced on that ski, you're going to be unbalanced on the next one too.
  23. Probably didn't even need to be posted, JTH. The people in the know will have vastly different perceptions and beliefs than the ones who are on the outside looking in. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Just being realistic.
  24. The one real pre-release I had in hardshells was the old HO hybrid boot thingy on the common rail. Whatever it was called. In practice, 35 off at Diablo Shores in 2012 it released through the gates and I splattered myself all the way to shore. I was more than a little sore and just a lot gun shy the rest of the weekend. I got on Reflex when I got back.
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