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Everything posted by MrJones

  1. We have gates. Go through them...
  2. There has to be something that you must start after as you are entering the course. Otherwise just pull out to the right, start around 1, and you've created the 5 buoy slalom course.
  3. Another issue for us cursed lefties is that we tend to just "start to lean" vs. "make a turn toward the gate, then lean". I don't think you position there looks bad at all, but what happens when you start to move toward the gates? Do your hips move forward with the handle as you rotate, or do they drop back as the handle moves forward when you turn in? (I just recognize this as it seems I've been working on it all summer)
  4. I believe that higher is better and more front foot is better. Both are uncomfortable for most of us. Some guys like Will can be back, but make such a dynamic move over the ski before the buoy it works. If you want to see forward check out any CP video or Greg Badal in the Rev6 commercial from Goode. Watch where the water break is as he begins his move in. To answer your question about timing. I believe that front foot pressure is the key. A lot of us panic and rock back when we feel that we are going to be any bit fast for the turn in. That makes it worse as the ski just runs down the lake. Staying over your front foot gives you much more control. (Now if I can just do it myself)
  5. Okay. Someone with the know how please post some pics of the LaPoints back in the day. What is old is new again. Personally, I think Willy looks freakin' cool with it. Not everyone can swing it, but his works.
  6. On a positive note, I was at a Texas tournament this weekend where a Boys 3 skier from Louisiana was skiing his first and a newish G2 skier also from Louisiana was slaloming and tricking. There was a good supportive crowd happy to answer all the normal questions about how things worked. There are a lot of very nice and helpful people in the sport.
  7. We had 1 M2 slalom skier here in the SCR a few years ago. Not good.
  8. One more thought. I think "back in the day" when most tourneys were 3 event and done over 2 days it was more fun. I did some trick and jump (even though I was terrible) just for fun as I was there anyway. With all the down time we had some epic sand volleyball tournaments while the skiing was going on. It's almost what I see with little kids now. They play in the water until it's time to ski, then get back to playing and have a great time of it. Seems I remember doing an adult version of this back then. 6 rounds of slalom is great, but from a social/fun aspect I think something has definitely been lost.
  9. I agree that it's hard to see it growing. I believe the change from a sport that was done at public lakes or in open club settings to one done in private ski subdivisions and/or in my own lake has been the issue. It's expensive, hard to access, and takes a lot more effort to set up than just throwing a tube or wakeboard in the boat and heading out to public water.
  10. I'm sure if there is an issue it will get worked out pretty quickly. There are usually a few things to change anytime something new if tried. Until then I'll go back to my prior post about bindings. Everyone should own a drill and a Dremmel.
  11. Congrats to Chad. Great to see you ski that well man! Also. Pretty cool to hear of Nate getting a full 3@43. Will be cool to see that go down. It also brings something to mind that maybe Kris LaPoint said back in the day when it was thought it would be impossible to run 41. "If you can get to 3 ball, it can be run".
  12. Agreed. I'm 175 lbs. on the 67" and it doesn't feel close to small. If you get a chance to try a 67" vs. the 68" give it a try.
  13. Normally I agree with you jwroblew, but we are heading out there Saturday morning for a trip and I don't ski till Friday. I don't normally like to try and practice due to the hassle of it, but in this case I probably will. Glad it sounds like they have a plan.
  14. Our family will be there. Flying out Saturday before Nats for Sun/Mon overnight rafting trip. Try to scrounge a practice ride on Tuesday, the ski Wed-Friday. Looking forward to our first trip to Idaho!
  15. That sounds about right from my time on the ski. Good work!
  16. I agree with liquid d about it not being a big deal. We can't all just agree on here or it would be boring. Try both, run what works!
  17. No. If you are lefty I would stay backward on the grip. Most lefty skiers are not nearly as balanced/even in their leans and turns as RFF skiers. Most people are right handed. Being a lefty and right handed it's very easy to over turn and over lean out of 1-3-5. That then screws up 2-4-6. I'd stay where you are.
  18. I wish the solution to improve tournament skiing participation was as simple as a schedule change. I'd go for it in a minute if I thought it would make a bit of difference, but I don't.
  19. Am I missing something here. I don't race bikes, do Tri's, or run 10K's, but don't most of those events start early on a Sat/Sun morning? Is there a noon start/hangover division?
  20. Looks like he should be "fighting" Al Qaeda you mean. He's got the SEAL team look.
  21. Was it not running smoothly?
  22. +1 on the binding. Don't know how you go from Reflex to that and run 41 on that ski. Willy is a stud...
  23. I prefer to think of it as and early sacrifice of a few young ones to the lake as an offering for smooth water and no glare...
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