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Everything posted by MrJones

  1. We will be there. Only been going around buoys for about 3 weeks after 7 months off. Skiing expectations very low. Fun, friends, and food expectations are high!!!
  2. Haven't been in 3-4 years. You have pictures???
  3. I see a score of 0' for Freddy. What happened?
  4. Living in the country is great. Can ski in the back yard. Shooing range behind the shop. Etc., Etc.. Unfortunately, internet service stinks. Wish I could have watched yesterday but it was a no go here. Scores looked awesome and I'm looking forward to it being archived where we can eventually see it.
  5. Is it playing for you guys? I'm getting at work, but my wife is having trouble at home. Says it's not currently streaming.....
  6. Probably be a good idea to get to a good PT for a few weeks and get some face to face help. You can likely go a long time before considering any surgery if you do some maintenance on yourself and activity modification.
  7. Played a bit of pick up basketball in the driveway years ago with Favret, Fisher, and a couple of guys pulling ski school for Sammy. (I guess you could loosely call what I did "basketball" as I'm not a player)
  8. Finally got the issue of the magazine and then the time to read most of it last night. First thought was "Wow, there are some great pics and articles in here." Second thought was "Wow, there are no advertisers in here. How long will this last?".
  9. What is he slaloming on these days? Those scores are amazing btw...
  10. I'm LFF BTW FWIW... Would not be if I had to do it over.
  11. First, and possibly most important, turn in the course is the one into the gate.
  12. Left foot forward skiers who are right handed tend to be more back foot dominate. If he's right handed I'd make him a RFF skier. This has played out with my kids who are all right handed, with two being LFF and one being RFF. If I had it to do over I'd have made them all RFF no doubt. (Full disclosure. This came from a dock discussion with KLP and Andy at a Big Dawg tourney. You may blow off my recommendation, but take theirs for what it's worth... which is a lot.)
  13. Just a reminder. Most of us on here are older and nursing chronic injuries. It's not a question of "are they good exercises?", it's are the appropriate for you, are you performing them correctly, and is the load appropriate? I have chronic back issues including surgery. Heavy squats irritate it and I believe likely accelerate my progression to a possible fusion in the future. Therefore, I use a curling bar with about 50-60# max across my chest in a front squat position so I lighten my load and ensure good posture for the lift. The impact of jogging also inflames my disc. I use the lifecycle and elliptical instead. Ditto for deep/heavy squats with knee meniscus or arthritis issues.
  14. Horton. Yes, but I have both of those skis in the rack and the Nano is a good bit shorter than the Vapor regardless of advertised size. I'm not disagreeing with you about the concept, but those 2 skis don't seem to prove much in regard to binding distance from tail. :)
  15. I only check on this thread about once per week, and then only in passing. Is this a done deal or still up in the air?
  16. Watched a very little bit at work this afternoon. Seems every time I clicked in there was an ad on so I gave up. From past webcast I assume ads mean that it's down time between events. I understand there strategy, but I don't think it's going to work.
  17. FWIW. I'm a skier, a PT, and back manager for 25 years including surgery. I agree with several of the things mentioned here. Mainly that you buy Stuart McGill's "Low Back DIsorders" book to educate yourself first. My quick take from what you have said is that you will very likely be able to ski. Getting rid of the extra (and unneeded) wear and tear of heavy squats and dead lifts is going to be a must. Extremity flexibility and core strength/stability are also a must. Certain skis load you back in different way's (which seems odd, but is very true) so you may need to experiment there. It is management rather than cure, but it is doable. Good luck on the journey.
  18. I only check in here occasionally in the winter, and have taken only a cursory look at this thread, but my offhand poorly thought out comment is... "I've always liked 36". :)
  19. If Nats was open to 100% of competitive skiers, would it really change attendance? I think it might pull in a few more than currently go just so they would have the experience, but I imagine that would only be a 1 or 2 time thing. Where it would help increase ski numbers is with families. There were five of us there last year but 2 of the kids weren't qualified and therefore didn't ski. A quick survey of the kids showed me that one would have skied just for fun and the other wouldn't have. Anyway, my point is that I don't think as currently run it's going to get much bigger regardless of who you open it up to. Either open it wide and include a lot of other stuff to make it a draw, or make the thing a true championship and only allow top regional and/or ranking list skiers to attend.
  20. I like the magazine, but I'm old school. Could it be an option? My other sport organization is the United States Practical Shooting Assn. They have a magazine and no magazine option. I think it's like $35 with the mag and maybe $15-20 without. You are a member and have access to matches/scoring/ranking with the cheaper version, just no mag.
  21. Performance based grouping instead of age based. (Exception for very young or very old if they chose it)
  22. This is nothing new. I skied 36 mph (except at regionals and nats) until I was 42. Can't guess how many times I brought up, here and on other boards, the fact that in Canada you can simply stay in M2 forever if you want. Finally got tired of fighting the system and went women's speed full time. Still not over it...
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