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Everything posted by Than_Bogan

  1. @scoke I'm fairly sure you've lost your mind, but at least in a very entertaining way!! If you wanna get back to actually betting about whether Caldwell runs 41 in 2022, ping me as I may still be interested.
  2. @UWSkier Regina used to get insane tip rise and then slap the ski back down and pull like a maniac. But I don't recall seeing that in years. I think that mostly went away around the time of the original N1.
  3. I didn't actually vote for Adam (hm, I guess Horton didn't either), but I could see joining this bet. I don't bet for profit, I bet for fun. And while I would most likely lose this one, it would be DAMN FUN if I won. In lieu of expensive disinfectants, my prize would be to bring it up constantly in all context regardless of whether it had anything to do with the topic at hand. But of course I can't do that unless I actually enter the bet and I actually win! So if the Trophy Lakes limitation is removed, I will seriously consider it.
  4. Really good officiating. They reviewed where needed and got it right quickly. Regina and Nate are absolute marvels, but it'll be a little more fun as a spectator if some folks truly close the gap on them. I wonder if maybe Jamie Bull can be The One. She's a lot younger! On the men's side? I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see it. Yes, there are several who can beat Nate, but he's still gonna be a big favorite every time.
  5. Oh man this is so perfect. Big track meet all day Saturday and then I can watch this all day Sunday!!
  6. I'd say Caldwell is "closest," but there's so much more room to improve when you're young, so I am guessing with youth. Rooting for Adam though!!
  7. That's Nerd Sarcasm. You can tell by the details that make it clear that @RazorRoss3 is already aware of an obvious reason that could be the correct formula. (My apologies if your questioning of it was next level sarcasm and you already knew that...)
  8. If these are your problems, your life is goooooooood.
  9. Always drop unless {}. (Little math humor there, but anyhow always drop.)
  10. Waterski podcasts: occasionally. Non-waterski podcasts: never (so far)
  11. Fwiw, Jamie Beauchesne basically told me that canting was mandatory for genuine hard shells, and he had a whole system with strings taped to the knee and checking the angle of the hanging string vs. certain body parts. I've forgotten the details because I determined I was more of a soft boot guy.
  12. @Sedge Well that is literally the best possible answer! If that's not already prominent on your web page, I suggest you make it be!
  13. @Sedge What can you tell us about how you achieve and measure accuracy? In an ideal world a rope would start within the allowed range at all lengths, and then settle to exactly correct over time. Of course, we don't live in an ideal world, but the accuracy of a rope throughout its lifetime is probably the single biggest factor for me. Much more important than price (within reason).
  14. Encourage anyone and everyone to buy one of those bad boys! It's never gonna make its way to 3-event boats unless lots of rich folks pony up the $300k for that behemoth!
  15. Oh dang Minsk isn't even in Russia, but I guess Belarus has been the only country kinda supporting this obscene invasion, so I can understand the cancelation.
  16. Pretty sure it's Vladimir Putin. He skates circles around top Russian players and his shot is so good it looks like the goal keeper is diving out of tbe way!
  17. Curling rocks! It's more "game" than "sport"-- but hey I love watching poker, too!
  18. I interpret the rule in the same skier-friendly way that @Horton describes as the "spirit," but it seems obvious that some improvement of the rule is possible, given that other reasonable people interpret it differently. That said, sometimes trying to get a rule to be extremely precise can backfire. We all used to know when a football player caught the ball except in some rare situations. In an effort to clarify the correct call in those rare, ultra-difficult cases, they ended up in a place where only a hard-core rules expert has any idea what is a catch and what isn't -- even for ordinary situations! There may be cases where saying "use your judgment and err toward the skier if you're confused" is actually as far as we should go.
  19. I would guess that another angle would show the ball significantly displaced and therefore no additional buoys. But if this video is the only evidence available, then I have to give another 1/2, simply because I can't be confident that it's not.
  20. In part because of this thread, I recently learned two related facts that I absolutely cannot believe a nerd like me didn't learn until I was 50! 1) It turns out that the length of a "day" is actually not exactly 24 hours each day, if you define a day not by the human-imposed time measurement, but rather by the time it takes for the earth to actually make one full rotation (relative to the sun). [This relates to the earth following an elliptical rather than circular orbit.] 2) This actually causes the sunrise time to continue to get later (in terms of our human-imposed time) for quite a while after the winter solstice. This is because the entire window of daylight is drifting later. (Reason: our 24-hour day and the astronomical day aren't the same length.) So right after the winter solstice, both the sunrise and sunset times get later (and the length of daylight is also increasing). Depending on your latitude, this can continue either for just a few days, or well into January. So if you were thinking "I thought the days were getting longer, why does it seem like the sun is coming up later?" -- the answer is that both were happening!
  21. With the market where it is right now, $21k strikes me as the right price for that boat. It's not a "deal," but if I were a serious buyer I'd be offering the $21k before someone else does!
  22. A good herbicide should take care of those plants growing in your skin and then you'll be good to go! -Possibly Not Actual Doctor
  23. As in almost all education, if you take it seriously you may learn something. If you don't, you definitely won't. I took several days to complete it (a few years ago) because I did want to take it seriously and I kept needing a break after getting angry about the incredible abuse of the coaching relationship that was implied had happened.
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