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Everything posted by h2oski

  1. Now that everything is up, everyone can get their entries in! Terry
  2. My opinion is a little different than John's so I'll throw it out for discussion. One preseason tournament-May, four regular tournaments June, July, August and September-October. Enter our online tourney each time you ski in a "C" or higher event. When you enter each event, the average you use would be your current one. Scored the way sanctioned events are scored, one score per tournament, one two or three rounds. I like a separate entry each time you ski a tournament because your average could change each week if you're skiing tournaments or by the droppping of scores that become more than 12 months old. If you ski three tournaments in a month you should have to pay a whopping $3 to get three shots at posting the top score! It was pointed out to me this weekend that your "average" is not really your average score, but the average of your three best tournament scores so the winner in the early events may be "closest to their average" instead of the most over their average! What's everyone think? I finally got to ski this weekend Laku's water temp was 55 air 59.
  3. Richard, I think each time you ski would be a separate entry. Your average could be different at the end of the month than it was early in the month. Your best score over your average that month would be used for the standings.
  4. Todd, you have brought up some really good points. Here are my thoughts: For this year, I think we can go crazy trying to handle all the "what ifs". With the entry being a $1 a month or a $1 a tournament, its a fun thing. I hope we could get at least a 100 or thousands of skiers who are willing to invest the dollar. Hopefully they will ski an average of 5 events this year and they are skiers from beginners to extreme shortline. Then we would have over 500 rides to look at through the winter.  Maybe at that time, we can tweak things to level the playing field. If it looks like we can achieve a greater level of fair competition by changing things or if we find out its good the way it is, then we could make the tournament more interesting next year. Now,to add to your comments, I'm a 22 off skier and I had two PB's in tournaments last year, both by a 1/2 bouy.  Skiers with a average of 5@ 28 off or 4 to 5 at any longer lengths have a chance of besting their average by as much as 3-4 bouys because they have a good chance to get around 2 at the next length if they finish the pass they are working on. A skier with a average of 5 @38 may not have as good a chance of getting past 2 at 39 if they made 38 in a tourney.  If we can get enough skiers to participate, I think we may find that competition may be more even by putting skiers in two or three groups based on averages, instead of one large group. The good skiers are probably better at getting through their easier passes and "getting a shot" at beating their average each round than someone like myself who doesn't get to that pass every time. Everyone, enter tournaments, pay your dollar and lets see what happens! Terry
  5. Yep, this one is based on your average from sanctioned competition and the scores you ski this season in sanctioned events. Wade is doing a summer league on his site where you can gather your buddies and enter based on your practice scores. The "average system" in place now opens the door for a lot of different ideas based on averages and handicapping. Anyone doing optional "side pots" at their tournaments with payoffs based on handicap scores, similar to what you might find at a bowling league? Cam, any kind of organized competition where averages are maintained that you participate in? Terry
  6. I would like to sponsor a internet tournament for BOS readers. Here is how it could work. You would enter each time you skied in a class C or higher event. There would be 4 tournaments in the series, June, July, August and Sept/October. The rules would be few and simple: 1. Skiers would enter a day or two prior to each tournament they ski in with their name, region, division, current average from the AWSA website, and the name of the tournament they will be skiing. 2. Men and Women 1 and up divisions only, no BG divisions. Everyone skis in one division. 3.  Averages must be based on at least three tournaments in the last 12 months. AWSA applies a penalty which lowers your average if you skied in less than three. Honor system: If your scores are @15 off and you are being scored at long line, please adjust your average so it reflects your actual buoy count and If you have three scores on your average but they were 87.5, 89 and 2.5, you might want to adjust that to a realistic figure. 4. Most bouys over average each month wins a EZfintool. How about if we charged a $1 via paypal each time you entered and that was paid back each month 50% 1st, 30% 2nd and 15% 3rd with 5% from each month held back and paid to the individual with the most over average for the entire series. I have talked to John about this. We need help. If anyone has a idea of how this could be setup online so that it would be quick and easy to enter and track the scores and if they would volunteer to help set it up and or run it that would be great! Comments or ideas on the format and rules or if there is even any interest in it would be appreciated. We just want to keep it a fun type event. If there is enough interest and we could get it setup, we would like to make May a test run to see how it works and John would award a BOS Tshirt to the winner. Terry
  7. Interesting Jim, .099 is on my D3 RC. Anyone else figured it on their ski?
  8. I have great news for everyone using the Ezfintool. Many of you have said how much easier it is to get consistant DFT readings with the Ezfintool, but you really wished that there was an easier way to convert the full DFT readings to the flat measurements which everyone seems to use. I have posted a update on my website, ezfintool.com that explains in detail how you can use the Ezfintool and get the flat measurements instead of the full DFT readings. Once you have everything setup for your ski, its still the fastest, most simple and consistant way to measure your fin. Terry Bandel ezfintool.comÂÂ
  9. Mrs. MS, Picture is attached, open the attachment under my message. Terry
  10. I put a utility basket on mine, covered the top rails with pipe insulation, and use bungee cords to hold the skis on. The basket is a good place to haul ropes, handles, vests, etc. Terry
  11. For anyone that is interested, Joel Hughes did a detailed review of the product on his website, fifteenoff dot com. Its under the reviews tab. Terry
  12. Laku has two 09's with ZO for sale and I know we have worked out delivery in the past, usually by a club member.
  13. After constantly struggling with trying to consistently measure DFT, I have designed a tool that provides a way to measure the "Full DFT" on a ski and do accurately. In addition, the tool allows you to measure depth without disturbing the wing. The "Full DFT" measurement will be longer than measurements currently used. If you are just making a DFT adjustment it shouldn't matter, If your sharing specs, it should be simple to figure the conversion for your ski. Connelly has the Full DFT measurement for the Prophecy on their website. With the EZ Fin Tool, you can check all three fin measurements in about a minute. For anyone attending the Western Regionals at Laku, I'm a member and will be there all week, look me up and give it a try. I will have a few with me to sell if anyone is interested. Price will be $40. Attached are some pics. Terry Bandel
  14. Were all of the boats powered by 5.7L engines?
  15. Shane, The front part of the Malibu seat lifts up and back to form a "booster seat" works great for me.
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