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Everything posted by Dirt

  1. I understand what you are saying but if they wanted it done, it would be done. We have been trying to get a certain thing changed at work for more than three years. Insert excuses why it isn't being done here ______. New boss shows up. Two days later, problem solved.
  2. @bishop8950 That is a good question. I am not sure. My point is that where there's a will, there's a way. Everyone keeps pointing fingers at everyone else instead of just getting it done. It should not take years to make this minor and simple change. Nautique built a beautiful new boat that in a few ways does not comply with the rules. You can bet they will (and should) change them to allow the boat to be used. It will not take two plus years like this ZO revision that a large number of members want.
  3. I don't believe it is Zero Off resisting this change. USAWS does not seem motivated to do it. They changed their name. They changed the membership structure. They are most likely going to change a bunch of rules to allow the new Nautique to have moveable gate thingies and 25%/75% trick ballast, etc... If they wanted to get this done for the members they could and would. The tail many times wags the dog. I blame this whole debacle on MS, Horton, Skidawg, Thager and Scoke.
  4. Demo skis if you can or borrow one. Skis are a personal preference. I let a friend ride my favorite ski and he hated it.
  5. @OldboyII the neck on my drysuits was not that tight. Folding it over kept it from leaking. If you are correct, I highly recommend @Horton fold his over. I don't want him dead, just less talkative.
  6. @jercrane I had an O'neil neoprene necked drysuit and a skiwarm. I never cut the neck. You can fold it in to make a better seal.
  7. I talked to some people who skied behind it and drove it and the reviews were very good. That is not surprising, it is a Nautique. The brown seadeck looks like an old wood panel station wagon. If it was grey it wouldn't be so overpowering.
  8. live scoring http://nautiquebigdawg.com/2018-stop-1-okeeheelee-west-palm-beach-fl/
  9. This MasterCraft was at the lake all week.
  10. Another NorCal MasterCraft arrived this week for Bel Acqua Lake 1
  11. @eleeski I assumed he resurrected the thread to point out that the last time @eddie_roberts_jr agreed with @Horton was 5 years ago
  12. I was impressed with the email USAWS sent out yesterday. I could not figure out how to post it without it being an unreadable screenshot. Maybe @JeffSurdej can post a generic one with all the information and @Horton can keep it at the top of the threads to promote Regionals and Nationals. For those that have not seen it yet, it was really well put together. The email congratulates the recipient on qualifying and advises of the Regionals participation requirement, lists regional locations and dates, provides links for registering for Nationals and the Goode Nationals website, and invites you to plan now to attend. It also includes a podium picture and a drone photo of the Lakes at Mystic. Maybe we can start an ongoing poll thread of who is attending, how you are getting there [motorhome, personal airplane or helicopter, Southwest???, scooter (like dumb and dumber)], who you are travelling/attending with, where you are staying and anything you plan to do on the way or while there. One of the things that has made Nationals less fun than it was back in the day, is that you get there and nobody has planned out what to do each night ahead of time. People are tired, they spread out and do things on the fly. Nobody knows where to meet up or what is going on. We used to all get together and go cart race, eat dinner and bar hop as one example from a Regionals in the Northwest. Nationals in Idaho were really fun with the mechanical bull, band, portable bar and night jump. Okee had night Big Dawg. Maybe these events will gain more steam and be more fun if we plan ahead and talk about where to go and what to do. We need to do a better job of congratulating people at tournaments when they qualify for Regionals and Nationals. Now it will be easy. We can keep generic copies of this email and hand it to them when they qualify. Tell stories of fun times at past Nats and Regionals and encourage attendance.
  13. Are unicorns that piss rainbows possible? Will MS stop drinking good beer? Will Horton stop making it complicated? Will Thager stop making me spit coffee out of my nose with his funny comments? Will Super Greg ever beat Skidawg again?
  14. What was that supposed to accomplish? It makes the shoreline more unsafe for everyone. Can you rock the shore on the other side of it?
  15. I agree with Horton. I can't believe I just typed that. Start at stock. If you have any problems, email or call Paul Crawford or Will Bush. They will help you.
  16. Dirt


    I am in Dallas scouting out the new BOS Drone.
  17. Great ideas. I like the model where one member declares a tournament set and the other (driver/spotter) verifies the score. I have not golfed much but have seen some cheatin you know whats out there. On a side note, Skidawg can beat SuperGreg at golf too.
  18. @jimbrake Great news. The best part is Mateo getting to pick colors again.
  19. Nor Cal Promo Fleet ready to go. This photo does not include Jim Williams, Will and Elaine Bush, BallOfSpray Boat or in production: Marcus Brown, Matteo Vargas, Tim Vaio and Phil Todd. I was told that this may be the largest and best support of tournament water skiing in the world by one dealer and one manufacturer.
  20. Great video. It gave me nightmares. I was having a blast with Greenwood and Skidawg but realized I was living with Horton.
  21. Newberry Springs is a little over 2 hours. There are a few lakes there. I recommend Horton Lakes so you can have Jack and Gretchen tell you stories of all the embarrassing things John did as a child.
  22. Second ride of the year behind this one. It will be in SoCal soon
  23. Dirt

    2018 Predictions

    @brettmainer I shower in the lake when I ski
  24. I lost my trick judge rating. I'll get it back in case horton comes up this way and decides to trick.
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