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Posts posted by Dirt

  1. @jcamp and @MDB1056 I completely disagree.

    Adding all this red tape to ski will not save one child. This whole thing is a stupid overreach. Many members will quit. I hope they get an attorney to file a class action to get their pro-rated dues back.

    It may be welcome news if you were not very competitive. You will have a much higher ranking next year. There may be a lot less competition.

  2. @JeffSurdej thank you for your service as President and taking the time to respond in retirement. I guess its not a bunch of requirements. It has been driver backgrounds, clinics, the judge background check and safesport.

    It is the implementation without communication and input from the membership that bothers me.

    There have been many great comprises suggested here.

  3. @JeffSurdej nobody is going to just go ski and the organization won’t exist if we keep saying stupid sh.. like this is inevitable. We don’t have to have all these ridiculous mandates.

    They didn’t have airplanes and skate parks for many years because of stupid liability but they eventually fixed the problem. The answer is not to just accept it and deal with it.

    I bet most of the membership will not just accept it and ski tournaments. They will just quit tournaments and go ski.

    I appreciate Jeff Surdej hard work.

    I think a better answer is maybe we all demand a prorated refund on our memberships for being deactivated.

  4. Why can’t the organization make a ten minute video and then attach another liability waiver to tournaments where we acknowledge we are now mandatory reporters?

    From what I read in the “why” email that would be all that is required. Our judges don’t have alone time with minors.

  5. Federal law has become a joke. Its illegal to take money from foreign nations in exchange for access and influence. Its illegal to alter documents and mislead a federal judge. Has anyone been prosecuted?

    Would they arrest USAWS officials for non-compliance? That Federal Statute is a joke. Jay walking is illegal

  6. I fear that this heavy handed broad sweeping approach to limit liability will do exactly that. There wont be much liability because there wont be many members left. It also opens the door for a 3 event only organization to fill the void. That will probably be what is needed anyway.

    3 event and show ski supporting everyone else is not sustainable. It feels like the organization (USAWS) has not listened to us (AWSA) for years.

  7. @ALPJr thats hilarious. I get it. Is this what we are doing now?


    I was talking to a skier friend today. He Was so excited about all the new regulations requirements and cost that he can’t wait to ski next year. He said it was so attractive he would be able to sign up 20 or 30 new members next year. They were thrilled about providing their Social Security number and paying $30 so they could sit in the tower all day.

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