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Everything posted by Ed_Johnson

  1. Thanks @MickeyThompson ... Glad to know I had a positive influence !!! And thanks to all those for all the "Awesomes." That was quite a surprise and a Great Birthday Present !!! LOVE my BOS Friends !!!
  2. Today is my 71st Birthday, and how did I spend it, SKIING !!! Doesn't get any better than that. Have there been injuries, sure. Mostly weird things like hitting a sunken coconut on the Wailua River in Kauai and breaking an ankle. Then there was hitting an alligator at 35 off crossing the wakes at max speed at Okeeheelee years a go. That was good for a year off. Sh*t happens. But reflecting back, I survived years of skydiving, racing cars, dirt bikes, 25 years of flying Airshows upside down, less than 10 feet off the ground at over 300 mph, and 2 Combat Tours flying fighters. Since I turned 71 today, I was explaining to my ski partner, not skiing is more dangerous. The health benefits from skiing greatly outweigh the risks. It's the greatest exercise that you don't even notice your doing because adrenaline is flowing. At the gym I am totally aware when lifting weights the whole time it's happening, and it's not fun. When skiing, all the attributes I experienced from road course racing, split second thinking while flying, G Forces etc, and pure excitement are all there. Plus, no matter how good you get, you just shorten that rope, and the challenge never ends. Which makes it more exciting and you can never get bored. Bottom line, I consider it to be the closest we will ever get to the FOUNTAIN of YOUTH !!! May we all ski past 100...That should be the goal !!!
  3. @Horton.. May explain why you seem to like the C75 so much !!!
  4. Some years a go I was at Regionals early, and in the practice round, hit a buoy and sprained my ankle. Thought I was done, but they gave me an exemption without even asking. It was totally their idea and I was thankful for that.
  5. @Golson... You may have a point. My main ski partner, Zack Meyers, has been on his 16 since they came out. Every year he has tried a new demo, and totally prefers his 16. He runs back to back 38's every set and a few 39's.
  6. @scuppers ... Canon Vixia G50 with Optical Image Stabilization, 20x Optical Zoom, Dual SD Cards, and HDMI plus USB Interface, plus Remote Control. I got mine 2 years ago for $1200. The model it replaced was a G20, which was a little smaller and lighter, and I have seen some of those on Amazon for $795. The remote lets you do stop action and 2 slow speed modes 1/8th and 1/4 speed, in FWD and REV. Great for sitting in your easy boy and watching on your big screen.
  7. @"Keith Menard" .... The great thing about the windows was that you knew you had the Max Amount of Forward COM lean when you could look through the windows and see the boat !!!
  8. I have had every Camera Mount available since 1992. Wakeye broke on me twice, sending my camera to the floor. For the last 2 years have been using the Ski Doc Orbit with a high end Canon Camera and the picture is Perfect. No vibration what so ever. Absolutely could not ask for a better picture. Plus the Canon has a remote control that allows you to sit back and watch it on the big screen in slow-mo and fast forward through the sit times.
  9. Question...Since they narrowed the ski and reduced the surface area, should we now consider going to the next larger size. ie: if you were on a 67" should you now go to a 68". How much difference does this change make ???
  10. @skibrain....At 6'4"@220lbs I figured the EVO-S would be too soft for me, so I never tried it. The regular EVO was the fastest D3 I have ever been on. The one I had was a 2018. I plan to try the 2019 after Nationals, since I have heard that it was greatly improved. The 2 skis on my Radar after Nationals are the new EVO and the Denali.
  11. I have been using the Reflex Thin Liner in my R-Style for years now. Heat mold it and it fits perfectly.
  12. After 9 Goode's, 3 HO's, 4 D3's and Mapple, by far the fastest, least effort ski was the Sans Rival. Nothing compares to it in speed or effort. Wish they still made it.
  13. @customski ...Horton is on the Med, are you on the Large ?? Also, do the settings differ much between the different sizes ??
  14. Sure would like to know if there are any 200lb plus Guy's on the C75, since it is only 65" and varies slightly in Width.
  15. Rumor is that they will put that in the new 2020 Mid-Engine Vette as a ZO6 Model rated at 750HP, then up it in the ZR1 Model to 1000HP....Now a 1000HP Nautique I can only dream of. Love my 409 !!!
  16. That's a shame. It would have been fun to get one and have a contest between my ski partners, where they could just bolt their own bindings on that they are use to, and see who could run the shortest line.
  17. Question? Does the Hovercraft have standard binding pattern inserts front and rear. ie: Can I just switch my Reflex front and R-Style Rear on there ?
  18. Wonder how it compares to the Big Daddy. I had a ski partner running shortline on it at 24 MPH, and said it was a blast.
  19. Just acquired the D3 Inserts... Before I use trial and error, does anyone know what size drill bit to use to install these. THX
  20. Both improved performance over the stock fin. CG improves every aspect of the ski and easiest for practice, with a HUGE sweet spot. But the WF will give you balls out performance when set up right.
  21. Had both the CG and WF on 2 Vapors. On one I had to loosen the screws that hold the fin block to the ski to get it in initially but worked fine after that.
  22. @Magee...We were going there from Memphis with our MC190 through out the 80's. Use to stay at the Red Apple Inn. We were going to buy a house on the opposite side of the cove from where the Marina/Slalom Course was located. Then the Airline I was flying for opened up a 747 Base in Hawaii, so we moved and skied there for the next 10 years. Believe I met Bret back then also, but I think he was involved with MB Boats back then. My Wife really Loves it there and wants to go back there.
  23. As far as I am concerned, the traditional fin died in 1999. That was when I put my first Schnitz Slot Fin on a Goode and set many PB's, with many Goode's to follow. About 10 years later I had a Sans Rival with a Carbon Fin with a Ventral. Bought some of those Carbon Fins to use on every ski right up to the time the CG Fin came out. Been going back and forth between the CG and WF ever since. Both totally blow away the stock fin. They are like two different IPA's that you just Love to drink and can't decide which is best !!!
  24. Use to ski a course in Hieber Springs Arkansas, back in the 80's. It was in a Marina on the SW side. Would like to know if it is still there. As a side note, when they built the huge dam that made that Lake, a whole town went underwater, and you could Scuba Dive down to see it. Really cool back then.
  25. Anybody want to chime in on any Performance advantages with either the CG or WF. Basically, what they thought the differences were from stock. Also any corresponding changes in Binding location associated with either the CG or WF...Thanks
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