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Everything posted by Ed_Johnson

  1. ACMX, I mounted the VW to the Goode Fin, exactly the same settings that OB posted. Next I plan to add the Large VW in the normal wing spot with Tips down. Identical to what Dave Miller has. Following that, three VW's like Chets. After all that, I plan to experiment with the VW's on the Slot Fin. By that time my Nano should be here and I will know what I feel is the best setup for it. I have a feeling that the Speed Slot Fin with the forward mounted small VW may be the ultimate solution. Ski Well, ED
  2. Tried the front mounted Mini Ventral today for the first time and it is definitely a keeper. Wind 10-15 with Moderate Rain, not the best of conditions, but I couldn't wait. Ran 4 32's and 2 35's before torrential rain came. Did not notice any extra drag. What was quite evident is that the tip stayed down through the finish of the turn on my offside so much better than before. Also very stable throughout the whole course. It does not like you to turn hard and will grab more angle than your use to. Once I backed of my intensity a little, especially at 35, it skied much nicer. Right now I feel it is actually less work skiing with it and I am having to back off my intensity. I will know a lot more after skiing in good conditions and can get a better feel for it. Plus decreasing wing angle may also help. Currently used OB's exact settings. Thanks OB. Goode Luck, ED
  3. Anyone get their VW's from Goode yet? If so, how long did it take. Coming up on two weeks since they said they shipped mine. Wanted to test them all out on my Mid. before the Nano gets here. Thanks, ED
  4. OB, What's going on with your Nano?........." Inquiring minds want to know."
  5. OB, What's going on with the Nano?........." Inquiring minds want to know."
  6. While your at it, the best thing I ever bought for my boathouse is the Touchless Boat Cover. Just push the button and down it comes. Boat is totally covered and allowed to air out.
  7. Dave, Could you please share with us what you decided on the Ventral Wings and if your using them, how many, and where? I should receive my 66 Nano May 15th, but plan to experiment with the Ventrals on my current 66 Mid, so I have it figured out by the time it gets here. Thanks, ED
  8. 1) Only concentrate on changing "ONE THING" at a time. 2) When setting a new ski up "BINDINGS FIRST" AND "FIN SECOND." 3) Stay in your "LEVERAGED POSITION" during your edge change. 4) COM "Center of Mass" in the direction of travel. 5) "NEVER" "EVER" criticize your Wifes driving !!!!!
  9. Hope things are OK at Lymanland. Looks like an F-5 hit Tuscaloosa. Anyone hear anything?
  10. Anyone tried the Radar Vice Clinchers? How do they compare to the Masterline or Goode Clinchers? Thanks, ED
  11. E-Mail from Goode that the VW's I ordered just shipped and the Nano would be sent out by the 2nd week of May. Had to sign and return a Liability Release for the Nano. That was different. Called them and they said they had so many orders that they would be working straight through Easter weekend......ED
  12. If your skiing old school style, shoulders closed to the boat, then it makes a big difference. If you ski more New School style, shoulders open to the boat, Center of Mass more open, I don't believe it makes much difference at all.
  13. Shane, I think I like your version best !!!!
  14. And all this time, I learned on this forum, that "stacked" was the term used for the girls Shane dates?
  15. kstateskier original baller, Do you mind telling me what was so funny about using gas to remove dual lock? Have you ever tried it? It works a lot better than the citrus solution Goode recommends. Doesn't hurt the paint either. I have tried a lot of different solutions over the last 15 years and this works better than anything else. Also, I was trying to be helpful to someone who may have problems removing it. I am looking forward to your knowledgeable recommendation.
  16. I have tried every possible combination over the years and configure mine the same way Shane describes. Prefer Black over Clear because it holds better and longer. It is SIMPLE to remove if you follow this procedure. First, soak one strip at a time in gasoline, let it sit in the sun for 10 minutes, pull the old tape off. It will come apart and leave some residual on the ski. Now soak this residual in gasoline. Pour it on to saturate it. Let it sit in the sun for ten minutes. Now soak again. Then take a razor blade, holding it fairly flat, and remove the residual. Feels like your removeing gum. Should take ten minutes per strip. Use gas on a rag to remove the final filmy residual. When totally done, wash with soap. Before applying new adhesive, rub the area where the new tape goes with alcohol. Set in the sun a few minutes to get the surface warm. Then apply the new strips. Should last at least two years. Goode Luck, ED
  17. Just wondering. When did you have to start posting to be included on the list. Ski Great, ED
  18. Bud, Hope your surviving all the storms coming through your area Sat......ED
  19. When I lived in Kauai, on the Wailua River, we would have a current in the morning from the overnight rains, 5-10 MPH. To me it felt the same as a Head/Tailwind situation. By late afternoon there would be no current, and the water was a lot warmer. Much nicer to ski in. Our only choice was to ski in the morning and be done by 9am, or the last hour before dark, due to the tourists invading the River with hundreds of Kayaks and the Tour Boats going to the Fern Grotto. If you were one of the 5 Tournament Skiers that lived there, you wanted to put a bounty on them. Especially since they launched their Kayaks right in the middle of our Slalom Course.
  20. Goode Powershells on a 9900 Mid, RFF, Front boot 1/4" Clockwise Rear 1/2" Counter Clockwise.
  21. Bud, Just order the Nano with the 3 VW's and you will have what many consider the best ski on the Planet. I tried the Strada, and while it is a great ski, in no way did it compare in acceleration or turning capability to my 9900 Mid. Right now I plan to order the 3 VW's and experiment with them on my current Mid with both the Reg. Goode Fin and the Schnitz Speed Slot Fin. That way I'm dealing with changes to a known quanity. I also want to hear OB's evaluation between the two Mid's. I trust his evaluation will be accurate and unbiased..........ED
  22. Shane is right. Just look at the HUGE Slot at the back of Schnitz's Slot Fin. Allows the ski to turn much better than the stock fin, also allowing you to run the fin deeper. The Speed Slot Fin significantly keeps the speed up through the preturn into the hookup on my MID over the stock fin. After what OB says, I can only imagine what the Ventral would add to it.
  23. Forgot to mention, but reaching forward and positioning the hip to the inside radius of the turn, will be useless if you then ROTATE everything off the apex into the turn. You have to slide the inside hip towards the handle and avoid upper body rotation at all costs. No reaching across to Grab the handle. This causes the inside shoulder to drop, which causes over-rotation,and you will either be in the Lake at that point or pulled up before the 1st wake........ED
  24. Another point, and you can use a video to prove this. If you only focus on countering with the shoulders, you will end up skiing an arc. However, if you position your fwd hip to the inside turning radius, you can accomplish a J turn, setting much more angle and acceleration off the apex. Lead with the hip, follow with the shoulders..........ED
  25. Greg, Thanks for the photos. Do you know if Chet is using the wings added to a Goode Fin or is that a special fin? Also, is Chet on the Nano Mid and how does he compare it to the 9900 Mid he was on before? Thanks, ED
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