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Everything posted by Ed_Johnson

  1. Three years a go we decided to solarize our house in Orlando. We also sold our two Hummers and a Viper and replaced them with a Hybrid SUV and two Prius's. Not having a $400 dollar utility bill and $80 dollar gas fill ups, went a long way towards being able to purchase a CC200 to ski with. I cant wait for an electric ski boat I can plug in at the boat house and let the sun pay for skiing. Numbers released this week show we are sitting on over 800 BILLION barrels of oil. Three times what the Saudis have with 260 Billion barrels. Yet the Libs keep us from drilling and Obama puts a Moratorium on drilling in the gulf. Then we send BILLIONS overseas to countries that hate us boosting their economy and hurting ours, to buy their oil, while we sit on three times as much. REALLY SMART.
  2. Good info Jody, so then you believe the 13.5 X 15.5 would be the best choice? Thanks, ED
  3. Jody, The prop on my 2011 200 409 is 12.5 X 15 Acme 654. I would like to see what a 14 X 16 would do with the 409. I believe I had that on a Mastercraft Powerslot years a go. With as much power as the 409 has, that may be the perfect solution. Let me know how your tests turn out. Thanks,  Ed
  4. I assume this was for the 343 and not the 409. Was the replacement prop Acme or OJ? Thanks, ED
  5. Jody, Thanks for the offer, I may take you up on that. How much RPM difference is there at 34MPH? Thanks, ED
  6. Jody, I would like to ask you, from your experience, what prop you prefer on the 200 with the 409, and what changes it makes? Mine has the stock prop, with way more power than is needed for slalom. I could care less about any difference in fuel consumption, since one 5.5 gal can lasts for 3 10 pass sets. I am more concerned with wake and the hardness of the pull. Thanks,  ED
  7. I believe Horton has hit the nail on the head, with the importance of maintaining outbound direction AFTER the edge change. The ability to form the Reverse C position is something all elite skiers have in common, resulting in being early with max width. Whether it is Parrish or Marcus, they exemplify this technique extremely well.....ED
  8. Mickey, First, are you skiing with PP or ZO? This technique works well with ZO, since the GPS tries to keep you at a constant speed. I strive to get the most angle I can without overloading ZO. It is a fine balance point. Here are some drills that may help. Hope this helps, ED
  9. Ditto !!!! Very well said, and thanks for keeping BOS a class act.........ED
  10. Great "Pair of Boots."Â The Krista is definitely an asset to BOS !!!!!
  11. I can testify to hitting an alligator on the Turnpike Lake, coming off the second wake at 35off, just before dark, a few years ago,right before Nationals. Broke my Nose and R-Ankle in three places. Could not ski for over a year after that. So the water snakes are nothing compared to the Gators...........ED
  12. Replaced our Waterfilled Buoys this summer with the Bubble Buoys after two of our skiers were injured. I believe it was the best decision ever. Since installing them, every one of us has hit one more than once with hardly any affect what so ever. We even purchased four spares and have never had to replace any of the originals yet. They also have not faded one bit in the Florida sun. I personally feel, the peace of mind, not having to worry about a trip to the ER from hitting one, is well worth the cost, and will help you ski better. Highly Recommend Them,  ED
  13. What Jim is saying is absolutely correct. Keep in mind that first you want to slide or ski the hip to the handle, "Power Triangle Position." Hips now pointed in the direction of travel. What is important is that the pull from the boat will be directed to this area and lock in the Center of Mass, ( COM). From this position you can do what Jim describes and try to force the inside, lower hip, COM, to swing in the direction of travel. There is no need for excessive knee bend. Shorter people may, in oder to lower their center of gravity for more leverage. The twisting force you exert will increase edge angle and engages the rocker. This also increases ski speed causing the ski to move ahead and under you, while you maintain your lean during the transition, " edge change." As Jim mentions, it does follow more Snow Ski technique, since it relies on COM movement and DE-weighting the ski during the transition. Hope this helps, ED
  14. John, Your absolutely correct about the parallels being linked between racing and skiing. You got to see some of that in the equipment arena with your trip to Europe and the composite technology of F-1 influencing ski design and construction. The Warp was a prime example. I Love the technology of F-1. I also view the Slalom course as a 6 turn Road Course. From attending numerous Race Driving Schools such as SCCA, Skip Barber, Jim Russell, etc., one of the first things you learn is how to properly execute a turn. How to Trail Brake into the Apex and Accelerate out of it......I use Counter-Rotation to substitute for Trail Braking, and am constantly trying to develop better technique to Accelerate off the Apex through the hookup. Not waiting till I get two hands on the handle to begin my acceleration. No Driver worth a crap would wait till the finish of the turn to begin acceleration. It's all about exit speed and sustaining energy at the finish of the turn. Sorry for the rant but these are subjects I strongly believe in.....Keep up the good work your doing bringing us all together on BOS. It is definitely the highest quality site there is. ED
  15. lkb, Did Aerobatic Stunt work for several movies and TV Commercials in different aircraft back then. We were involved with 007 "Octopussy" back around 82 I believe, along with two friends of mine. We had 2 real Jets and a life size model that had folding wings and tail, for Roger Moore to runaround in on the ground.........ED PS: I'd still rather talk about skiing though!!!
  16. John, Started with Dragsters as a teenager then worked my way up Road Racing Corvettes, Formula Continental, Formula Atlantics, and finished with Indy Cars. It was a blast.......ED
  17. http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/My%20Pictureshttp://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents.jpgSarge, Here is the 8X10 Picture/Bio we signed and handed out at the airshows back then. You can see if it is how you remembered it.......ED
  18. Sarge, Thanks for the info. Thats a neat plane, not many of those around............ED
  19. Hey Sarge, What aircraft do yo fly aerobatics in? I flew competition and airshows for years with a Laser and the Bud Light Jet... Flew shows around Seattle with the Blue Angels in the 80's and 90's at the Sea and Airshow.....ED
  20. I recommend taking the Dowels out of the Clincher Type Gloves to keep them from hanging up. Still get the same support from the straps. After years of using Clinchers without the Dowels, I switched over a year a go to the Goode "Clinchers" and these have smaller Dowels, so I just leave them in. Have never had these even come close to hanging up. Ski Well,  ED
  21. Roger, Thanks for the info. I did hear he was on his way back to South Dakota. Thanks, ED
  22. I would like my Mid-Ride to whistle the Eagles Song, "Take It Easy."
  23. At least a Crack Addict has a chance for Rehab..... A Slalom Addict faces a life time addiction with NO known cure and a constant craving for a SHORTER LINE !!!!! My name is ED and I'm a Slalomholic........
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