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Everything posted by Ed_Johnson

  1. ACMX, Yes, the Nano is a keeper and a "Challenge". Between the Mid and the Nano out of the box, the Mid is easier to ski. The Nano is definitely more sensitive. Actually, in testing the Mid with 2 Ventral's, it felt a lot like the Nano did stock. Only three sets so far but I have found that while the Mid skis a little better with the front ventral, the Nano Requires it. Still have a lot of testing to do with 2 Ventral's, 3 ventral's, Goode Fin vs Slot Fin etc.....The Nano really responds to change, but I really feel there is tremendous potential waiting to be unleashed. Just have to find the right combination. Ski Well, ED
  2. This is the latest version of the 9900, Chris Parrish Signature WORLD EDITION. Very few sets with most skiing done to test the Ventral Wings. Ski comes with a brand new Goode Fin, never used. Also four strips of new 250 Dual Lock. Will sell for only $950 + shipping in Original Goode Box. Email me at ed38off at aol dot com
  3. Brenda's 13" width, 1" Diameter, with handle guard.
  4. WBL, Sometimes you just have to take several steps back to make one step forward. Not being a natural athlete means it may have taken me longer than most. I believe it was three seasons till I finally ran 38. Lots of 5's, then it was one "screaming" moment when it finally happened. Felt like a lifetime achievement. What I Love about New School is that it is continually evolving. It is striving for perfection in fluid movement and efficiency. As an example today, with some credit to Schnitz, I was working on "Spinal Rotation," to establish the Reverse C, on my offside carryout. Let's just say it is going to take several sets to get this down. Again, two steps back, one step forward. However, it may have been the missing link I was looking for to improve what has haunted me as my weakest area. Remember, there is no such thing as failure, only varying degrees of success !!! Ski Well, ED
  5. WBL, I can sympathize with you in your attempt to convert to New School. I spent 10 years from the time I first got into 38 till I ran it. Could never get past 3 @ 38 until I did convert. Best thing I ever did though, since it is much easier on my old body. Hard part is getting past your subconscious, which seems to resist change. My subconscious must have been an attorney in a past life, since it argues with me constantly in the course. The key is leading with Center of Mass movement. Learning proper Counter-Rotation from the bottom up, ankles, knees, hips, then shoulders. Not top down, leading with the shoulders. Also, not rotating the upper body off the apex, and skiing to the handle, not rotating and grabbing for it. Allowing the ski to finish the turn, being open to the boat, and loading at the spray, not off the ball. Also, it is no longer just a QUICK edge change off the 2nd wake but a Transition from one edge to another that occurs earlier and maintains sustained angular momentum into the preturn with emphasis on handle control. One of the things that will really help you is a mental image of how the movements flow. You definitely need to learn the process in a sequence, since everything you do depends on what you did before it. I highly recommend the DVD, West Coast Slalom. It has a wealth of information. Articles by Chris Rossi are excellent, as are videos that Terry Winter has on his Web-Site. I am a huge fan of Marcus Brown and his teachings also. Hope this helps and stick with BOS for great information you can research here.........ED
  6. Hit an alligator at Okeeheelee a few years a go. Like hitting a log at the 2nd wake @ 35 off. Broke my nose and right ankle in three places. I asked the Doc, how long before I ski again? His answer was, ask me if you will ever walk again.....1 1/2 years later, and lots of therapy, finally skied somewhat.
  7. Thanks, KM, my Nano arrives Thurs. according to Fed Ex and the Twist will be the first thing I check. I know for me, going from the traditional to the Mid was a huge improvement. Let us know how you like your Nano.
  8. The Tech. at Goode told me 29.5" for the 66" and 29.25 for the 65".
  9. KM, Just to be clear, if you anchored the tail flat on a table, looking down the ski, the tip of the RFF ski should point left? Let us know how you like the way it skis. What ski are you coming off of? Thanks, ED
  10. If you look at the first pass on this video and stop action it when he is coming towards you, you will see a great reverse C at the edge change and a relaxed quiet counter going to the apex.
  11. jski, Thanks for the info, enjoy and keep us informed. Do you plan to try the Ventrals?
  12. These worked best for me, 6.780 Jaws (Slot Caliper) 2.50 .720 29.25 Worked well with Ventrals also.
  13. jackski, Let us know how you like the Nano. Mine arrives Thurs. according to Fed Ex.
  14. WSFLA, Years a go I was skiing with a Guy at Okeeheelee who said they were selling lots there for 35K. Only one Lake then and no houses. Invited my Daughter and I to go ski there. About six months later we did, lots were 50K then. We ended up with a Lake House on a private Lake in Orlando instead. It seems like overnight they went to 250K. Last house I saw for sale down there was 650K. The house next store to me sold for 635K 3 years a go, and last year resold in foreclosure for 265K. That really hurt our values here. I need to go ski a Tourney down there this summer and check it out again. The space coast area is laying off hundreds when the Shuttle program ends. Maybe I can find someone down there who wants to move to Orlando for work and I can pay them the difference.
  15. I skied there when it was only one Lake and no houses. It skied great then and now the second Lake is even better. Wish I would have bought a lot then when they were really cheap. Would go there in a heart beat if we were not stuck in Orlando's grim realestate market. Can't complain to much since we only have three skiers on our lake here with unlimited ski time though.
  16. 5' - That should be some fast water.
  17. That brings up a question. When I had my 9800 with the Blue Fin, it felt like the best fin I had ever skied with that came from Goode. Does anyone know the difference between the Blue and Black Fin? Why did they stop using it?
  18. Having owned a Goode Power Vest I can assure you it will allow you to ski with back problems when you otherwise could not. I had one of the first ones and found it rather bulky feeling. Since then they have developed the Elite Version which is less restrictive. Seems to work well for Dave Miller. I strongly agree with Richard and there are a lot of good programs for core development which is essential..........ED
  19. Razor, Agree with you 100% about being quiet and eliminating upper body rotation. Would just like to bring up one point on counter-rotation. I have worked a lot with skiers converting from old school to new, and the biggest problem I see is what I call "Bouncing off the Counter." They know they want to counter, but they lead with their shoulders, from the top down, and not from the bottom up. Leading with ankles, knees, hips, and the shoulders will follow...... They swing back so hard with the shoulders to counter, that they bounce of the back position and end up rotating even harder into the turn. I try to get them to progressively build the counter from the release to the apex and FREEZE the counter so as to slide the hips off the apex with the frozen counter to the hook-up. Sounds very familiar to what you are describing. Bottom line is to NOT ROTATE the upper body. Good Post, ED
  20. ACMX, I have both, but chose to use the Reg. Slot Fin so I could decrease wing angle. Glad I did since the answer was to remove the rear wing to replace it with the Large Ventral. Definitely the way to go.
  21. SLOT FIN VENTRAL REPORT History: For at least 10 years now I have found the Schnitz Slot Fin to outperform all stock fins on the Goodes ( Reg, Mid, & Wide), Monza, D-3 X5, and Strada. The Speed Slot Fin being the best. The question is, how would it perform with the addition of Ventral Fins? After seeing the improvement testing the Ventral on the Stock Goode Fin, I could not wait to try it on the Slot Fin. Result: Yesterday I tried the front mounted Mini Ventral on the Slot Fin for the first time. Ran 4 32's and 3 35's to get a good feel for it. I felt it added a lot of stability to the ski. It turned well as the Slot Fin always has, but when it rolled on edge, it seemed to hold that edge better. It also keeps the tip down better during the finish of the turn. The only Negative I found was that for the first time I felt extra drag. I did not feel this with the Goode Fin at all. I attribute this to the fact that the only forward location to mount the front ventral was 1/4" closer to the base of the ski than the 1/2" on the Goode fin, thus increasing the compressibility factor. So the quest was on to reduce the drag. Today: Decided to add the Large Ventral, tips down, to replace the rear wing. Set it at 2 degrees. Kept the Mini Ventral where it was. All I can say is "FANTASTIC". Eliminated the feeling of drag, increased roll rate, and turning capability. It was kind of like a gun with a hair trigger. It allowed me, when running late into 4 ball at 35, to crank a turn, make up what I lost, and get back into the pass. For me, that was impressive. I would hope some others would try this and give their feedback. I still plan to try the Goode Fin with 3 Ventral's, when my supply of Ventral's gets here with the Nano. Till then I look forward to keep skiing with the Ventral Slot Fin on my present Mid. Ski Well, ED
  22. Boody, Your about the same weight as Chet, so the 65" Mid. should work great. I know your a serious skier, and I don't believe you would be happy with anything less than the Nano. I know the factory skiers hype the ski but OB gave some good evaluations here on BOS. He's a very honest person and his reviews were enough for me to order one. He was spot on on his recommendation on the ventral wing also. I will be glad to share my unbiased opinions once mine arrives. Ski Well, ED
  23. Boody, Having owned all three, I will definitely confirm the Mid and WR will out-turn the Reg. The WR worked well for me behind PP, and the Mid. works best for me with Zero-off. Currently waiting on the Mid. Nano. Will have a 66" Mid Right 228 Amp for sale after that.......ED
  24. As I stated before, the front ventral is definitely a keeper. Since my Ventral's from Goode didn't come in yet, I decided to modify the stock wing and try that. I cut off both ends about 3/16 to 1/4" which changed the ends from round to straight. This matches the shape of the Ventral exactly, and decreases some fin area. I also reduced the wing angle from 8 degrees to 7. When I skied it today I told my driver I would be really easy on the first pass at 32 off and may only run a couple of buoys or shadow them to get a feel for the fin. To my SURPRISE, I ran it fairly easy. I then did three more 32's testing getting forward and back to see where its limits were. The sweet spot was definitely a Neutral Stacked position, which for me is the easiest place to ski. I then just used that position to run a couple 35's. Overall, I felt a definite improvement in performance. It seems reducing drag when having the front Ventral really improves performance. I really want to try the large ventral on the rear, but until it comes in I will try reducing the wing angle one degree every set to feel its effect. Ski Well, ED
  25. The one I have is 120 degrees or 30 degrees down from horizontal.
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