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Everything posted by nam1975

  1. Ballers, Any upcoming slalom clinics? Would prefer Ohio or Michigan. Thanks!
  2. I have some slalom skis, bindings, and an older set of jumpers. My garage is a mess and my wife really hates the show Hoarders. Could be yours for shipping and your teams t shirt or hoody in return? PM me and I'll let you know what I might have.
  3. Too tight?! Keep the top laces sung, not tight. Mine come right off with a little pull on the tip.
  4. Painted houses, drove a tug at the airport night shift in college. More painting. Tossed boxes in a warehouse one summer for a month, till I quit and picked up a paint brush. I like ladders and heights?
  5. I had an 89 skier for a lot of years. Same boat I think. They did have wood floors and stringers. Mine held up ok. I had to remount the seat at one point. Wake was ok at 34, I'm 15/22/28. 22 off was a bit stiff, 34 mph was better than 32 mph. Pretty typical of that vintage boats. 5.7 Merc always ran well. Kept it tuned up once a year. Went from about 125 hours to 1050. Upgraded to a 99 Response about 3 years ago.
  6. 15 or 20 bucks. We all trailer boats to the pond, so I don't bring a can. If you were on a lift I would definitely bring cans.
  7. Search the threads, you'll get a lot of help. Over accelerating does not help. Some have set the baseline and then reduced the rpms by about 30. I think you can also check each segment. Are you using magnets. They have a no magnet software upgrade. E mail the pp guys they are always helpful.
  8. I don't notice either one really. 34 mph for the most part, 32 early in the year or for a warm up. If I had to give the edge, the Nautique is a little better, but some of that is the feel of the pull. I like them both really. Not much difference to me.
  9. I put a new 3 blade on my 99 Response. I don't think the wake needed much help. It did help hole shot. Got rid of the factory 3 blade stainless. 98 nautique is tough to beat. I ski behind one too.
  10. Big thunderstorm rolls in off the big lake. Blowing like crazy and starts to pour. At our pond ramp. I normally back in and wife puts the boat on. I did both but left the truck in neutral in the shitstorm. As soon as I put the boat on trailer it all starts to roll back. Gunned the boat. She was quick and slammed it in park. Close.
  11. We've had deer swim across our pond. Fast too!!
  12. +1 on the TV....imagine all those Hot Summer Nights from ESPN on a 60" HD...... The number of sports channels is now many times over and we are no where to be found? Waterskiing can take the place of some re run football game that no one is watching on a Tuesday evening in July!!
  13. Hmmm...looks familiar........glad to see ya found me!
  14. 39 miles to storage pick up boat, 3 miles to pond. If I bum a ride I can be there in just under 40 minutes.
  15. Ski it again had a posting recently on a club or pay for a pull site on your area.
  16. Is Friday the 26th still on....I think I have a PM spot reserved for Nick??
  17. For a 34 mph skier....say in the 15 or 22 to 32 off range , is there such a thing as too much ski with the current makes and models? If so, does that next "step up" happen at 35..or based on recent Big Dawg scores 38 or better? Is a popular ski with the 38-41 crowd going to be too much to handle for the longer line crowd?
  18. The foam roller works great on hips...I tried every stretch out there..and this thing worked magic in 10 minutes.
  19. I use the rpm mode to free ski or pull my wife thru the mini course.
  20. I'm not an owner, just a lake renter with some others..... My thoughts would be keep it bare bones. Dock Boat ramp Port a john BYOB..Bring your own boat Boathouse,club boat, shelter pavilion, showers, etc all equal more work. Or find a good handyman or the like to act as a site manger and figure his compensation. Prolly help if he doesn't ski...lol
  21. @AB, life on the north coast! I ski, Sit in the truck for an hour while it rains, repeat.
  22. My only concern is i never got the GPS slalom to give a good pull....1st segment was hot, then slow, until it settled in around 3 ball. The times were always right on, but not a good pull. I went to classic slalom and did not have any issues. I hope the software does not mess up classic slalom and/or fixes the GPS slalom.
  23. I have the PP Stargzer on my Response. I typically use the Classic Slalom mode and we have the 1 magnet set up on our course. My magnet sensor come and goes. The pull always feels ok, you just don't get a time. So I was going to get the software upgrade to the no magnet system? Any feedback?? Thanks...
  24. Agree with above posts about your ski buddy doing the shadow until 5 or 6. I started with the entrance gates, but would shadow 1-4 and tried to make good turns and get out to 5 and or 6 ball. I'll still do this early in the year or if I'm skiing crummy, but I will add 1 ball in, shadow 2-5, and get back to 6. Sounds like you guys are on your way....have fun
  25. We had a deer swim across our pond one day. They are fast swimmers too. Not sure why, could have walked around?
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