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Everything posted by igkya

  1. I haven't tried a carbon fin, nor a 2016 vapor (a buddy of mine just got one), but this should help.
  2. @gt2003, not sure about a code for internet purchases, I placed order via phone as I had a few questions. Try BOS or just call them.
  3. And let's not forget the BOS 15% discount on soft goods. FYI - while the vapor boots are not a hard shell, they are not a soft good either and don't qualify for the discount.
  4. If I don't trust myself with my gear, how could I trust anyone else?
  5. Had my check up last month. Doc had to freeze a few spots (again) but nothing serious. Sunscreen, hat and regular check ups mandatory and should be thought of as part of your ski gear.
  6. I agree with @dbutcher , try greasing the cable 1st. Turn the wheel all the way in one direction, so that most of the cable is exposed near the rudder connection. Rub some grease on it. turn the wheel from side to side. We had to do this a few times last season just to get us through the season until we could replace it, but like most others said, it probably needs replaced.
  7. Does it get confusing working at Denali when someone says "Hey Adam"?
  8. @Wayne , why is the hot tub in the garage? It's best used outside, even in winter. I actually use mine more in the colder months. For everyone else, I understand your hatred for winter, but learn to love (or at least like ) it. Great chance to rest, snow ski, get in shape for next season, drink excessive amounts of beer, ski in extremely cold water, move south, try out new gear, watch football, watch college basketball, etc. ... who do i sound like?
  9. No feet, especially with the closed toe Strada binding, Your front foot will not be cold. If needed, buy a pair of neoprene socks/booties for just the rear foot, better yet, buy another Strada binding for your rear foot.
  10. Radar updated their website with 2016 gear, but where's the Lithium Senate?
  11. And remember you can vote once/day/per device... so vote again and again and again...
  12. Done. I was afraid to watch the video of men's Fistball.
  13. @rodltg2 Have you tried the Camaro gloves? They also make a beanie, and while not a hoodie, would still provide some warmth. http://robbysskishop.com/camaroseamless1mmgloves.aspx
  14. I 2nd what @jhughes suggested with the rower. I've had bad arithritic knees for the last 10 years and the c2 rower is easier on them than a stationary bike not to mention a better workout.
  15. I 2nd what @jhughes suggested with the rower. I've had bad arithritic knees for the last 10 years and the c2 rower is easier on them than a stationary bike not to mention a better workout.
  16. @Ed_Obermeier yours and mine. The sad thing is if I could do it over again, there's not much I'd do different. Isn't that the definition of ignorance?
  17. @Stevie Boy What are your knee issues and what options/procedures have you looked into?
  18. perfski.com has them on sale thru 11/30
  19. Remind me why are we using the Baller index instead of the simple air + water temp method?
  20. Would StarGazer w/z box be a better/cheaper option?
  21. Longer is better? I've heard that before.
  22. @UWSkier What speed and line length(s) are you skiing?
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