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Everything posted by igkya

  1. Could the wait timer have been set?
  2. With the Ez fin tool, that pic would be correct and will provide a very reliable and repeatable way to measure dft. The problem is that most dft measurements don't use this. If you know how to adjust your fin, this could provide a good reference point and baseline.
  3. Switch. It may take more than a few sets/days to become comfortable, but it'll definitely help put u in a better position, not only on wake crossings, also in/out of the turns.
  4. There's another exercise that you can do (in private) but let's keep this PG. @Chef23 has great advice with the farmer's walk (though 40lbs might be a bit light) and deadlifts. Also try doing wrist curls with a dumbbell.
  5. Buy another beer (or 6), think about it , and then just go ski.
  6. Politics or not, that was kinda funny.
  7. We're all watching the NBA finals, right? These are highly paid professional officials and they still make too many wrong calls, judgement call or not, and they're dealing with multi-million $ salary players. I don't have enough experience to to chime in about water skiing rules, but I did officiate bball. @Horton is correct, officials have to do a better job at the basics... was it 1/4, 1/2, (3/4) or full buoy... the rest is secondary (aside from rope length and the no so imaginary buoy moving exercise). We need to keep the sport moving or the general public starts to lose interest while we review the inane. We are trying to get more people interested in the sport, right? KISS.
  8. Agree with @lpskier, unless ur a bigger guy, stick with the 12" handle.
  9. My balls may be schweddy, but I do like miss Swiss Wiss. I still miss my balls. Can't ski again til Sat.
  10. I miss my balls. On the road for work and haven't been able to ski this week.
  11. Nice bindings, especially the left.
  12. The blacktec top fits so good that when i'm done skiing a set and take it off, there are dry spots on the inside layer. No wonder we can wear these in such cold waters and still be comfortable.
  13. I have a blacktec long sleeve top that I'll wear down to mid 50's water temp before changing into a drysuit.
  14. I have about 6 sets on my MSN gloves and have the same issues as @MS and @Texas6. A bit annoying, but these are still great gloves. The red ones seem to have a much better strap closure on the back of wrist and a wider wrist strap, wonder how these are holding up?
  15. @richarddoane I'm just here to help... and make an occasional sarcastic comment. BTW, nice video.
  16. @richarddoane not so fast my friend... none of the links work! get rid of the http:// and it should be ok.
  17. I forget the thread, but wasn't this already discussed a couple of months ago? Maybe it was on another forum... There's other forums???
  18. @skibumm Get the vapor boots now and ski on them several sets to get used to them. Then, get the Vapor ski and place your now used vapor boots on the new ski. This is how I transitioned to the vapors and a new ski 5+ years ago.
  19. Anyone know where I can get a used Gateway box?
  20. 2nd year for LakeFx. We really didn't use anything prior and water had a big weed problem and a nasty slime and smell. Now, along with using an algicide, water is clear, no weeds and a nice Caribbean blue.
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