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Everything posted by igkya

  1. I used the Nevin Power Wraps for years. The last 2 pair (several years ago) wore out too quickly, from poor craftsmanship. I tried the HO RPM model and thought the wrist support was fine, but the fit just wasn't right. I ended up switching to Masterline curves and am very happy.
  2. @Than, I must have the same bug cause I saw Horton in the lead when I initially looked.
  3. I did something similar with my children when they were that age. I would NOT strap the child seat to the boat. This is a problem waiting to happen. A good child seat will not tip over during normal turning. The child must wear a swim vest. I also took extra precaution where and when I would ski (public lake) and did not ski as aggressively.
  4. @scotchipman, where did you get that shorty drysuit? I don't see it listed on the BARE website.
  5. it takes me 3-5 days of skiing to get past the soreness. Age only makes it worse, but the burger and a few beers sounds good.
  6. Large Masterlines, 1.06 radius handle
  7. @thompjs what's the purpose of the clove hitch? Concerns of rope coming off pylon?
  8. I just tried from my iPhone4 and it seems to be working fine. Maybe Siri isn't a baller?
  9. @horton, why doesn't Glen count?
  10. Yes, especially after a few adult beverages!
  11. There's a small private lake just outside of Reading. I skied there several times one summer and the folks were very nice. This was several years ago and I no longer have any contact info. They used to be listed as an AWSA club, but I don't recall seeing them listed in recent years.
  12. I'm in for $20 that he does not run it.
  13. I've skied at Dave's before, very nice. My brother lives 5 minutes from there but that dumba$$ only snow skis.
  14. I changed from soda to vodka. While my cost has increased, I don't seem to care as much.
  15. Big Rock is a nice, but short lake. The owner and other skiers are very nice.
  16. The previous quarter speed video threads were great. Any new ones available or being planned?
  17. I lived in the Pittsburgh area all my life until 2 yrs ago. There's 3-4 private sites and used to be 4-5 sites on public water. OH has many more private sites.
  18. In Tow has been great for me. I've been using/replacing her ropes for the last 10 years.
  19. @tsixam.. a max of 124 degrees? hopefully that's a tpo and you meant 12?
  20. Looking at Google Earth, Eagle Lake looks to be the closest. They had a website a few years ago but I don't recall the URL.
  21. @Boody Both sites are active. I ski at Oasis.
  22. Minden, NV. Used to live in southwestern PA.
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