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Everything posted by rodltg2

  1. What about getting heavier. I was on the cut off for a 65" now three years later I really should be on a 66". Am I loosing performance on the shorter ski ?
  2. only got 2 sets out of my Camaro, packed up till next spring I guess!
  3. I was driving back form Oregon Saturday morning and saw what looked like a ski lake. I googled earthed it and it sure looks like I may have been one, or may be one now . The image however shows an island right in the way. Maybe a Putting green? Its right on the California/Oregon border , tiny town called Hilt. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/Hiln%20Lake_zpstwpxwag7.jpg
  4. I've always loved bubble butts
  5. @foxriverat medical assistant named Kristie
  6. I think I married into the danger zone
  7. that is a good deal! I wish I could swing it
  8. We have some rain coming hopefully !
  9. I saw one at a boat show in Vancouver in 2008 or so. Don't believe it's changed much. I really like the way it looked , but when I got in it felt really tight and cramped. Only downfall I could tell at the time .
  10. Looks like the Gekko sells for $30K less than the MC, $40K less than the Nautique. http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Comp_Boat&postid=31500 You'd think it would grab some market share. Sounds like my post gave some of you the impression I'm in the market for a new boat. It was just an observation.Thought it was weird to see such a huge price gap between the two. I can't justify spending that kind of $cheddar$ on a ski boat. At least not right now. I like not having payments on my 1999 Nautique. Does the job right now. I'd really like to have zero off, but I don't think it will improve my skiing, or scores much . Until my engine blows up( keeping fingers crossed at 1700 hours) I'm keeping it. Just need to work on my driver to keep her straight! http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps73dcc0f8.jpg
  11. I was at the boat show couple weekends back and the top three boats were there amazingly enough. What I found surprising though was that both the 200 and prostar had boat show pricing on them and there was a $10,000 difference between the two. Both looked equally equipped .MC was the cheaper of the two. Malibu did not have pricing . MC was at $68.
  12. I cant replace the box as its built in floor
  13. Having trouble finding a battery that fits in the box on my 99. No luck at the auto parts stores or wal mart. Maybe the dealer may have one, but I know it will cost an arm.Anyone know who makes one that fits. Only option I've seen is an auto battery, its actually what was in it. Should I just get an auto one, or try for the marine battery?
  14. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/IMG_0907_zpsk0gg5vhx.jpg
  15. Our lake opened yesterday, Air 64, water 57. First time out with the Camaro thanks to Robby's Ski Shop. Suit worked great , not a chill for this California Dude. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/IMG_0904_zps91taib8k.jpg
  16. @jimbrake‌ Its a great set up and obviously they need to charge for a club boat use. It just didn't make sense for me with kids that like to just go on boat rides sometimes.
  17. I just got the newest edition of the Waterskier with the boat test article.( BTW if you look at the Mastercraft Bio, take note of the Dash pic. Its flipped around ). Anyway, I was wondering , has any boat that has been submitted failed ,went home with their tail between their legs and just said forget it , we will try again next year? I am aware of the notorious 1998 MC issue, don't know if they just passed anyway or needed the PPTS (or what ever the band aids were called) to pass. Either way , I am assuming it passed and moved on to pulling tournaments. Out of curiosity , in recent history have any boats just straight up fail?
  18. Pricing now days is out if control. I bought three brand new boats. 2000 MB for $26,000, 2004 MC 197 $36000, 2005 Malibu Rlxi for $34000. It's crazy boats have more than doubled in ten years. I'm happy with my current boat paid for 1999 SN.
  19. I dont know of any member at our site that has a boat newer than 2004. Other than the owner who just bought a promo 200, no one even has ZO. . One member did join with a new 200 , but I have never seen him out. If current AWSA cert. was the rule, we would have no members!
  20. At least she skis , my wife sits on shore asking me every 5 minutes " is it time to go yet ? " if she had the least bit of interest , I would disconnect the bouys for her. Our lake however has enough room on the side , kind of !
  21. Disconnecting the bouys at Bel Acqua would fly over like a fart in church!
  22. That's funny, they joined the wrong lake, plenty of options for newbies and non course skiers at other ski lakes in Sacramento. They clock the hours on the club boat , so just that drive to check the depth probably cost them a full sets worth! Her best option is to start on the opposite side, so pull out on the right side. At least avoid most of the turn balls. If Travis needs help, I would not mind helping them out next time!
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