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Everything posted by rodltg2

  1. If it was bigger it could get cheaper !
  2. @Horton thread got me thinking . We want to grow the sport so remembering how did I get so excited about waterskiing. Go back to 1977. I was growing up in Foster City , Ca. At the time not to many homes and I could see the lagoon from over my fence. My babysitter would take me for walks along the lagoon and I would just love seeing the water skiers. Then it was the waterski show at Marine World. I used to beg my parents to take me there. Fast forward to the eighties. Going to Lake Shasta on houseboat trips. Silverthorn Marina had a waterski show Wednesday nights. Boats would tie up and watch an awesome show including jumping ,slalom and barefooting. Then they would pass the hat for tips. I remember going to the marina I would get so excited when I saw a comp boat parked . They were a rare sighting back then. Unfortunatley my parents had a big century bow rider. Skiing behind that boat scared me and I turned to jet skiis instead. Those type of events are long gone but last Saturday I took my 4 yo son to check out the wakeisland. They have cable park , floating obstacke course , paddle boarding and a ski lake that sits unused. Anyway he reminded me of myself at 4 but completely in awe watching the wakeboarders. Could not peel him off this fence. Fyi he is on the trainer ski now too.
  3. I just checked out registration status for the tournament at our lake this weekend. Maybe 1/4 of our club members are registered. It used to be closer to half I think. I have more fun at my sons BMX races. He is only 4 just learned to ride a bike a month ago. As soon as the training wheels came off I took him to track. Even though he is just learning he has a better chance of winning a race than I do skiing. He races against kids in his skill level and age.
  4. Sites like villa Lagos that have a wakeboard / wakesurf lake and a ski lake should be the future. Combine the tournaments. Activities for kids , bar for spectators and Big Party to cap it off !
  5. Either way the current format sucks in my opinion. The only reason I attend or ski in a tournament is when they are held at my home lake. We ski at at discounted rate, so I see it as just another ski day. I rather ski than sit on shore all day. But at my level ( m3 PB 4@28 in a tournament), I know I cant be competitive. I'm not about travel to other sites, pay $60 for maybe 8 passes to be assured last place. It really isn't fun for me. If read over an over about on this site about holding grass roots or different class tourneys , but they just aren't happening. USA Waterski is insane? "It's often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"
  6. So what this means to me and the way I feel , is that the current format is not working . USA Waterski is not attracting new members or holding on to the ones they do have . I myself did not renew this year , but I may so I can ski a 1 tournament. Yet waterskiing is growing. Someone needs to get there heads out of their ass's !
  7. @Waternut , the wego kite tube was promising until it got banned!
  8. Common the positive pressure tracking system was a " game changer " ! Lol
  9. No need for a tower or worry about rope to face with jump seat. When we go to public lakes skiis stay home.
  10. Don't get me wrong , love my boat , it skiis and performs great ! Although it spends most it's life at the ski lake , I do frequent public lakes wth the family as well. Problem of course as with all older DD is room. With young kids , a day on the lake means lots of snacks , drinks , towels , change of clothes and so on. So I run out of room quick. Plus I have bumpers rolling around as to not let my boat get scratched at the Marinas. Making everyone get up to get under the observers seat is a pain. So I only keep the coast guard stuff under there. I was thinking about adding some sort of removable storage box in the step thru at the rear seat. Have it level with the seats but come out almost to dog house. Also thinking about a removable jump seat. Anyone done anything like this ?
  11. I really hate 15 and yesterday just did not feel like dealing with it. I cut the line straight to 28 and went out at 32mph. Felt so much better. I did not run first pass but got thru 5. Next ran it fairly easily so decided to give 32 a crack. Ended up 3@32. I feel that starting at 15 may be wearing me out so by the time I get to 28 I'm spent and don't get much practice time there. I thinking about skipping 15, slow to 32mph and start at 22. Thoughts
  12. like this one ! one get get into skiing the course on the cheap. http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Comp_Boat&postid=29700
  13. @Horton if someone is just looking to get started in the sport , there is no need for all those upgrades. For $9000 one could easily find a suitable boat with speed control . Does one really need ZO to be competitive?
  14. Falcon windshield sucks though. Either look over it or duck under.
  15. I hope Stubbs BBq is really good. I'd be pissed if I showed up to see those barges
  16. It has a tower with speakers. So no ski boat likely
  17. 3705 Arctic blvd ?that sounds chilly. How long is his season ? 2 weeks
  18. Warm enough in Nor Cal but every time I go ski the wind is up at least 12mph and gusting . Couple weeks ago it was so bad Bimini flew off. Its like the minute I decide I'm going skiing the wind picks up !
  19. Sounds risky if the driver puts in on. He may not do it right and end up with a ripped cover and scratches on your boat. I would only do it if the previous owner or a dealer put it on and it's meant as a tow cover.
  20. You didn't ski under the Golden Gate Bridge , did you ?
  21. Here it is .............!!!! https://www.facebook.com/SpeedSociety/videos/1173309486019685/
  22. Brings a new meaning to couch surfing
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