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Nick Sullivan

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Everything posted by Nick Sullivan

  1. You might want to see a PT or Chiro and have them manipulate your costo-transverse joints. This is the articulation where the rib comes into the vertebra touching the transverse process of the thoracic spine. Problems here are usually more localized to the area of the joint (posterior) as opposed to pain radiating around, but it can happen. An intercostal muscle-tendon issue is more likely. Still, it doesn't hurt to cover every area you can. You should know quickly if it is going to help by the way. Â This sounds interesting I'll explore this option further with the doc. Thanks for chiming in with some GOOD information. Unlike HORTON. ;)
  2. From The Brochure: Pureflow Strut Mastercraft sweats the details. Over time the littlest thing can have a temendous impact. Out Patented new PureFlow strut, for example. Rather than enhancing speed and power by increasing horsepower, our naval architect analyzed prop efficiencies. The PureFlow strut improves torque by delivering cleaner water to the prop. Looks like it came from a navy design.
  3. Thanks for the advice. I'll try the pull over excercises and see how it goes for a few months. I appreciate it.
  4. Last year on Mothers Day I broke some ribs or did something to injur my ribs bad while skiing. I sat out 4 weeks and started skiing again through the pain. I went to the doc and had X-rays 12 weeks after the injury. They couldn't find anything but the ribs still hurt. Fast forward to now, my ribs still hurt after skiing hard or after this weekend after getting a cold. Every time I sneeze it shoots right to my ribs and makes me cringe. I've heard ribs can take awhile to heal but is this going on for too long?  Any Doctors on BOS?
  5. Final Results are attached. STRADA!!!
  6. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/11394388/
  7. Parrish seems to be hit or miss. Especially at Moomba.
  8. If people were not buying them, the would not make them (let alone sell them). I do agree that 2k for a ski is way to much but thats just me and my needs.
  9. Hey Kyle, call me sometime at three six zero, two two five four four nine four. or send me an email at nick at fieldinst dot com.
  10. Hey Kyle, Welcome to BOS. I'm not in Portland but I am very close. You'r welcome to come ski with me up at Mint lake sometime. Mint is just outside Battle Ground off HWY 503.
  11. Engine and Transmission cooler in one. I think other manufacutureres only have a transmission cooler. Remote mount oil filter with easy access and drain tray. Remote mount thermostat and water pump "True" Serpentine auto tensioning belt system. Okay!? High mounted alternator, starter. Centrally located fuse and breakers.  More power.
  12. My 197 WTT will not be slow with the new Ilmore 6.0. The new interior is the best yet.
  13. I keep seeing videos and hearing people talk about dropping their hipps to pull out for the gates. She really does this and I just can't seem to get my mind wrapped around why. Why, make this any different then your pull in the course? Is it a Zero Off deal? I've tried this and it just feels wierd to me but I'll keep trying it if it has a purpose.  Thanks.
  14. Kona, I don't snow ski anymore and I have a boat on the way. The weather sucks, but at least I could sneak off to the boat house every once in awhile to tinker with the new boat. Heck, sometime just showing up at the lake will sometimes attrack some other skiers and we might talk each other in to skiing. If the lake is not frozen.
  15. This is the same conversation that was had at themalibucrew.com when the FXi came out. I agree with Kona, these boats are great for the families that want/need all.
  16. Trying to Snow and 26°F, no boat yet either. Really depressed.
  17. I'd say half the skiers at our lake have OS Systems. OS is a local company and from what I can tell they really take care of their customers. Fast turn around on seal repairs.  None the less the skier at our lake all love them and a few of them put the spray leg on too. I use the Oneill Assualt and dig it.
  18. Strada, love them. Leave the liners in the boots 24/7. I leave the ski up against a wall so the boots will drain. Â Many, many, many fast exits from my ski no problems. Love these boots and love the plate for ease of adjustment.
  19. Radar put something on Facebook today and they said that the AWSA or someone like that is working on this already. Obviously, we should all contact the state and voice our opionions. Also contacting your own state reps is a good idea too.
  20. You know something, I've about had it with big governement intrusion. I am so sick and tired of this kind of crap.
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