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Nick Sullivan

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Everything posted by Nick Sullivan

  1. We are still frozen over down here Richard. Is the Broho liqued? How about Radar?
  2. I look at it like this is a good thing. I never was a real big fan of the hollow ski. Now that he has a proven construction he can focus on designing the bottom of the skis and let someone who knows a lot about producing them actually build them for him. At least until he builds the brand up.
  3. @OF, that picture doesn't do that boat justice. Need to show the flake better! How many hours are on it now?
  4. Is he building this ski or is he having Radar build them now?
  5. What is the story behind this boat? There has to be a good story here.
  6. Now that its been a few years since I lost all my weight people make the comment all the time that they are amazed I have kept the lbs off. Not only was skiing and my overall poor health the driving factor to make me loose the weight but I am still working out and keeping the weight off because of this sport. Nothing has ever driven me like these six orange balls we all chase. I give thanks today for the ability to participate in this sport. It truly is a privilege and way of life for me now.
  7. @Richardoane, The new boat is ready, load up and come ski with us. Or should I say come and sit dockside with us waiting for the rain to quite.
  8. I am wondering if they are as safe as the Strada. I really like the fact that the liners come out of the Strada. It makes me feel like the liner adds an added layer of protection and support. Not to mention I have replaced the liners and am on my third season with the original shells.
  9. Next week my new boat shows up. Its going to have rev. R on it. We'll see how it turns out. I'v been skiing behind PP for the last 2 or 3 months and it took me awhile to get used to it. Maybe I'll try these new settings right away.
  10. An A Frame sounds easy and would do the job just right. You could even make it so it could fold up flat by lifting the cross brace at the base by the wheels and scissor it shut to store someplace when not using it. Nice looking lake! Where in CA are you located?
  11. When Mt St. Helens blew. My uncle told my aunt he was going to the store in a rush to get supplies. She told him to get milk, diapers, water etc. He came back with two pillow cases full of beer!
  12. Woodland Washington, Just north of Portland Oregon.
  13. No its not, the way the names/stars are awarded is also different.
  14. @Chef23 Come ski with us, bring a dry suit. We are on the water just about every day.
  15. You guys are really trying open a can of worms. I think Horton would rather just let this thing drop off so we can go back to skiing.
  16. The problem I see here is that there is no clear definition on the earned stars/bars or whatever. Its all based on one guys opinion.
  17. I'd still like to know: Why is it that tfriess has two stars and I have none. Maybe I just don't understand how this works.
  18. I think you need to forget about the green balls and start going for the orange ones. Slow it down if you have to but I would say its time to move on. Start letting go of the handle and getting comfortable creating more speed across the wakes.
  19. Something you need to work on for sure. Try to focus on being in good body position entering the course and leaving the course. This is difficult to do when your first trying to change but have someone in the boat remind you to get back into the correct body position once leaving the course. Jodi Fisher was all over me about my hips for the 5 days I skied with him. He was constantly whistling at me to start and finish the course in good body position. His theory is that eventually it will carry into the course and become habit. It worked for me on my hips any way.
  20. How did you find that on that website? I just went through it and couldn't find a single ski for sale. Cool website however, lots of cool stuff I could use.
  21. Why is it that tfriess has two stars and I have none. Maybe I just don't understand how this works. Edit: @tfriess, don't take any offense to this I am just not clear how the star system works.
  22. @Texas6 Thanks for the tip, this would be exctly what I was looking for.
  23. Not a fan of the stars and not a fan of the new front page. Not being able to see the new comments and threads is going to mean way less traffice to those new threads or comments.
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