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Posts posted by skiboyny

  1. @swbca I think it's great you giving skiing another kick in the pants. You have a pretty lofty goal and that's great as well. A word of caution, recovery is your biggest stumbling block at your age. A lot has changed in 35 years and although your mind is ready for the challenge your body will have other ideas. You need to be patient with yourself, if you head straight out to the course and do multiple passes days in a row I fear your dream will be short lived. Absolutely do a strength program, with a emphasis on core strength. I would suggest keeping the reps on the high side at first 10-12 using a weight you can handle in good form until your body gets used to the workload. When you can complete 12 increase the weight. Give yourself 2 days before you workout again. Your muscles grow when they rest and recover and as I said recovery is the greatest hurdle. Listen carefully to your body and give it the time and space you need to return to competitive skiing. Push to hard and to fast and your comeback will be short lived. Best of luck.
  2. It’s tough to see all that’s going on with just 3 frames. As others have mentioned weight more on the front foot when going in to your off side you should have some front knee bend and be concentrating on standing tall while engaging the front of your ski by pressuring the ball of you foot. It doesn’t show but if your releasing one arm, your picture shows both hands on the handle and I can see some white water but your ski isn’t turned far enough. You need to keep your hand extended a bit longer to let your ski turn till the tip is almost under the rope when you free hand is back on. Hope this makes some sense.
  3. Start with "what are your goals" or what do you hope to achieve. I would vote for free weights. You can't go wrong with strength training. You could start with dumbbells and a bench. With the appropriate amount of weight there isn't much you couldn't do. As far as your link goes I wouldn't call it a scam but do realize that guy didn't build that body with that.
  4. Trying to understand that diagnosis. Do you have pain in the back of the shoulder? The blood pattern and your description looks and sounds an awful lot like what I did. I realize that it could emanate from other places though. My Lat was noticeable sore along with the tendon that runs under the arm and joins the upper arm after the initial soreness passed my shoulder was fully mobile. I couldn't pull and still can't to any strong degree. A chin up would be out of the question. Either way you will miss water time and for me at least there will be no season left by the time I get it strong. That sucks! So I empathise with you.
  5. From the look of your injury spot I would guess the lat muscle and the tendon insertion point on the arm. My theory is the muscle gives out possibly from overuse and the tendon takes a beating. I did a similar thing about 3 weeks ago felt like a tear getting out of the water, and it's taken me off the water. I didn't have the external bruising that you have. It's a deceiving injury as there are many things you can still do normally. I'd be curious to hear your official diagnosis should you get that checked out.
  6. As time passes I think it's become easier to identify. It seems the lat muscle is enraged. When it gets tight it affects the arms ability to raise. I never noticed it till recently but the lat is sore to the touch quite a ways down from the armpit. If I roll it out it, restores all mobility albeit temporarily. It's really a nice injury to have. Not particularly painful, unless I try to ski with it! It seems like my season is over. That is a tough pill to swallow...
  7. It’s a tough call on which as they all overlap and pass right over the “spot” I guess I’ve been lucky I’ve had plenty of injuries, but I have usually been able to keep skiing in some form. This won’t allow it at all. Our season is so short, seems like I’ll not get back. Thanks everyone who’s weighed in.
  8. Just to clarify a bit it’s not my shoulder at all. It seemed confusing last week it was the end of my set so all muscles were pretty lit up at that point. This hurts right in the back of the arm pit. Totally a pulling issue so I figured someone had to experience ii.
  9. I skied a nice set last week and at the end of it felt some discomfort in what I thought was my left shoulder. It was hard to pinpoint where the problem was but noticed that it was somewhat difficult to lift my arm straight up. I definitely lost some pulling strength, and as ski conditions would have it took a week off. Went to ski today, and just coming out of the water was a searing pain that was very well defined now. It kind of shocked me cause I knew it might give me trouble skiing but I never thought just getting up on my ski was going to be an issue. It's just under my left arm maybe a lat, or teres major or minor. Lifting my arm cause pain there is no way I could do a chin up or heavy pull. It's a new spot for me, and I'm wondering if anyone here has done such a thing? I got a bad feeling about recovery time, it's been a real messed up year and our season isn’t long from over. Thoughts?
  10. It seems like there is only so much you can do to a slalom ski. The makers put new models out every year, but how many of them have made an actual performance gain? We have all heard about the different shapes, bevels, flexs, seems like it's all been done. Still the promise of a ski that "fits your style" better keeps us buying and trying. I feel like switching to carbon fiber was the first real innovation that increased performance. Everything after seems marginal.
  11. Did the tendon tear from the bone? Probably should have had the MRI if the tendon tears the muscle rolls up and it will look different. You can do well without it but there is a window of opportunity to having it fixed. You are outside that window now. At this point just work on strength as you did at physical therapy.
  12. First set of numbers I still would raise the one ball to 20 get the speed at 2 dead on. (which is 1 on your readout). Then raise 3 ball as needed to get 2-3 on your readout to on the money. All this is assuming that you see the same problems over and over. Work from the beginning to the end.
  13. @"Keith Menard" Yes it will always be great overall. The key is in the ball times. With the new software the skiing was probably acceptable whereas the earlier versions did some things that were not. You just couldn't get used to skiing the earlier versions. Big hit at 2 ball boat ran away in the middle of the course. They seem to have that sorted out a bit at least on the 2 boats I've tried them on. I've seen peoples skis literally jump out of the water with a sudden speed increase at 2 ball. That said it seems to do a bit better with the backgrounds adjusted for the boat. If you like it as is it's all good.
  14. The Stargazer system is very good at making total time right out of the box. If the ball times are not within a couple of thousands at each ball, to me it is worth messing with. Even though the overall time is good if the ball times deviate too much the thing won't "feel" right. I've messed with enough of these to know that it can be pretty darn close. It also can be a moving target, depending on conditions and skier. Best advice I can give is If you see a recurring slow or fast ball time it's worth sorting out. You need to do it over many sets watching and looking for consistently off ball times. They can't always be perfect but they can be surprisingly good the majority of the time. A .05 correction at a ball your probably gonna feel. It's up to you in the end what your satisfied with.
  15. For every lb you add in either skier weight or crew weight the system adds RPM to keep the boat moving at a rate that will make total time. (more weight slower boat) There is a bit of guesswork involved that's why at the end of each pass it shows a rpm add + or - On your other questions Yes the system is using GPS for mapping. When in classic mode it's rpm based, In stargazer mode it's still rpm based but gps is making corrections along the way in terms of speed.
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