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Posts posted by skiboyny

  1. You need to continue raising ball one. Your close on 3 ball time. You get your ball times right your overall will be right. Also make sure your baselines and typical crew weight is right. Adding Crew weight or skier weight adds RPM. The whole process can be counter intuitive to say the least. Ball times are the most important to getting the thing to feel right. Feather setting is always a bit better out of the box But there is still a hit at 2 ball look at the ball times and you will see it. It's dangerous really.
  2. I had a dealing with him. Bought a ho ski. It was sent but it was a blem and was supposed to be first rate. The blem was a saw slit near the tail. I was able to talk to him at the time, very nice to talk to had all the right speak, but no movement as to getting an exchange. I shipped it back to him contacted my credit card company and filed a dispute. They handled it from there and got my money back. I've seen him selling product long after my experience, so I have to assume he comes through sometimes. Me I have very little tolerance for anyone who isn't responsive and has my money. The credit card company is your friend! Good luck.
  3. Just the down arrow for the ball times. If it's running slow there must be a deviation in the ball times see where it is and adjust it out. Remember to look at ball 2 ball 4 to use ball 1 and ball 3 adjustments. Be sure to look at smooth ski runs when you dialing it in. It takes a while to get it just right but it can be done. The ball times should be no more than one or two thouthands off on each ball.
  4. I have been involved in three boats that have had this problem. They are all running great. The key is the background settings. You need to focus on ball times. I was told by a forum member @DanE that ball one adjust 2 ball time ball 3 adjust 4 ball time and so on. That’s really what it took to get it right. You will find that 2 ball time is slow and to fix it you will have to raise ball one background a lot. Maybe to 20 if memory serves. I’m pretty sure than 3 adjust will have to go down to make 4 ball right. The smother the skier the better for your adjustments and don’t be afraid to move them. it can seem like a moving target. 20 15 19 are some numbers you can try on normal background settings. They should get you close.
  5. Wileys offer very little lateral support. I would think that might be tough on a compromised ankle. If you want both feet in, try Goode powershells. (I can see people cringing from here) If you want to stick with the kicker go with the reflex. You seem to already believe that it would have released in your falls.There is no option that will guarantee your safety. I have seen no data showing any system to be superior over the others.
  6. Moomba ski a little "bigger" than some of the others but it is skiable. Give yourself some time to get used to it. You will no doubt have to be in a stronger position which isn't a bad thing. The good news is we get used to what we ski behind. The moomba will be fine and so will you.
  7. Stargazer of that vintage had a habit of "running" away at 2 ball speeding up in the middle of the course and slowing down at the end rendering perfect overall times but making it feel like shit to ski. Is this possibly what your experiencing? Look at your ball times. If they are not within a couple of thousands It won't ski right and the only way to fix it is with background settings.(there is a whole art to that)

    I invested a whole summer getting 2 boats to work right and got it right at the end. I have no idea if the upgrade has solved this problem.

  8. Even though the system makes the times (including ball times) in tolerance, if the speed deviates a lot up or down ball to ball, it won't "feel" right. Now another thing to consider before you get to concerned. At 28 mph is the skier your pulling really skiing? The system adds RPM to counter the strong pull of a slalom skier than modifies the speed with GPS input. Your ball speeds show the system constantly bleeding speed. It could be the skier is not skiing the pass or is learning. Is this a possibility?
  9. Not sure how they are doing it in the newest version but each speed needs baseline rpm calibrated. Even though your overall time is close the ball to bal times are pretty bad. It won't ski to well. I'd contact perfect pass with all those gps errors.
  10. Seems like the information that @UWSkier got from perfect pass was accurate. For the first time ever took my boat out from hibernation and had no GPS lock. Seems like that lasted for 20 minutes over a couple of different times out. Once it locked back to normal behavior. Locked as soon as the system is turned on.
  11. The muscle involved in skiing is somewhat specific. Muscle is developed by progressive overload. Anyone who has learned to ski (and do it well) has "taught" their ski specific muscle to develop over time. They may at this point be unaware of it because it's second nature but it's there. The people that say it ain't so have many years developing this mind muscle connection. This has nothing to do with bench press.
  12. I'm with @Than_Bogan I think the people that do it and do it well have all the things mentioned as well as being strong people. They may not look like bodybuilders, but I would bet their strength to weight ratio is right up there. Great technique falls apart quickly without the strength and stamina to carry it though.
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