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Everything posted by Mateo_Vargas

  1. What? No Ball of Hair? That's weak. Come on Horton. Pull some money out of the tip jar and pay that late fee!
  2. I wish our geese would go back to Canada. We have enough illegals in California already.
  3. It was Fall of 2010 when I last rode the 2011 68 Strada. I wasn't using the Radar bindings yet and can't remember settings but felt too much speed and not enough turn. So last year used the 67 Strada with the Strada boot 1.5 holes forward of stock. I think the unique bevel design allowed me to get away with being so far forward and also increased the surface area like a narrow 68. I'm on the 2012 68 now and started the season with the front boot in the middle and moved forward 1/2 hole after the water warmed up. The new ski is a little more forgiving and my scores have been more consistant. One back probably won't help your off-side on the 2011 68. You can try moving forward but ultimately I think you should get a 2012.
  4. I weigh 200 lbs and the 2011 67 had plenty of speed, never felt short. Figured you got a deal on the 2011 model but if your open to a 2012 the new Strada is better and I prefer the 68.
  5. @jjackkrash I felt the same offside you describe on the 2011 68" so went down to the 67" last season. The 2012 layup improved this so back on the 68".
  6. The pigeons were stopped at the border so they had to resort to smoke signals.
  7. I guess they don't have the internet in Canada yet. How are they transmitting the scores, carrier pigeons?
  8. @AB I have a pair of 12s that I can sell at that price. PM me if interested.
  9. The previous Strada's felt large but I think the 2012 version matches the size chart well. I'm 200 and skied the 67" last year but I'm liking this year's 68". @Laz you are on the bubble but with the info you've provided I think you'll consistantly run 28 more often on the 2012 68".
  10. Well @schroed started all this so he can set the score for the over/under on Dirt's next tournament score.
  11. @Horton, PBs don't count outside the region. What happened in Texas stays in Texas.
  12. I think this puts Dirt as the front runner for Baller of the Year and that free entry to the Diablo Shores Pro-Am courtesy of BOS.
  13. Rossi should take a crack at it. He appears to be of age.
  14. If history repeats itself Dirt will do the same thing as his last year in M2, win Regionals and then crawl under a rock for the next 10 years. That what Dirt does. Great skiing Dirt!
  15. @Horton did the ski feel better or worse after you cut your hair?
  16. @Horton wanna picture? I don't know why I tried to help all you double boot guys. As Mapple, Willy and Nate have shown that the RTP will once again rule the world.
  17. 13" back from my size 11 boot is the center of that hole in the plate. I have a narrow tape measure the fits in the hole.
  18. @Horton isn't this the new scoring system for Slalom Water Skier-Cross? Perhaps the Wilson Bros can do more testing with jump suits on and some full contact? Getting in the X-games could save the sport.
  19. I strongly supported this rule change so my Nationals score would improve from 1/2 a buoy to 3/4 of a buoy but still is last place.
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