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Everything posted by unksskis

  1. 250 people tuned in right now for jump qualifiers.
  2. Will be sure to let him know how appalled you are.
  3. waterskiresults.com, Live scoring, select Nationals, then select Slalom, Rd 1, and IM.
  4. Simple Green is another option.
  5. Not at all. This is pulling the curtain on a lot of people in the sport, there is no reason to close this thread.
  6. Most companies will have a booth with limited product for sale.
  7. Only USA-WS members are to be in the boat during a tournament, that’s been a known rule forever, assuming for liability.
  8. Clarification; The WWA was around long before USA-WB, it was created because the skiers were anti wakeboarding at the time. Once USA-WS saw the money, numbers, and growth of wakeboarding, they decided they were going to be the governing body. No legit wakeboarder recognizes USA-WB as the governing body, and many don’t even support it’s events.
  9. What is the primary objective, or purpose, of Regionals?
  10. @klindy it's an unnecessary expense. I'm not sure what your point was, that many people go to Regionals and choose to not go to Nationals? The point is the Regional requirement and cost associated is prohibitive to going to Nationals. If Regionals is the biggest tournament for some people, then make the tournament for them. However that seems to make it even less valuable for someone just trying to go to Nationals, and again, an unnecessary expense.
  11. @klindy add me to this list. With everything I have going on in life, it seems Regionals will eat away my budget that would be for Nationals. I have no reason to ski Regionals, it offers me nothing but access to Nationals, at an unnecessary cost. I don’t want to miss Nationals, but it may become unfeasible given the Regional expense.
  12. unksskis

    Boat upgrade

    Mastercraft Prostar 205 96+
  13. @Horton there's rarely 5 competitors in most divisions anymore. I think it's more important that the top 5 State finishers qualify for Regionals, however that is more likely going to be people who are already qualified. The Western Region should have 3 regionals, just as Texas should have 3 State Championships/Regional qualifiers. Edit: To add, one suggestion would be to allow Top 5 placement in Overall to qualify for Nationals. I feel this would encourage 3event and qualify people who will attend if able.
  14. @klindy I know you're not exclusively saying it, but to not split up the West because what it would do to the board seems like putting the cart before the horse.
  15. @jaymac it is really good for surface tricks, but I'm not sure it would be ideal for toes.
  16. @Jmoski i believe in the $60k-$70k range
  17. @fu_man agreed. Kneeboards are great alternatives to tubes, they can lay on them and learn handle control. There are also options now from most companies that is a combination kneeboard, forward ski, surf, etc to mix things up and get kids behind the boat.
  18. @BraceMaker sure, but after a big whip, often times it's put in neutral, then gunned to 3000+ RPM if the rider is still on. Running and gunning, it's up to how gnarly the driver gets, now I highly doubt people are doing this with their young children, but it happens.
  19. @Hucklefin I trashed a transmission due to tubing in the past, haven't pulled one since. If you ask most shop mechanics they'll say it's not the best on your transmission. It really depends on how gnarly the driver gets with the throttle, as to what extent the damage may be.
  20. Expecting people to be pro tube, while being anti-wakeboard is interesting. Wakeboard, kneeboard, multi-board, anything but tubing. Tubes are transmission killers and create more stress than most other towed activities, to use a promo boat to pull a tube is somewhat surprising.
  21. He lifts his left ski, it's tail is kicked by the wake, and he loses his control of it and his right ski gets behind him, left ski dips too much tip and he's over his skis. The somersault was a smart move. This happens more than people realize, especially with people lifting their skis and trying to crane the wakes. I can think of a number of other times this occurred at tournaments.
  22. When lifting the ski goes wrong.
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