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Everything posted by unksskis

  1. At the end of the day, it is your choice. Your choice is drawing a line in the sand at taking an anti pedophile course to help prevent child endangerment and abuse in the sport. Interesting hill to die on, but it is your choice, and some sure want everyone to know, when no one cares. An amateur sports organization is not a democracy, no reason to conflate one’s political frustrations with an organization.
  2. @Killer Big thing there is the accessible slalom course on a public lake. Those are becoming fewer and fewer, and tougher to get DNR/Corps to allow or approve.
  3. What is the surf system? Referring to the hydro-gate?
  4. Why? https://congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/534/text To summarize for you, any US National Sport Governing association where minors are included/involved must implement Safe Sport training and certification. Take this up with your state government representatives, they voted this as a requirement. Explain to them that you will no longer be participating in your organized sport because of this requirement they enacted.
  5. @ScarletArrow what is the story telling to be told? You can't take the new waterski boats out on a busy reservoir like you can a larger "surf" boat. You can't have people sitting behind the pylon when towing. You can't easily tie up a ski boat to the taller boats in party cove. The ski boat market customer prioritizes performance behind the boat, the wheel, and features that enhance that experience like engine, Zero Off, ballast, ski racks. The market has moved to a more specialized performance product to meet these priorities, which don't align with the recreational boat market priorities or desires.
  6. Order from Perfect Pass, they'll get it to you quickly. perfectpass.com/?q=parts
  7. @Horton this seems to be a solicitation to get clicks on their video
  8. I was thinking this would be about the outer straps being used. What are the top jumpers using outside the binding? It looks like Freddy uses a velcro binding material strap, others seem to use something tied and rolled over the binding.
  9. @dbutcher yes, any support for Regionals and Nationals should be allowed and appreciated. The "credit" system should really be utilized to see where the promo programs are being utilized, and the system be updated to identify/capture tournaments that were not supported.
  10. @skierjp Exclusively meaning no promo boats, compared to utilizing a promo boat in conjunction with personal or club boats. There are no promo boats in this area to support local tournaments, therefore to host tournaments in this area it is relying exclusively on personal or club boats, no support from any manufacturer. @skiinxs That is great that they are supporting the Missouri tournaments with your involvement and hard work. The tournament originally referenced here exclusively utilized personal boats. In this scenario, it would not seem correct to give credits to the manufacturers for competitions they really didn't support, or go towards their national support percentage.
  11. @dave2ball so now that personal boats are exclusively used, are the companies still to get credit?
  12. I find this very unprofessional from USA-WS and Nate. This is a 3rd party company that wants to sell you what they'll make, my school Alumni did the same thing. For the President of our membership association to put their name on a solicitation is not acceptable in my opinion.
  13. Mine is a full closed (2011), and leaks out at the seams/gaskets on the manifolds.
  14. Thanks for clarifying @MISkier , there seems to be some that didn't from online postings.
  15. So is there no MC 2022 promo program this year?
  16. https://www.triplejskiranch.com/About_Us.html
  17. @buechsr Have you been a National champion? This logic that it’s just another $150, skip the Starbucks mentality is turning people away already. Can’t keep expecting the same people to continue supporting things just because. Is my judging, and providing my boat for local tournaments, (no promo boats here this year) not enough? So the suggested $150 fee is per event. Overall too? Win 2 events and overall and one is expected to graciously pay $450 for accomplishing an amateur backyard hobby championship? I have and will continue to donate what I deem appropriate amounts for the webcast because I support its efforts, and promote others to do so as well. Good luck to all the National champions explaining the additional cost to their significant others, on top of the travel, registration, hotel, PTO, equipment, etc. It’s really hard to understand you not getting why this proposal is ridiculous.
  18. @buechsr the suggestion of having National Champions pay extra is crazy. That would likely become a major deterrent to attendance.
  19. I would add, IMO having national and international governing bodies signing exclusive contracts with a boat manufacturer is not good for the sport overall, and should impact the other manufacturer's interests in sustaining their production and future involvement/commitment.
  20. Horsepower limitations(or none at all), boat length and weight limitations, No-wake implementation, boat type limitations. There are plenty of options for public and private to block watersport enthusiasts. If they see wake boats as an issue, they likely view a ski boat in the same manner. There are dozens of lakes in Indiana that have horsepower limitations, and are thus just pontoon lakes, when they are perfect for skiing. Also, ski boats are getting larger and heavier, the new Prostar gets close to some lakes' weight restrictions. There are also "wake" boats that are 20' to skirt around that specific rule.
  21. I have 86" Connelley's Stokes tip I may get rid of.
  22. Having a snow option nearby does not usually bode well for academics for most students. Reach out to the teams, they are more than happy to discuss or host a visit.
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