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Everything posted by Jerry44

  1. I start like this: except I keep my chest closer to my front knee longer.
  2. When you get to the course you'll probably want to slow down to learn the course. I'd say Katana or Union and they're still good for free skiing up to 30 or 32 mph. Also you won't get as tired on those at slower speeds.
  3. Very scary! If he'd looked up a half second later it wouldn't have been good.
  4. Congratulations @Thejad! Welcome to the addiction!
  5. Last summer after being out of course skiing for a lot of years I was trying to run the course on my Senate C at 30 mph without a lot of success. Around September 1, I bought a Katana and was running the course successfully at 24 mph. (Up to 27 mph now). That's the great thing about the Katana - you can ski 24 mph and it won't wear you out like higher performance skis. Also, it keeps me from doing stupid stuff like getting too far forward on the ski, as I am prone to do.
  6. Check out this product review:
  7. Katana is a great ski for free skiing or learning the course. The design of the ski keeps you from getting too far forward or too far back on the ski.
  8. How far away are you willing to look?
  9. More intensity on pullout for gate. Longer glide time before the gate. Load behind the boat (stack). At finish of turn bring handle to outside hip.
  10. If I had to guess I would say this girl hasn't had enough time on 2 and getting comfortable crossing the wakes. Other than that I agree with Bruce and Chef23. If I was going to change the boat speed it would be slower. It makes the skier work harder but the ski tracks better. I also tell people when learning, if they feel like they're losing their balance to squat down. Lowering the center of gravity resolves the balance problem. Again, agree with Chef23 on looking at the horizon. Try standing on one foot with your while looking down or with your eyes closed.
  11. I was in the same situation as you last September and I bought a '17 Prostar. I think it just boils down to this. Are you willing to take an appoximately 12k hit in the first year to have a brand new boat? It wasn't worth it to me right now. In a few years it might be. It just depends on your situation.
  12. The trailer width is the same on a 196 and a Prostar.
  13. You can build one on the web site, change exterior and interior color, etc. Two engine options, 6.0 L and 6.0 L Coastal.
  14. I had the same issue with the garage. I removed mine from the attachment plates and left those installed. You have to disconnect the wires to the light of course. I"m planning to raise my garage door over the winter so I don't have to lower the tower to get the boat in the garage.
  15. trailerandtruckparts.com/15x6-T07-Viper-Black-Machined-Aluminum-6-Bolt-Trailer-Rim-2860-lb-Capacity_p_1839.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwvNXeBRAjEiwAjqYhFoeoeLUqwCmDbzOC0RayIK4ANkygAtNJi-2TUFrpi9ac-h_u52XqxxoC7uUQAvD_BwE#.W9YyoZNKjUI
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