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Everything posted by kfennell

  1. Guys quit defending the weight system, it is terrible! We often go out with three people in the boat, even on a private lake, where there will be two slalom sets and two trick sets etc, and we would have to drive back 3 lakes to change the weight if we wanted to? What about when we are toe tricking and the ski rope gets caught on one of those pegs after a release? What about as mentioned dropping the weight, which will happen for sure. I thought this was a thing that they just had on there for the prototype or something, or adding more weight for wakeboarding, if it is the "solution" to tricking that is ugly. I have to think it is not since I know someone who was told to wait a few months to order so they could get the trick wake sorted out. I know the rest of the boat is great looking, and that most of you don't trick but if 1/3 of skiiers hate this boat just like 1/3 of long line slow skiiers hated the old boat how is that really any better. Especially since the TXI already does all three events so well.
  2. Mine revs 3400 at 34 with no skiier and 3700 at 36 with a pro skiier skiing
  3. I will pay attention tomorrow when I am out, I think that is 3-400 more then I normally have at 34.
  4. I went from 2@22 to 5.5@-28 @ 36 this year, looking to get a 2@32 in a tournament if I get to one this fall. so like 12 balls?
  5. Shane no coaching for right now, but I have had some sets with him. Going fast 2nd wasn't a bad thing at the time, because it allowed me to land jumps, but I should have got some confidence up and then gone back to RTB, because I never really learned to land on the balls of my feet. You think pulling through the ramp right away is the best thing for me to learn to land over the skis?
  6. So I learned to jump in what would arguably be called the "wrong" way and as a result I have trouble staying over my toes near the landing. This is the result of going from narrow plopping on fast second where the boat would "catch" me in the air and keep me over my toes, to cutting through the ramp on RTB where I dont have any rope if I pull in on the ramp and keep rocking back. For a very brief period I was able to cut through and land on my tips and was jumping about 60 ft. (30 mph narrow in the course). But then I went OTF and now I keep raising my hands on the way down... I want to break my jumping back to 0 and learn to land on my feet without cheating with fast second, so I am back to plopping from college wide at 26 mph last night. I concentrated 100% on landing on my feet and standing up, but you do land pretty hard from that jump so it is tricky. Anyways down to my question - what should my progression be from here to keep my confidence up, but not take too long getting back to where I was? I am taking cut sets, slaloming on my jumpers, and jumping the wake almost every day and I realize that is important as well, but on the days that I hit the jump, what should I be doing?
  7. Internet is slow so the upload is taking awhile but here's my shore video (it'll be available shortly)
  8. @Horton Did he try to scam you too? Now I know why I am not allowed to post negative things about him...
  9. @Rico Three rides and 2nd last, but that isn't really up to you to decide if that is worth it to me.
  10. @ntx it's not just a top 5 at regionals, I have to qualify for regionals which means having 2x level 5 scores I believe, it's not my fault that level 5 jump is like 60 ft, and slalom is 34 mph. This is more of a commentary on the fact there aren't many Men's 2 skiiers. Hard to imagine with a sport this inviting and easy to access! @ShaneH and sure some are on all sorts of VISAS, but none of them would be allowed to ski if you opened it up to permanent residences, well except one starting sometime this year.
  11. I have a green card, which means that I am a "Permanant" Resident. I got this by marrying my wife. The only other common ways to get one are to be sponsored by your company (Something that costs many tens of thousands and I doubt any pro skiiers have) or to win the green card lottery which is intended to encourage diversity among immigrants (and almost no countries that skiiers come from are eligible for the lottery normally). Having a green card is 99% the same as being a citizen with the following differences, I can't vote, I could get deported, and I don't have to give up my Canadian Citizenship. In summary green card holders are here to stay are are allowed to stay forever. The guys that are in florida at the ski schools etc will be either on 6 months tourist visas where they can't "work" or probably on J-1 visas which are basically summer vacation work visas. Lastly the people that are here going to school are on F-1 Visa's which are the same as anyone who comes to the US just for school athletes or not. What all these visas have in common is the following: Restrictions on who and how much you can work for, RESTRICTIONS ON HOW LONG YOU CAN STAY, and they are NOT a path to staying in the country. None of them can be "converted" to a green card or citizenship. In summary they are visitors. Maybe the most important distinction is that you can't just GET a green card. Anyone can get an F-1 or J-1 visa, and come here and win nationals and dissappear, but if Will asher wanted to get a green card virtually the only path for him would be to get married to an american and then wait 3 years or so. I came to the US on a TN (NAFTA) work visa which allows engineers from Canada the US and Mexico to "freely" live and work in each of the three countries, mostly for the benefit of the US which has an ongoing shortage of engineers. I then met my wife, got married, and applied for a Permanant Resident (green) Card. I was approved after an interview to determine that we weren't faking it and given a 2 year card. After those 2 years I was allowed to apply for my 10 year card which will automatically renew every 10 years as long as I haven't committed a crime. Since I have been in the US I have worked and paid taxes continuously, and owned two houses. I have never even seen a waterski lake in Canada (thought I was once in McClintocks store). And know literally no one in Canada who skis or competes. TL;DR: A visa is a temporary pass to come here and not really work. A green card is a permanent pass to be here and do whatever you like but vote.
  12. I would bet that virtually none of the people that you are referring to have a green card in the US. Do you guys even know what the difference between the students here on visas or the pros here on visas and a green card resident are? Clearly not from the if we let you ski we would have to let everyone ski attitude.
  13. By the way, Canada does not have this rule, they allow Permanant residents (landed immigrants) to compete. This keeps out any students and pros that are here training (because none of them have green card equivalents in Canada) yet lets people who ski and live there year round with no plans for leaving ski...
  14. They were testing one at SMRR this weekend, maybe someone will come chime in on how they liked it?
  15. I I cannot just BECOME a citizen for another 3 years. Qualifying is easy, all I have to do is qualify for regionals overall (2x level 5 scores) then I am automatically in because there are no Mens 2 overall skiiers.
  16. Ha youd think that but I bet those dogs are 10's of thousands. Also this isn't helping.
  17. 4.02 National Tournament Qualifications General: A contestant in the National Tournament must have competed in the corresponding event at his Regional Tournament (see Rules 4.03 and 4.06) during the same year. To have competed in an event at a Regional Tournament means to have attained skiing position in each event as defined in Rule 8.07. In addition, a contestant must qualify under Rules 4.02.A, 4.02.B, or 4.02.C (below) and must be TOC11 a U.S. Citizen. However, a competitor who skis in international competition for another federation shall not be eligible for placement for two years following the international competition. Any skier competing in international competitions representing Guatemala, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela with dual US citizenship would be exempt from rule 4.02.A and 4.03.A for the period of January 1, 2012 until December 31, 2012. A skier who enters the Open division at the Nationals in any event is not required to ski in his Regional Tournament. Regionals: All entrants in a Regional Tournament shall be U.S. citizens, unless the Region determines to allow non-US citizens (or resident aliens) to participate, but not for placement. However, a competitor who skis in international competition for another federation shall not be eligible for placement for two years following the international competition.
  18. I think they can count us out of lending much support for that now...
  19. I could join the army, in fact if I was younger I would even be eligible for the draft. Seems reasonable.
  20. So it turns out that the regional and national competitions don't allow non U.S. Citizens. So even though I live here full time and have for 6 years, and I have only ever skied in the US, I cannot ski at nationals at all it seems and I can only ski at regionals more or less for fun, I can't ski in mens 2 or have my results count for anything. :(
  21. Probably the safest is the stradas or the Reflex/fludi motion I prefer the hard shells because they don't ever partially release which I had the stradas do a few times. If you liked the control and feel of the power shell consider double reflex, or double FM Quattro/E-Series. I am on the quattro and no issues.
  22. I think the best at causing season ending injuries is probably @Horton
  23. Coaches that I have had from best to worst in terms of how they coched and helped my skiing. Wim Decree Tina Lindsay Many others who are good including jeff drew and ward. No-one My dad (definately more hurting then helping) Not skiing at all Falling face first into the boat cover and getting 7 stitches instead of skiing ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Everything else in the universe Horton
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