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Everything posted by kfennell

  1. I wanted to, BJ wants a district engineer there, but the wife says no :'( What salary would I need to live in a house like wards out there?
  2. I meant high and low I think that might cause confusion, but really the water has to be over 60 by now, its barely been under 60 for about a week, and we had some days at 79+
  3. Should be 76/63 on saturday, that's gotta be close enough!
  4. it's sunny and hot here every day, but someone isnt interested in getting the course and boat up and running so I sit around getting fatter every day :(
  5. I an only tell you what Ward told me when I bought it, I am 240 lbs and I ski 32 mph max right now. He said that it was a great ski if you are a little heavier since it is wide, and that it turns smooth with no quick jerk at the end, he told me it was good for me till i started to ski at 36 mph, but that I would need to get something else at that point (maybe the end of this summer?). I guess I can't really give too much advice on how far the ski can take you but I can say that it is SUPER easy to learn on compared to the 3-4 other skis that I have skied in the course with.
  6. I suggest only having 5 members who ski regularly, it works really well for us, then you also need to sign up some people who move away and dont ski as much, or really busy business people to help pay the bills, it works great at our lake from what I saw :)
  7. Just to be clear, even though I apparently was wrong as to the cause, I wasn't attacking anyones camera or picture taking skills, it was my camera even.
  8. Those crazy loons LIKE them like that, I think it's because some of them are old and going blind. Also its a PVC course in 20 feet of water so they are actually going to work on some kind of weight system this spring.
  9. For some reason you have it so that I can't link to the individual images, but the one where the balls were in focus and the skier not would have been the best if it was taken with a real lens not a $200 P&S since the depth of field is so bad.
  10. Not that I know of downtown, but there are about a million rich folk out of dallas here every weekend to visit the casinos, as well as shows at the casinos. There is a yearly air show that is fairly popular, as well as a few bowl games that are very popular but it is a bit cold for a tournament here when that is going on. Could you get together with the wakeboard folks and have a wakeboard/ski weekend? I know in OKC that the wakeboard tourney was fairly popular with over 5k people coming with no advertisement and this would be a better location and presumably better advertising if you tie it in with the casinos.
  11. I've often thought that downtown shreveport would be an EXCELLENT spot to have a tournament, you have the very calm river between about a half dozen casinos with excellent views plus the boardwalk. I wonder if I could serve as a promoter to get this kind of thing to go down? Is there any money in it to set it up? Maybe if I just pitched the idea of a tournament with jumping to the casinos they would be all about that.. that is if we could get the army corps of engineers on board.
  12. I want to learn to trick ski in the spring so that if I go out with my wakeboarding friends I can show them up, trick skiing looks cool, slaloming is for old people I think?
  13. if you have no problems with most normal size 12 shoes then size 12 I guess. Ward has normally sized 12's and they fit him well too, he likes them tight though Apparently im wrong and wards huge feet are only 11's
  14. Can we please have some sort of drunk/drinking slalom? Maybe then I will finally have a chance to be good at something!
  15. I would definitely like to use this as an excuse to get a new bigger tv, but they don't really make bigger ones anymore (that are good), and it's the remote for the cable box. :(
  16. ...And we have been watching sportscenter for 4 days now... Thoughts?
  17. Thought I would add some actual content about water skiing since it's not winter everywhere yet ;) So I stole the micrometer from work today and I measured where my fin and binding are, this is on a 2009 Senate. 69" I am 230 lbs and trying to run 32 mph. dft .88 depth 2.477 Length 6.870 So that looks good except that it isn't as deep as it should be according to PSC I also have my bindings about .25-.5 inches ahead of where they should be. I did this when i was having a hell of a time keeping the weight on my front foot. it made a big improvement, but I fear it is teaching me bad habits or something. Also if it is relevant the water temp is about 65° ish here. Thoughts?
  18. What does skiing really cost in other places? I guess I only know what it is here, but I pay a very very fair price, barely more then double what I would spend on say a year of playing hockey and this includes my wife skiing, and I don't really remember anyone saying that Hockey is too expensive. Maybe if cost is the main issue you guys should be getting into clubs/co-op type arrangements with shared boats. BTW I am 27 and my wife 25. We're not rich don't have rich parents, and just have regular jobs.
  19. track systems are kind of stupid since you lose half the experience of riding around in the boat with friends, etc. What a boring sport it would be using only a track system.
  20. Wow way less choppy at cottonwood then at OO, that is an almost 20 mph wind in those pics.
  21. Im not any expert, but I was at that level earlier this summer and really no ski would have fixed it. It looks like a combination of her being on her back foot, not bringing her hips up, and like my wife, not really *trying* very hard ( don't take this personally), although if she fixes the first two she will have a lot easier time of things and wont need to try so hard. Also she is definitely at the level she should be using one hand in her turns, it helped me a TON and I started doing it before I was that good I would say.
  22. Today: Morning 9:30 am Water 59° Air 65° This afternoon 3 pm water 76° air 88° Awesome!
  23. was 91/76 when we fired the boat up tonight! Cooled down quick, but was still awesome.
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