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Everything posted by kfennell

  1. Yeah Randolph, the yard is in Cibolo I think it's called? Which I guess is a suburb to the NE? Is that a good area to live? And how do you join Zorn? It looks like it is owners only from what I can see online, is that the case?
  2. I got a call from a recruiter today for a job in San Antonio, I guess before I get talking to them too much I wanted to know if there is any skiing in the San antonio area. I don't see anything really close after a quick google, the closest seems to be the guadalupe ski plex which is 38 miles away from the office (which would be roughly near the air force base).
  3. This site is racist... There I said it. Afraid of the superior Canadian race...
  4. Buy our boat for $29k and we will include a set of used jumpers and a trick ski! :)
  5. Wow because of this I looked up flights to SCL, man they are expensive! On the upside they are cheap with points, only 60k pp round trip in january :p only 40k off season!
  6. Why are those kids wearing helmets? Has anyone ever been hit by their own ski in the back of the head hard enough to cause an injury?
  7. This is best video ever. I wish I could eat cookies in MS's bed
  8. I dont get it...:| is this like the ugly girls in the bar?
  9. I nearly went bankrupt bringing beer to the lake this summer!!! Plus you just stay up in your house being anti social!
  10. @Ilivetoski Im in Shreveport, LA that was kinda freak weather though, back to 80-85 for the time being.
  11. We got it down here :) 100 yesterday!
  12. She is in CA, she advertised hers on here before, it is the one that had the wrap on it. http://ballofspray.vanillaforums.com/discussion/comment/46493#Comment_46493 ~500 hours.
  13. So after going back through the speeds at -22 off I am about to start trying 36/-22. My question is what ski should I be on for learning this? Is the ski I have now OK? I am currently using a Radar Senate 69" and I weigh 240 hopefully this winter I will be more successful at losing weight and will start next season at 220. I lost a bunch this last winter then gained it all back when I went through a ton of stress changing jobs! So, ski suggestions or is this the best for me till i get a little shorter line. Edit: I ski only behind zero off and with ward coaching me, so I ski like a fat uncoordinated ward if you need to know about my ski style. Edit 2: I have skiied on a 68" RS1 for a few sets, I really liked how fast it finished the turns, but I felt super unstable on it everywhere in the course. Then again it was 55 degrees, someone elses boots, and an OLD pp boat.
  14. Thanks Eddie, I got caught up with work this week, but I will do that monday morning.
  15. I bought a pair of Radar Vice gloves and the velcro strap on the back ripped off the first time I used them. I called the store that sold them to me, but they want me to ship them back at my expense, then they ship them to radar, radar ship it to them they ship it to me... it will be mud march before I get them back at that rate! How do I contact Radar directly about this kind of issue? Their site isn't so clear.
  16. But they are nothing like the radar lock gloves that he is looking for. They have an internal strap and a small dowel and a very nice kevlaresque palm. On that note theRadar Vice gloves are very nice, tried mine for the first time today.
  17. If you call the Radar store they can check all their stores to see if any of them have any in stock still. Since you are not a large maybe you can still get some. They aren't making them anymore, so youd better stock up if you find some.
  18. Can you pass some of those nibbles our way? Surprisingly no interest in ours and its a lot cheaper!
  19. DFSDFSDFLKSHDF where were you earlier!? I wonder if I can return mine, I took off the tags and wore it. I guess I could still say it's a factory 2nd... since it obviously is. That one looks nice.
  20. You wouldn't much enjoy the March/november water here then balmy 58
  21. Turns out you were right than, I tried it with the rash guard and it was 50% easier on and 95% easier to get off I would say. Good advice.
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