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Everything posted by kfennell

  1. With a silveretta, this is what I need http://www.jagersport.com/images/REVOToePlate404.jpg
  2. unfavorable at least 1/4 of the time, but only once so far this year unskiiable, went from 5 to 40-50 mph winds in 5 minutes, hard to ski when the spray from the boat is 100% blocking your vision :(
  3. I just went through learning the course and getting up to 36 mph while weighing 250 lbs, I lost 30 lbs over the winter and now I am using an RS-1. I was using a 69.5" Senate and it was nice and very forgiving, I tested a CDX once, it was 100% more aggressive so I didn't like it much. I have run 34-22 on this ski and it is easy to get up on and nice soft finish to the turns. http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&category=Slalom&postid=19712
  4. I would like to keep using my FM hardshell on my slalom with a strada rear and use it on my trick as well. Does someone have a spare plate laying around that I could put on my trick and use with this ski? I guess I would also settle if someone has a complete used quattro large setup for sale? I saw that there was one on SIA but it is missing some of the hardware, I guess I could just use velcro as the release with this setup? I am mostly just thinking out loud here. Ideas?
  5. Oh, also if you live in the south, or really anywhere dont get the black floor, as light as you can get is best, mine is grey and I think it is a good comprimise between getting dirty and scorching your feet in the sun.
  6. When looking to buy a carbon pro recently the only option that I wanted was that it was cheap, if I wanted a fancier boat I would have got a TXI, we both really liked the hard top option, and might have paid for it had that been an option, but nothing else really, we are in the south and live on the lake though so I dont know how my requirements match everyone else's
  7. Maybe if they sold it with a giant canadian flag wrap ;)
  8. It is hard for me to politely say how bad I think that looks, but I guess that's why they sell different boats!
  9. Ward, there is some stuff in my fridge, I think it's mostly alcohol, if you want to go get it it's yours I probably wont ever be back to that forsaken hellhole wonderful city anytime soon.
  10. Im not sure that the utility room was targeted specifically at you, you need a more positive attitude ;) Now lets see if I can run 36 mph tonight to be doubly happy!
  11. Does this work? It does! So there is the last draft of the plans that I have, there is a little change to make to them, there wont be as much porch around the sides of the back of the house, just in the middle but that's the gist of it. Youre more then welcome any time!
  12. 4+1 bedroom, so room for 4 couples/families + whoever wanted to sleep in the living room. Could probably also sleep in the utility room if you really wanted. Let me see if I can get the floor plans posted.
  13. After almost 6 months trying to sell my old house in Shreveport i finally got a full price offer today (weird!) and hopefully in less then a month we will be starting building over at SMRR! YAY!
  14. Knees soft! oh that is like the opposite of what I have been doing, and I blew out the tail both passes at 2 ball today! I will think of that for sure next time, thanks!
  15. this is true, but lets keep this on topic! if you tell them I have a trick they might not help me, god knows what they would think if they knew I was riding jumpers the other day...
  16. So I can run 34 MPH at least 90% of the time now, but still haven't run 36 mph. I never get pulled up out of the ball or feel like the boat is a freight train at this speed. I made a revalation the other day that I was trying too hard and too early, so I started pulling softer and more behind the boat. Is this the right road to head down? Because before I started that I was getting either pulled up out of the ball or was compressing so that I was like sitting on the ski before I got to 2. Also I keep missing the gates late, I have a slightly short setup some days depending what lake I get on and its hard to pull out any earlier, I am thinking that I will try to make my pull out a little less wide, maybe just inside the buoy line a foot. Will this be a step in the right direction? on a 68" RS1, B1 ZO letter, not sure of wing or fin settings, but I would say it probably has a 8° Wing on it.
  17. kfennell

    New boat

    I got my 343 engined carbon pro from Joe a few weeks ago, it is awesome and everyone who has seen it and skiied behind it loves it so far, we haven't had anyone trick behind it yet, but jumpers and slalomers love it. The only complaint is that the foam floor gets a bit hot, but hopefully when our lift is done and it is mostly in the shade that wont be a problem anymore.
  18. Im vaguely looking for a new ski now, and I have been hearing some people say different things, most of the people I know are either much lighter (20 y/o's) or only skiing 34, what is the correct length for skiing 36 at 220 lbs? What about at 210?
  19. Unfortunately, the hardly cater to our market anymore :(
  20. Im fairly certain that in all cases I have contributed more beer then I have drank, just because you were there the one time I drank all wards fancy beer... Maybe you shouldn't have coached me to ski so bad that I was half drunk from concussions when I started...
  21. O'Brien sent me a new pair of prodigies when mine (which I got used 2nd hand, they never asked), broke after a few uses, they didn't even want the old ones back, I think I had to send a picture, was very smooth.
  22. I dropped mine on the concrete once, put a ding in the fin and it filed out nicely enough.
  23. 69.5" Senate with double Radar strada boots, 12 stone.
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