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Everything posted by kfennell

  1. Maybe your kids have moved up to 90 inches and you just haven't bothered to sell the old ones yet? I need something a little more size appropriate now that I am busting out monsters like this.
  2. Yeah we are looking to go to ski school next summer maybe, already have this summer booked up.I am fortunate though that I live where there are already world class coaches including a coach from Bennets, Lori Kreuger and Wim Decree who I can get lessons from here. I need to definitely use that more!
  3. @boarditup and @wish Presumably they want to ski more then 4 days a year though :)
  4. Wim Decree said it would be surprising if I get to deep -22 so I am trying to proove him wrong, changing equipment 19 times and taking this last week off aren't helping though.
  5. Went from barely running 34 and getting 1.5 at 36 the few times I tried it up to almost always running 34 and running 36 a few times, got 2 at -22 only so far.
  6. www.sanmarcosriverranch.com is near a bunch of medical centers in san mcaros, san antonio and austin. It is a pretty big area for medicine I believe and there is a nice new big hospital in san marcos.
  7. Wim Decree is definately the best skiier I've ever seen in person (sorry ward, you are NOT pretty!), and that was with a broken wrist, he is seriously very very pretty to watch, but very short. He private coaches for a family at our lake... they fly him in for the week when the come so I have got a few lessons from him this summer.
  8. I think it also takes up some room under the boot so that the rear pin is tight, right now there is alot of slack and the whole plate seems like it will have slop, but I am guessing that under load it tightens up. Hope this works well1
  9. It is a FM quattro rear mount onto a Radar RS-1. Is that ski carbon? I thought it was before that really started up. There is no way to drill it, but I could buy the $30 adapter plate from FM
  10. I need some threaded inserts for my RS-1 I need to make it match up to the FM bindings I just got, and I dont want to pay $70 for the plate when i can just drill the ski. Where can I buy the threaded inserts, preferably ones with an install tool or a slot for a flat screwdriver on the top. Need to have them here by friday. Thanks
  11. Trying to learn to 3 event. There goes that plan for this summer
  12. So I am out for two weeks now. Might miss some field work too (which means thousands of $) and why? Getting into my boat with a trick ski in one hand and a boot in the other and I stepped on the grip pad, but somehow I still had my foot slip off leaving me to tumble face first into the ski I am holding, which unfortunately had a FM release plate on it. Tore open the side of my mouth (joker style) then punctured through the skin in my bottom lip somehow. Plus there is a row of cuts where my teeth hit my face. It was super terrifying at the time it happened, I hit so hard I was sure I had lost teeth or worse. I guess be careful getting in the boat, and take the 5 seconds to tie it up so you don't have it moving away from you making it even harder to step into. :(
  13. My Radar strada handles are both ruber over the end of the handle, BUT it is very thin rubber and the first time it hit the ski it broke and damaged the ski, the day I tried to learn how to get up with a RTP was very very very very bad for the front top of my ski :(
  14. It is VERY weight sensitive when skiing below 32 MPH, we had all our gear in the bow and 2 passengers the other day while pulling some newer skiiers at ~ 26-28 mph and they complained that the wake was worse then their 06 malibu with a tower and wedge, and I agree with them. With just passengers though and 32+ mph it is smooooooth like butter! I dont even know the last time I thought about the wake with this boat running -15 and -22 @ 32-36 mph.
  15. I need some tips here, it looks like 1 ball was a 6 foot wall and I tripped over it, I think I didnt pull out for my gates far enough.
  16. @ToddL I agree that the dominant leg should be forward, but realistically for most people this is also their stronger leg, especially me, I feel like my right is way way stronger then my left, and it is definitely my dominant as well
  17. This is just a personal theory that I would love to test on myself but I am afraid its too late but: If you are putting alot of back foot pressure and you are LFF, maybe you are supposed to be RFF? Get someone to push you from behind and see what foot you step forward with when you are surprised? What foot do you kick with? I wish i would have changed to RFF when I started skiing the course, I still feel awkward getting weight on my left. Note: This may be awful advice.
  18. For me I just think about putting 100% of my weight on my front foot, I am skiing "wrong" foot forward so I have to feel like I am 100% of my weight on my left foot to be even close to balanced. Hard shell on the front foot helped.
  19. I dont think it's for sale anymore I know he turned down a $27k offer. There aren't really very many members any more to afford a new boat, things maybe changed though?
  20. So I did as much as I could to keep my arms straight and keep stacked across the wake today, even didnt wear my clinchers cause they make it hard to keep my fingertips on the handle and my arms curl as a result... and... I finally ran 36 + got to 2 at 22 while pretty tired. I think I will probably get to 4 at 22 pretty fast and then I will be back to the same problem with my 1 ball :) I guess I just need to work on what you said chef and try to make sure my gate is getting me as much outbound speed as possible.
  21. There is a guy at http://www.centralkyinboards.com/ who will broker a sale for you to someone in Australia as well for about $1k fee, he will even pay you to take the boat to the nearest boat loading dock. I never ended up selling a boat through him, but I could have if the boat had stayed for sale. Seems easy to work with.
  22. Where should I be edge changing learning 36/-15. I seem to come into 1 with too much down course speed and have a hell of a time eating the hit at the finish of the turn out of 1. If I get 1 good I have a decent chance to get to 4, but I still haven't run the course because I so rarely get a good shot at it. I think the problem has to do with the amount and direction of speed that I get into 1 but I cant figure it out. I am running 34 mph almost 90% and have never run 36 yet, I got 4.5 once and 4 about 6 times now, probably 50 attempts.
  23. Thanks @Than Bogan, hopefully I can apply this to get through 36 -15 because I am having almost all the problems that it describes and I have not been thinking about my stacked position as much lately.
  24. They make them still, I can't say what is different about them though since I have onl-y been wearing them a year. Love all mine, have like 5-6 pairs!
  25. Just changed last week to Revo front and Strada rear from double stradas, loving it, need to find another plate so I can use the boot on both skis! (trick)
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