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Everything posted by walleye

  1. walleye


    Kona, Are you on the big Island? Got a sister that I think still runs the health club at the Hyatt and x girfriend runs red sail. I have not visited in a long time is there fresh water ski courses there?
  2. walleye


    Richard only if that could be true. I have to keep guard over the hot grease or they try dip hands in it to get a fillet. Mainly cause mom is always cooking healthy and they like the break when dad cooks. The morels meals are like lions feeding. My 8 year old is 5ft 100 pounds with buns like a quarter horse Rock hard.
  3. Morels every year release enough spores to cover every square inch of the northern Hemisphere. So I am sure you have them. What I have been taught is look up at the tops of trees and identfy kind then if it is fresh dead. Cottonwoods, Elms Cedars and silver maples on the early bite. If you find a fresh blown over cottonwood that is gold. The burn areas and cedars that you can almost walk under are the good ones. Night temps need to reach 50 Hi's 65 -70 for 5 - 7 days. Generally speaking first of April for Kansas and middle of May for Minn. Don't drink to many brews with them morels. For some walleye tips I would need more information on where and how you are fishing. For skiing I suck and maybe you could help me out on that.
  4. walleye


    Correction it is fishing season then morels and then ski season.
  5. I would rather catch these. I am only 5 years into the game > but learning every chance I get.
  6. Our natural spawn is nil. It is our stocking program that has made our fishing. Not really into catching the big fish but when that's all that's biting might as well get photo. I perfer the 2lbers, catch and release in hot grease. Although my fishing goal is to catch the state record. I should of weighed this one > emma is 5ft tall and the tail is bent 32-33 inch fish > would have been close Ks record is 13.16.
  7. Nice loop hole and yes practice has to have logs. Why membership selection is So critical, so knowone sues you. I never have relied on their Ins. and when I did get hurt I used my own Ins. Although my Ins wanted to know who was driving the boat, location & about the tourney...I told them I was so drunk i could not see who was driving or where I was and they got tired of asking.
  8. I voted for Luke photo 45...of course my son. To me it was a photo that caught the roots of water skiing for most older skiers. How big is my spray while being pulled behind a out board motor. The best skier was who made the biggest spray and could touch there shoulder on the water. The little fellow was five years old no gloves a walmart jacket and riding a ski a foot to long. Deffinate need of the 100 for new gear but it was not a contest for who needed it most. Maybe some day Luke will be a world champ and by then The_Krista will be a couger and his photos will catch here eye.
  9. For those who have teak and it has gone bad and your tired of messing with it, I sprayed mine with line X and really like it. Got the idea off a sanger boat. Cost me 60 bucks, only spray the top side, leave the bottom un-covered. They have several colors I did black cause to change the guys sprayer over he said it would cost 250. The balck did not get hot nor does it scratch your ski and it does have good grip. And yes 250 -300 for a platform sounds cheap good luck in your adventure I am sure you will sell some.
  10. Hit the nail on the head J....gotta hav e celbrity driven athlete to get tv....Hmmm any takers to create a scene outside of the self centerened look at me crowd.
  11. I have seen alot young kids use the wide rides and they seem to work well also.....I didn't have a wide ride and didn't want to fork any cash over for one. The main point is I don't recommend buying a hi end 62/63 inch ski and have them charge the monster 15 mph wake....Then dive the tip and take a face plant. Then you got trouble. You can ruin a good horse if you spook it.
  12. My experience was put them on a longer ski 66/67 inch. Reason keeps them from dipping the tip when they do challenge the wake. My son & daughter starting at age 4/5 were on a 66.75 Goode 9800 (pink moms ski). The girl is 8 now and still rides it and has progressed to 28mph on it. I beleive now is time to get her on a 65.25. The boy is 5 and makes a full pass on it at 14 mph....although the pink ski has challenged his manley hood at the dock so he to will be getting a 65.25 orange ski....He perferred the 67 HO truth with the skull graphics but in a controlled test he deffinetly did better on the Goode 9800. Point being put her on one of your old Hi end skiis till progression warrants a ski of her own. Although it is nice traveling with only 2 skiis plus you can bark at them when they don't respect your equipment.
  13. Draw a NSL ski course with chalk on your driveway or open flat area. Take a ski handle and mimic a boat pulling them thru the course keeping a buoy count. You reward good technique by continue a constistant walk thru the course. When they have bad technique you tug on the rope making them short. Then they have to make a split decision to grab a green bouy and continue on or lose the pass...IE lower buoy count. Then you can do a timed bike run thru the course (No ski Handle). This makes them get wide and early and control speed. This really helped my kids learn reference points for gates, 55 meter pull out and overall look at the course. You also can make reference points for edge change and body position.....IE couter rotation.
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