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Everything posted by skier2788

  1. @colo_skier‌ so jealous. We wont be on the water for a few weeks yet. Dont have a garage to keep the boat at night. Hope you can ski tomorrow as it looks like it will be better than today.
  2. Anybody know the time for the finals? Mountain standard time please. I Dont know what time its starting over there and then with daylight savings time tonight it gets a bit muddy.
  3. @chrisrossi‌ Just switched to a reflex with r style rear and was have some right hip discomfort after skiing. I am left foot forward and it was my right hip that was the problem. Rotated my right foot bringing my toes to the right and heel left. Only skied once but felt better. A half inch seems like a lot. How did you find this setup? Trial and error? Will rotating the boots change how the ski turns?
  4. If looking at how special it is to watch mapple run 38...... I have never seen 38 run from the boat and have been skiing since I was 2. So 24 years in a boat and never seen it from the boat. Maybe I need to find better skiers to ski with. Nah its that special.
  5. For me I always feel like I am going a lot faster but in reality I am probly not going any faster. So I ride the tail more to try and slow down but then my turns are less than ideal. So I focus on carrying the handle out and making sure I have good front foot pressure.
  6. @shaneh can you explain not swinging your head?
  7. @skijay say it isn't so I have only begun to change this if it took 18 months
  8. Great article and great advice. Thank you for the insight. Definitely working on this my next set out.
  9. Forgot to turn perfect pass on one time so went through the course at full throttle behind an 02 196 so probly somewhere between 38 and 39. Got four at -32. It wasn't pretty or fun. Scary to ski that fast
  10. @markn I totally agree I think what mapple is doing is great for the sport. I was skiing with mapple when I tried the 6.0 and it was awesome....... just not in the budget to buy a brand new one.
  11. I was curious if any ballers have ridden both skis and how they compare to each other. Rode a 6.0 last summer and loved it. Been looking on ski it again all winter for a 66.75 maple but with no luck. There is a am33. Kinda curious about the ski but its a a big gamble on a ski that is no longer made. Thanks Travis
  12. Did he miss or knew he had won that round and didn't attempt 41. For a score of 6@39 you would have to miss gates or ski inside 1 right?
  13. I have noticed that a lot of high end skiers are able to get there hips almost square to the boat during the pull and all the way to centerline, is there a drill outside the course or a stretch/workout you do to help accomplish this. Seems like on my hardest pass my shoulders and hips turn across course and I lead with my shoulders. Looking to solve that.
  14. Exact numbers are 2600.48 pcm parts 1590 ZO $15 power harness $25 can harness $4230.48 plus $100 for shipping. That's through Tim at inboard solutions.
  15. @wish pcm had 30% increase in the parts cost. The conversion is like 2600 and then 1700 for ZO.
  16. @ozski you can upgrade an 02 and newer nautique with a 343 to ZO for about 4400. Not new engine just new ecm wiring harness throttle body and some other stuff. I did my 02 last year. Took two of us about 8 hours to do. Skied perfect pass in the morning and ZO that evening. 17k for boat with 600 hours and 4386 in ZO conversion. Cheap ZO boat.
  17. If budget is a concern I second the used windsurfer. Bought mine for 100 bucks off craoglost and works as well as a buddies 1500 dollar board. Might be more durable too.
  18. Just a little wet sanding with 1000 started to take miner off. Didn't get very far on it as I went to Texas and handle dinged the tip and broke it to the core. Looking for a new ski now. Not worried about the look of that ski now that it will have jb weld on it. Did do a little test patch and it seemed to work with just a little water and 1000 grit.
  19. Mr. Rossi thank you for doing this again. I have been told that I stare at the tip of my ski during my turns. I was wondering where your vision is during your pullout glide, centerline, entering the bouy, during the turn, and at the finish. I have been told to look at the next bouy and then set a line to be there earlier than the bouy. Also have been told to look straight across the lake at the far shore. Was wondering what your thoughts are and where you look during the various segments of the course. Thank you.
  20. My own private lake for 1500 an acre would be hard to swallow being beaten out by hunters. I even hunt. Maybe make a deal to lease in the summer
  21. At my lake we are really easy going about it. Never keep track or exchange anything. Just try to swap boats. It would be interesting to have them just to keep track.
  22. @jimbrake I wish I could give more than one awesome for that.
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