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Everything posted by scuppers

  1. So sorry to hear/see - hope it is not career ending.
  2. Very bad break. Did this happen while waterskiing?
  3. 3M 5200 @ west marine 12.99 Better than anything period
  4. Water skiing is hard - it’s work, so is snow skiing and even worse snow boarding. Tubbing is easy. Computers and video games even easier. Millennials, Gen X,Y, & Z‘ers. Are not gonna do it. You could give them a free boat, skis and a lake house- still not gonna happen. I have a bunch of rental properties so I see how they live and think. Argue this all you want but I bet the decline is pervasive across all sports
  5. Change twice every year both handle and rope - all the above reasons
  6. Wow - there are way more libtards on BOS then one would imagine. Lets do less government and more parenting.
  7. Of all the things tried - getting pulled up with both palms down cured my elbow problems, and they healed quickly. My wrists are OK. I use a .970 diameter handle. Now here is something interesting. For the last two seasons the back of both legs (hamstrings) have ached day and night. Pain so bad I couldn’t bend down or squat - bad enough for me to get tested for circulation and to see an ortho. Generally I never seek medical attention. The circulation was fine and the ortho suggested stretches. I am totally cured in 2 weeks by putting heel lifts in my Radar Vapor boots. What made me think to do that is a long story but it worked immediately. Point of story - sometimes you just gotta try some different things, including dry land testing to see where the strain is really coming from.
  8. @Garn - Why do you dislike him?
  9. @unksskis Your research is spot on. I'm 72 years old, I skied Nationals 10 years in a row - when it was 100+ guys in men's 3, 4, & 5. Lets analyze why I am no longer a member. (And this is part of why THIS post is never ending.) When people find something's value underperforms its cost - they quit spending. THAT IS IT!. I no longer have a need to prove my ski capability to anyone, and lots of travel, long weekends at a remote ski site and the expense hasn't appealed to me for at least 9 years as you pointed out. Otherwise I ski nearly every day right here at home. On this forum I have not ever stated weather I'm for or against the SS training I have Not berated anyone ever on any post. gjohnson made a very inflammatory statement in his post which I felt needed some rebuttal.
  10. Thanks @BS74 for posting something regarding gjohnson's post. I started to re-butt but erased several times. The nerve of that guy! Where is Horton on that post? Highly politically charged!
  11. Call Brenda at In Tow - she will absolutely make just what you want. PS Her ropes are easy on the elbows. Masterline’s are good too.
  12. These constant mandates are a bad omen for our way of life in the USA
  13. I am on the 22 Pro Build Senate - Last year on a 2021 Pro build. I have only had it for two weeks and most of that time the weather has been terrible. I’m a 32 MPH 28 off (occasional complete 32’s) skier. 72 years old. Stock settings on the 22 seem best so far. It skis just like the 21 - maybe slightly more mistake forgiving. My buoy count hasn’t improved so far, but it is too early to be sure.
  14. @nbermudez1992 I use one (Pro version) I am using it in a Senate Pro but you need to know, it is not some secret sauce. The big advantage - pretty easy to adjust. Otherwise I don't see a performance gain. Stock fin = same buoy count.
  15. @unksskis What the heck? There are given rights - Reread the Declaration of Independence, The Gettysburg Address and the US Constitution. A whole lot of people died for those rights and no organization trumps those.
  16. Oh yea ! I remember that - now that guy was something else
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