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Everything posted by buechsr

  1. @swbca Malibus in that relative era had damper plate issues. I know little about Mastercrafts, though both likely used the same hardware from Indmar. That said, my question was when you last changed the strut bushings to which I didn't hear an answer. In any event, if you've stethoscoped that the sound is coming from bell housing, throw a damper plate on? Perhaps we're on the same page there? Why the repower questions in addition? If you really feel now is the time to repower, my last engine came from these folks: http://marineengines4less.com/marine-engines/new-marine-engines/new-base-marine-engines/new-5.7l-vortec-marine-base-engine-replaces-years-1996-present/ It's run good for about 250 hours in a 196, save for a bad "new" distributor cap from PCM that made it such I couldn't get it to run (at first, until replaced).
  2. Might just want to talk to Lyman Hardy. No reason to think he'd sell or lease his lake, outside Tuscaloosa, but my understanding there are club/usage opportunities.
  3. Let me make sure I understand on the tranny: your "belt noise" goes away when you disconnect the shaft? Everything else is staying the exact same except when you disconnect the drive shaft? Have you ever changed the strut bushings? Because if you're getting the sound at 1000 rpm in motion, and not at 1000 when not in motion (disconnected), I'm not seeing how there would be any explanation for that except that it's "down shaft".
  4. There were 24 Boys 1 (9 and under) slalom skiers this year folks. Not one of them was a local. Last year also had 24, just 2 of which were from Illinois. The sky isn't falling. Future is bright.
  5. I recall that there is the alarm and pressure sensor on a monsoon of that era, but you've changed both. Every oil pressure issue I've heard of has been resolved with one of those changes. Might be a waste, but easier that pulling engine and dropping the pan, have you changed the oil? Why not change it, run a very thin oil, with a quart of marvel for a few hours, change back to 15-40 to see if that break down any obstruction? Diacom if possible too. I've never seen this product before but would allow you to verify your readings? https://www.amazon.com/GearWrench-3289-Oil-Pressure-Tester/dp/B0002SQWY8/ref=asc_df_B0002SQWY8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312280085431&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16371801770507433362&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1015141&hvtargid=pla-558028671535&psc=1
  6. Just an observation post-trip to Maize in light of this thread and so-called dwindling numbers and "growing the sport" mantra, I counted a total of 114 boys slalom competitors and 77 girls this year. By random, I picked 1995 to compare those numbers to 2022. There were 40% MORE boys competitors this year compared to 1995, and 10% more girls. Sure seems something is going well? And that's comparing a nationals held at a relatively difficult destination as compared to 1995's Okeeheelee. I realize this thread is about performances not just numbers so I looked at that too. I randomly picked the (B5) 10th place finisher this year and 1995 to compare. They were within a half buoy. Winner in 1995 was none other than Chris Parrish who got 4@38. Technically, winner this year scored a 3@38, but RAN 38 in a run off. Waterskiing isn't a prune just yet. I understand that the subject is not juniors in this thread, but it's good to see that junior numbers are higher than what they were in the 90s, at least.
  7. TWBC coverage of nationals has been absolutely awesome, and exactly what this sport needs to grow. I did my best to express my appreciation to everyone involved in person and with a contribution to the fund me prior hereto. I sincerely hope nationals will become as important a staple as any event on their calendar. I agree with you @MitchellM , coverage of the kids is awesome, and has a huge contribution to interest. Well done to all involved. It is so appreciated by a far wider audience than on BOS, and the competitive ski scene. @ETskier, haven't looked at lists and speculated reasons for missing, and while I love watching Regina ski as the champion she is, a glare-filled women's final, with conditions that we mortals have to deal with, I enjoyed watching Ali and Anna in the final. And T Whisper in the finals as well?! With JT, Nate, and Sean?! I dunno, for me, I enjoyed the field in the finals.
  8. @TEL personal best and world record capable. Beyond that, it's preference.
  9. peter, can you click on the envelope icon?
  10. I have a Radar rear toe mounted on a goode (trick). I don't recall anything special about it when I bought it. Thus, would seem Radar and Goode match.
  11. I have a 63" TRA (girls) thats 3 years old I think. Might be willing to part with it. PM me. Comes autographed by Regina, Whitney, and Jaimee too.
  12. Good luck finding an fxi. I think the era sunsetter lxi you refer to is unicorn for your needs. I've owned 2 of those. Great boats and don't let hours scare you. At worst, new long block is cheap and easy to replace. No one has mentioned VTX yet, but as long as you're looking for the first iteration, will slalom decently. Same hull as the Fxi. I really don't see the appeal in the fxi compared to older sunsetter lxis. Might look for response lxis too.
  13. Anyone have any rec's for tennis elbow? Haven't been able to ski in 3 weeks and weights in the gym are essentially my wife's! Help! Hope all herein recover soon.
  14. Second the TRA recs, however, 2 of my daughters were on TRA and while they skied great on it at 21-25, when it came time to learn the course at 8-9yo, and the boat speed had to come way down, it was not enough support. Both learned the course on a 65" HO CX (not sure of still made, just get a wide free-skiing ski) and then transitioned back to a more traditional profile once could run the course at 21-23 or so. Then, one went back to the TRA and the other to a 63" D3. Yes, I understand that TRA is marginally wider, but not as wide as some other entry level options that are better IMO, even for her low weight. Sinking at 15 mph isn't fun.
  15. Might be a bit south out of the way, but black butte ranch near Twin Falls Idaho is a 2 lake setup. Boise has same. Also a lake near Sun Valley, Idaho. Can't help further north across Idaho panhandle though.
  16. handheld diacom thing from rinda should also be an option. I have one and use on malibus and pcm. About $500. I'd give full tune up w filters, cap, etc. and test fuel pressure. If all is good and it occurs again, I'd start thinking about sending injectors off.
  17. @RAWSki Not to be obtuse but gladiators can pull more than 7500. Rubicons will do 7000. Op, you're fine.
  18. Every time I flicked it on, it seemed like there was on average about 700 people watching. More people watch high school football games. This isn't the NFL. For that viewership, I thought coverage and commentating was better than deserved. I like Dan. His golden mic podcasts are great. Different strokes I guess.
  19. @kirkbauer it is 36 mph between Boys 4 (I think) until Mens 3 (age 35). Again, you do you, but I think 99.99% of people would agree that anything below 36 is a far more enjoyable ride, especially if you're carrying a covid 15. lol
  20. @kirkbauer No worries, you do you and have fun, but even if you were a tournament skier you'd have been going faster than your needed speed for 10 years, which is 34 since the time you were 35. There's nothing to be bashful about skiing a little slower. Its easier to maintain good position, easier to get into rhythm, and things happen slower.
  21. how old are you Kirk? You can do whatever you want to have fun, but I'm wondering why in the world you'd be skiing at 36?
  22. @jpwhit and @ScarletArrow That was my suggestion, and while I recognize has nothing to do with the power onset or starting technique, I suggested it for the boat driver's psychology that not "that" much speed is needed in such a rush. Will also allow zero off to take over sooner. But on that note, is anyone in disagreement that 33 is way too fast for a beginner on a 71" wide ski? I would think not.
  23. @kirkbauer Lots of good input here about positions, thoughts, etc. But, above you kind of insisted that 33 was a reasonable speed reduction from 36. You're a self-admitted "rusty" 210# on a wide 71" ski. 33 is too fast. As your driver is clearly in a panic to get you to speed, do yourself (and she) a favor and set zero off to 26. Let her feel how slow that is. It will allow zero off to grab the speed earlier thus taking the pressure mentally and physically of rushing to get you up to 33 which novice drivers can do. There's nothing wrong with going 26 for now, anyway. I'd strongly suggest you get these start challenges worked out, ski much slower for a bit, get your driver comfortable, get in shape, and then transition to your 69" senate and speed up to your liking. May I ask how old you are?
  24. Bigger ski = easier starts with correct throttle application. Too much throttle and you're a link between 400 hp and 100 gallons of water. Secondly, there is no need to set zero off at 33 for now. At your weight and ski, 26 is fine for now, to at least master deepwater starts and having some fun. A beginner, with that ski, at your size, should be pulled out more like a wakeboarder than a slalom skier. Less is WAY more. This is 100% on the driver, not your ski. Getting up way too slow is still doable, too fast and its impossible at your stage. The point of the power is really the torque that frankly, you don't need. It's for jumpers, high level slalom, short set ups into a course, etc. There's nothing wrong with it, but your boat has more power than 99% of ski boats produced over the last 30 years and you should not come anywhere close to using it.
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