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Everything posted by mbabiash

  1. Hmmmm. Ok. The almighty intergalactic leader has spoken. I will step down.
  2. @horton are you telling me that materials do not make a difference. New core new textreme from 16 to 17 right?
  3. Yes!!! My first panda. Not sure that was deserving though @horton.
  4. That’s what they always say though. 2016 vapor was awesome. 17 and 18 probuilds took a step backward. 2019 I hear is great.
  5. Just skied the 67 senate pro build with @TFIN numbers. That ski is nice. Not as forgiving as my EVO but rewards good form. @ColeGiacopuzzi is the 2020 just a graphic change?
  6. @dthate You are in for a treat. @arturonelson is an unbelievably nice guys and do are his kids. Both very good slalom skiers.
  7. Dodd has stealth light gloves that are very similar to the MSN gloves. I think they are better quality. Pricier but I do like them better than the stokes or the MSN gloves.
  8. @Ed_Johnson On finwhispering.com Elizabeth montavon who gets into 38 off comments in the fin and I believe she’s on the revolution. She was blown away. She might have some numbers for you.
  9. @Horton Would you say you need to adapt to the GUT theory for this ski to truly perform or is it a user friendly ski. Seems like and looks like the ski turns like a beast but everyone I’ve seen on it is pulling like a beast too. Long and hard with late edge change.
  10. What’s it feeling like @aupatking
  11. @sunperch I had the same experience in upgrading to rev s. Answered or called back quickly. I think it was Timmy that I dealt with too. Super nice guy.
  12. I’m sure it’s a good product just like us gear but nobody wants to wait around in the middle of the season for a product that you pay that kind of money for. I know the Adams are busy guys and make great stuff but it’s a tough sell
  13. Typical Get a whisper fin way better and youll get your fin quickly.
  14. Anyone on a Goode revolution with a whisper fin?
  15. guarantee it’s going to be a 6.2
  16. I think the review might have stifled the talk. It wasn’t too favorable which really surprised me. I’ve had fantastic results and have heard great results from slow long liners all the way to pro short line skiers. It’s also pretty impressive that there are currently 6 prominent Big Dawg skiers using the whisper fin now. I know @horton only has a limited amount of time on certain products so I understand but you hate to see a product get stifled due to one persons opinion.
  17. @Horton Totally messing with you. Incredible skiing!
  18. Nice skiing @Horton At 39 which is really 38. 2 and 4 ball.
  19. I found it! First page of finwhispering.com Looks like Nate (like him or not ) tried the whisper fin and hasn’t missed a 41 on it yet. Several 3 at 43. I know it’s practice but still incredible skiing. I love my fin! Gives me so much confidence and consistency.
  20. I absolutely love that video. Watch it all the time. So many good things going on there.
  21. @SkiJay Can you elaborate on the comment on the first page of your website that states “a legitimate 3 at 43off score”. Just curious
  22. It would get to stage 2 on mine and limp mode.
  23. Yeah. Mine didn’t have heater. But it would do it if I idled too long. Same code though.
  24. What year? My 2014 had that message and I had the ECU reflashed. Manifold max temps were set too low.
  25. Move back 1/8 to 1/4 from stock. It will come alive.
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