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Everything posted by Taelan28

  1. Yes shane I realize that getting a new ski would inevitably lead to another chipped ski. I do need to stop it. I've hit the same exact, spot within a quarter of an inch twice now.
  2. ToddL I learned the basics of what he was saying at the beginning of the summer and just started applying the release earlier as a means to relieve slack. As a teacher I know for a fact that what he's saying is skimming over their heads. Their nodding their heads like they think understand and they're speaking the same language, but they're silent like it wont stick.
  3. Sorry bogan but i dont think gucci chanel prada louis vuitton or coach makes ski bindings
  4. My ski aint broke but it looks very used and has some nasty chips from letting go of the handle in the turn. I thought this ski would last me a couple years but the idea of a newer ski sounds sexier by the week. When is it time for you to get a new ski?
  5. I have a lot of trouble perceiving what exactly the ski is doing out to the ball in videos. There are no overhead birds eye videos, but is there a diagram of the correct path of the ski?
  6. I ran 28off at 55kph/34mph. It was goddamn hideous. My first set of the day I was just working on getting wide, closing the gap, and eliminating slack by decelerating after the second wake like I've seen in the video of the 2009 tournament at Predator bay. Overall I was inconsistent to say the least. I had a couple good cuts... like 4 out of 20. The water was rough from other wakes and I just didnt feel like skiing. Waiting in the water to go back my driver asks me how fast I wanted to go. 52? hell no, thats for girls. 55. I thought I'd surely fall. I ended up running it. It wasnt pretty at all. Madd mistakes but I was able to pull across pretty well without any panicking or hustling too hard to the buoy. Everything seemed to go slower than usual. I swear he slowed down the boat after ball 2 or 3, but he confirmed that he didnt. Need to improve on getting wider, better timing , and pulling much, much harder so I can decelerate a greater distance. All in all my summer goal of running 28 off has been met.
  7. Related question: How do I link all four videos together before I upload them?
  8. 1. Pull hard and then decelerate continuously. Not doing so creates slack, pull like a mofo early, then stop. I can see this with the older guy free skiing at 22 off. Whenever he would give it a little extra tug outside the wake he had slack. 2. Rough water affects balance. Preturn, turn and pull all affected negatively and I ski too conservatively. Some chop isn't bad, but the rolling waves from boat wakes coming and going over and over is horrible. 3. I'm not getting wide enough. I never got out wide enough to begin with no matter the rope length. The idea was to free ski to build consistency and get the most for my money but without some balls its hard to get out wide. With some rough water its more difficult to get outside and turn properly. I gotta pull hard right away, decelerate, stretch, turn like a broke man finding money on the ground and close that gap. The distance I need to go is about 3-5 ft past my comfort zone. 4. The less slack, the better the turn and transition to pull. My main enemy is slack. 5. I DO HAVE POWER! People have told me for a year that I ski with a lot of power. Looking at last years video not so much, looking at this years video and looking at other skiers I can see why. If the water is ok and I dont have slack I can pull pretty hard. When I ran 28 off on the course I could make wretched mistakes on the turn but I never once had trouble getting to the buoy. However I'd like to be faster, as fast as that guy in the "12 buoy madness" video. Perhaps switching to an inboard boat could help me with that. 6. Outboard motors are more likely to slow down on the pull and that causes slack, so I cant cant get out as wide and thus cant make a proper turn. Inboard boats are more stable. I have more stable pulls and turns. There's less slack and I can feel the difference right away. Do I drop the extra money and go behind an inboard for proper practice? 7. I should get a new ski... No I should get new gear. My Elite arrived quite used and since then I've knicked it with the handle several times on a fall. There's now a chip and a growing crack. Its still usable, and it would probably ski as good as another ski, but I spoil myself and my wallet is feeling heavy. When I have $20k in the bank and inflation is 5% Im losing a ski's worth of money every year. I'd like an AM 33, or another Elite would be nice as well. My Animal boots were really tight in the beginning, but now they feel a little loose. I could tighten them but the idea of new boots is more appealing to me. :D 8. Radar clinchers are awesome. Without these Im convinced I'd be having had problems as lifting weights and waterskiing would be too much to bare...bear... err....Spending $80 to get mediums and ditch my larges was a good idea as my grip is much tighter and more consistent. My grip has always been relatively weak, and these things make up for it. I know we recently had a debate about clinchers and concern about safety, but there is no safety issue. If you fall LET GO! 9. Running 28 off at 52kph is not satisfying.
  9. Hmm nothing is showing up. http://youtu.be/Mwcaw0WNOpE http://youtu.be/E2eUBMYhB_g http://youtu.be/jj3z0tZ-TtY http://youtu.be/OUEAPiHH2tI
  10. Not my best, but very average. Comments welcome.
  11. Complete the sentence A Monte Carlo is....
  12. Nick is NOT 6' 4" hes got to be somewhere around 6' 10"
  13. Also pull the rope with a fair amount of weight and let go until your hands slip off. There really shouldnt be a problem with not letting go. Stacy told me someone on the tour fell and got dragged and blamed it on the gloves. Id blame it on being competitive.
  14. The radar clinchers are the only gloves ive ever consistently used. Without the my knuckles would be an arthritic mess before 30. The evenly distribute the load better so stress and pain arent bottle necked in the hands. Ive never had a problem letting go. Thats just it though. I let go if i fall. Everyone should go try some clinchers. Practice grabbing the handle and alternating hands on a handle attached to a poll. Alternate hands slow and then quickly to build up muscle memory and feeling. Do it with your eyes closed too. If youre consistent at gripping the handle then youre ready for the water.
  15. I do significant amounts of bicept work in the gym. It makes the muscle tissue much more durable and likely to withstand bad pulls. That being said im quite scared of what you guys go through. My bicepts do get mildly sore in some isolated areas after some less than perfect skiing.
  16. Ive got radar clinchers i went from a large to medium and its good. I also use thin glove liners. I still get blisters like a mofo but gloves cant mask just plain bad grip. When my hands are modestly hardened from skiinf and my grip is consistent blisters arent a problem. With the mediums today i noticed a difference. My hands were the weakest link. I now pull so hard my back needs attention. Free skiing at 28 off today was sick. I dont know if i can attribute it to better fitting gloves or me being awesome
  17. I for one am afrain of video. I dont like asking for people to do me the favor either. Id rather feel cool and suck than realize how much i suck. I also see how bad i am in the photos.
  18. months and months ago everyone said outboards dont compare with inboards. Skiinh behind an inboard a few times i noticed something better but a 150hp outboard got the job done plenty well. Lately ive been free skiing 28off and most of my efforts are in slack management and getting timing down. I tried the inboard because the other outboard was being fixed and wow the difference was huge. Much less slack getting out and a smooth consistent pull all the way across. I might have a reason to justify spending an extra 5 bucks a pull now because i dont think i can improve too much to run a course at 28 off behind an outboard.
  19. If youre on a actual ski lake then it would not really be beneficial. If you have the space then of course it would help. Why stop at 8? why not be a man and go around 12 or 16 buoys?
  20. Its the rainy season in Korea. I havent been out in over a week. Its been so long my calluses are fading. Its cloudy, rainy or windy everyday and today is finally a day with some sun. My lady friend reserved the tickets two days ago and I'm wishing we didnt. What would you rather do, watch the Dark Knight Returns with a woman so gorgeous to make your friends jealous, your father proud and your friends say "NO WAY", or get some sets in? Im leaning towards sets.
  21. For me a fast ski is better. Ill work on technique to adapt to a fast ski.
  22. It sounds like all of you have discover a new field of study called SkiNA or Skinetics.
  23. Last night the rope broke and my knee hit the ski pretty hard. My knee cap is quite bruised and ive lost a lot of power or ability to apply power without pain. It hurts going down the stairs. Is there any chance of it turning into a bigger injury like an acl or should i quit being a hypochondriac and cowboyup? Thanks in advance.
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