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Everything posted by TheBigHead

  1. If you cant get into see a physical therapist or someone similar, then check out Dr. Kelly Starrett on insta/youtube. He does a lot of functional movement work and rehab, I can say anecdotally that following his recommendations for hips/knees/ankle mobility has helped some people i know. As for the skiing and equipment, others have already pointed out that most binding systems allow some rotation of the bindings. without seeing your skiing it is hard to say, but my gut tells me that your on water issues (if any) are not related to being duck footed.
  2. Its really hard to say without seeing video of your skiing, or even squatting so we can see how bad this is. I would guess, without seeing video, that the issues you have skiing are not really a result of being duck footed. Like bruce said most boots can be rotated a bit. (disclaimer, the below could be wrong for you and its impossible to say without seeing some video) For corrective exercises, work with a PT, but most people with outward pointed feet also have collapsed arches and valgus knees. It takes a long time to improve, I've had success doing squats maintaining external rotation through the knee and into the foot (this picks up the arch) and constantly being mindful of keeping the knees pushed outwards during squats (middle of knee tracking over or just outside second toe) These are a couple common methods that could help, but you should consult a PT and post some video here of your skiing.
  3. Steven running 39 to open the finals, that put some serious pressure on the dock.
  4. could you post some successful 28 off passes? Its tough to gauge your habits based of one turn. Perhaps what you are showing us is how you generally ski, perhaps its just a one off. Hard to tell without more source material.
  5. Go with the prostar. The malibu is great during use, but theres all kinds of things that the rope gets caught on. The new drivers seat, clips at the back etc. The pull is great but the boat is super annoying during use.
  6. Nah, ive seen similar on Goodes before in that same spot. Nothing to worry about in regards to structure IMO. Goodes aren't pretty skis, i think its just something you have to accept with Goode.
  7. Just updating the website would help. Unless im doing something wrong (very possible)... there are only 2 events listed for 2019 on the waterski canada website. Im fairly certain there are more than 2 events in canada. And you can see how this would be a problem for someone looking to compete.
  8. @jhughes All the advice given is great, and really you aren't far from running 28. But TBH the only thing I see here is really poor offside body position, to the point of a dangerous OTF on your wake crossings. Shoulders in front of hips, breaking hips leading into your turns. Unless your videos do not actually show your typical slalom form, the only thing I would worry about is your stack, and how to get to it on your offside. No matter how good your gate is, if you don't end up in a proper stack coming out of 1 ball its not going to matter. Not only will your consistency improve dramatically but so will your safety. If you can, post some video of successful passes at 22.
  9. Great job on running 15 off 34mph! Ill preface by saying video is required to make any real suggestions Most likely you aren't getting any angle out of your offside, running straight at the ball causing you to be late and narrow into your onside requiring a rushed turn to make up the time. work on getting into the stacked position coming out of your offside. Also, at least for me, the offside does not feel remotely close to the onside turn. for me it requires much more patience to ride the turning edge of the ski all the way back to the handle. If im patient in the offside turn I can come back to the handle with great angle and a good stack. im a 22-28 off'r, just learning to get past the problems you are facing. Hope this helps!
  10. @estrom That's Sakinaw Lake, on the sunshine coast of British Columbia. Great skiing there but it is public water so boat traffic becomes a problem after 9am
  11. From earlier in the season, might have been the inaugural run for the boat
  12. I will echo the statements above, 2012 club boat had a much better throttle feel than the 2013. 300 hours and it hasn't gotten any better. Drove a different 2013 and it was the same.
  13. @AB good call on the practice you can get at each end for the pull out and drop in. As LFF this has always been off side for me so its a great opportunity to practice.
  14. @otisg except a lot of us would gain a "on side" set up The only easy things in this sport are spending money and getting injured.
  15. Looks cosmetic to me! I second putting a sticker over it. If you are really worried, epoxy/sand then sticker
  16. everyone likes a new ski, but you are probably fine on yours for a while. Sinking at 30mph 15off is pretty standard, you have to ski with really good form and be very disciplined or you sink. Really the goal is to get passed 30mph, and it looks like you will be dropping that 30mph pass soon anyway. If you like the vice, then there isn't that much need to change the ski. If you do though I would definitely try the senate, I've had time on both and found the senate to turn with much less effort than the vice.
  17. When I first started actually going for the balls I would run the course backwards... get 1 ball shadow 2-5 then around 6. I would add 5 then 4 then 3. This helped me make 6 turns each time, rather than making a bad turn at 2 and giving up on the pass. Also when I was getting close, the biggest tip that helped me was someone saying "Get more ski in the water" this really helped my angle out of the offside and was all I needed to make the course the first time. I also started 30mph 15off and lowering speed or longer line didn't help.
  18. I've tried to sleep with my ski before..... now things are going to get interesting
  19. I own a '08 211, very good all around boat wake is pretty hefty @ 30mph but once you get above that it gets a lot better. My 211 has quite a bit of spray if the boat isn't sitting perfectly level, something to think about if you get a chance to test one. If you can get into a 200v it is a much better wake for slalom. Our club has a SN200 and obviously those wakes are great, but I haven't really posted better scores behind that boat compared to mine. Skiing behind the 211 is just a lot more work than the SN200. My pb is only 3@34mph 15off, so take that into account
  20. I tried on the Vice last year, ski felt fast and stable. At the time i was riding a 2009 senate C, Although the vice felt faster side to side I couldnt get it to turn as smooth as my '09 senate C. This year I bought a 2012 Senate C, compared to my old senate C the new one is MUCH faster than my '09. Im sure a new Strada would feel very similar. I get a lot of comments on how much angle the senate C can make coming out of a turn. I dont know why that vice i had felt so off in the turns. I would highly reccomend the 2012 senate C to anyone, it has a great stable feel. Turns are fantastic and gets me going side to side fast. @killer - Is right the Vice does seem rather heavy, maybe this new vice C is better but then why not just get the strada?
  21. Some interesting stuff here. Im going to try and draw a few conclusions, Ski length has almost no bearing on turning radius ( I draw this from information I read about the nano one, and due to shape not length dictating turn radius. Like a snow ski maybe?) Ski length could allow you to exhert more force on the ski during the cut without sliding. Ski length does contribute to forward/backwards stability or lack of. Might be easier to "dunk" the front of a short ski for a taller person. Weight is probably the greatest factor in selection. Sound about right? Definately going to give a 67" a ride or two.
  22. Thanks for all the comments! Looks like I am going to have to try some different size skis next season to see if a smaller ski works better for me. Currently on a 69 senate C 2012 which works well but I have always wondered. what @jfw432 @gregy and @andjules are saying makes sense, the extra leverage from being tall could make a small ski dig too hard when shifting weight around. @Razorskier1 I wish there was more skis in the 68" range, I have found a lot of skis are only made in a 67 and a 69, the 68 seems to be the ugly stepchild or something
  23. Funny I expected to get more of a taller=longer ski response. I have even e-mailed a manufacturer and was told I should definately be on a longer ski because I am tall. No reasoning was given. Guess I am going to have to demo a ski that is within my weight range and see how it feels.
  24. Problem solved, buy a nano one :P Now how do I come up with that kind of scratch
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