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Everything posted by mwetskier

  1. what brand of handle guard were you using?
  2. buy it from the guy and then register it in another state wait the maximum allowed for local use of out of state registration then re register in your state.
  3. who do we see about the two victoria secret models?
  4. theres a hole bunch of 'e-z-cam' companys on google all doing different stuff but no water ski site i could find
  5. what about the water driven down under pressure by the prop i always thought thats where the bump came from.
  6. i no from when i was a kid blocking a tailpipe will stall a car. could forcing the exaust thru a nozle make back pressure the engine wont like?
  7. ur weight naturaly shift forward in ur offside because you turn ur offside with ur front foot so the xtra drag multiplys that. onside you turn with ur back foot so ur weight is already going back wards but a longer fin does make ur onside little harder to turn its a trade off
  8. Ive heard some guys say they like to be able to move there foot around on the back of the ski. prolly why there not andy maple lol
  9. it cost 19.99 to push the button but you get the article for free as a bonus.
  10. i have very little time in the coarse so no expert by any means but i do watch a lot of pro skiers on slo mo video and may be because i dont know any better 1 thing seems obvious 2 me. almost every off side turn you dont counter much and then you kill the end of the turn by bring your freehand back to handle real quick so the turn ends and you lay your head and shoulder over when you try for a second finish of the turn. your a real good skier so i dont know if this is as bad as it seams but thats the 1 thing i see that is way different than the top guys like smith and parish
  11. thought i did any way http://youtu.be/JqydG0BtX68
  12. buy 1 of these on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/221036618437?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 for 499 buck and tye it to the pilon put the read out on top of the motor box and have a camera right over head that can shoot the read out and rope as it moves back and fourth it will record the angle of rope and pound of pull and you can here the magnet beeps on the video to know were the boat is in the coarse all on 1 video.
  13. stars an dislikes or any other way for someone to pick on another guy is just right for abuse whitch i just found out in the last few days just like one other guy said about the stars that it was just like a bunch of hi school girls an there clicks i had a guy get mad at me an go back to dislike every post i ever did just to try an get me
  14. im a newbie to this site and to coarse skiing and walking into a new club where everybody knows each other with inside jokes an back pats doesnt do much to make it feel welcome. ad stars that get given on a cool freinds basis and good old buddy system and new guys will end up feeling not very welcome if anybody cares about that at all
  15. obvious no stars just means your not a member of the inner click
  16. craigslist email only no phone number to call is often one sign of a scamm
  17. we always flip the rope to the middle of the boat before starting a skier up so you know theirs nothing tangled up or caught under it when you hit the throttle
  18. i wonder if the tip of the a3 rides higher because its more curved up like the nano1 tip is not because the tail rides deeper do to the continuos rocker?
  19. nobody did anything wrong or not ethical at am skis i'm sure but i can see how a early customer would be unhappy if a different company took over construction after he bought one of the first ones off the line. it maybe hard to sell later on or whatever.
  20. we use these in my brothers garage http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1v/R-202305548/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&keyword=ladder+rack&storeId=10051#.UHmF3q6D8_c
  21. i'd say lake chelan but thats like 50 miles long biggest lake in wa
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