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Everything posted by 303Skier

  1. Great skiing by @AdamCord and huge victory for Denali Skis. But I'm a little frustrated with Open Men skiers dropping down to ski in level 8. Sorry not trying to take away from the victory but it's just how I feel. If someone could enlighten me as to why you'd drop down maybe I might view it differently.
  2. Take it slow and ease into it! Build on strength and rest will follow. Do lots of core exercises.
  3. Stand taller on ski, chest proud and get your hips up. Focus on taking the handle and connection to your hip. Looks good! I'd also say go to 15 off, 34 MPH. Your ski is getting behind you. Probably due to the boat speed. Does you ski have a wing on it?
  4. My 08 had the same issue! Once it was at operating temps the low speed/low RPM miss went away. I had new plugs and plug wires. Also no codes and new fuel filters. Oh and also a new fuel pump. Good luck!
  5. Looks like they deleted the signature vents :( What's a Vapor without the vents? There goes my AC on my ski.
  6. I keep setting practice and tournament PB's this year on my 68" PRO. Can't wait to try the 2018. One of my biggest complaints with the 2017 PRO/Vapor is it's width creation. I'm constantly feeling a little narrow at the ball. This news of more outward direction is like music to my ears!
  7. @david_quail mine broke too. Called HO and they are going to send me a new base once they get some. I have regionals this weekend! I've seen guys like Will and JT who removed the 3D mold and went straight to the plate like reflex system. The only thing HO would need to do is manufacture a different loop and customer could remove the 3D part and be good. This would also bring down the toe of the boot.
  8. Prayers and thoughts out to Ty and his family! I know first hand how scary brain issues are. The Lord is with you every step of the way and will not leave your side brother!
  9. I was at a tournament a few weeks ago in FL and two ropes from two different manufacturers were out of tolerance.
  10. So weird! Was installed that way or the rod broke. I'd install new heads and then hand rotate crank and feel for any binding. remove all spark plugs.
  11. I agree about the boats destroying shoreline at smaller private ski lakes, I've seen it destroy a few in Colorado. The wakeboard boats these days are way too big if you ask me. They use to get the job done on small 20 ft inboards. Now it's massive 23 and 25 foot boats! I don't see why you need that much of a wake?
  12. 303Skier

    196 Cover

    Oh also - If the factory cover is too spendy, reach out to Skip Dunlap. I got a cover from him for my 200 and it's pretty nice and is a mouring cover. Approx $450 +/- few dollars. PM me if you need his number.
  13. 303Skier

    196 Cover

    @Horton - I'd say to not go with coversports as I had one of their covers that turned my upholstery black because of excessive heat inside the boat. No vents on their covers. I had a long road with this with my 08' and the best cover (if you can find one) is the factory cover made by Commercial Sewing. This is the same people who make the 200 Nautique cover. It has a ratchet system and is hands down the best cover! I used it on the boat all the way from CO to FL, 1900 miles and it didn't leave a single scratch on my boat also it drum tight so rain just rolls off. Also has vents! I got mine from Dave Hendricks @ Nautique. Part number #90310 (407) 956-6477. Good luck! BTW, it's not cheap but sure you can get a good deal.
  14. @Nautibynature - I ski with those pickles sometimes. For me I need mornings and someone consistent.
  15. @Wish - Thanks and I agree it's crazy that it's this hard to find ski partners in Orlando! If this was back home in Colorado I'd have people begging me to ski. My ski partner and good friend @Skid is moving South after he gets married next week. @Wish You're welcome to come over anytime you want, PM me when you're around or will be coming down this direction.
  16. @Mark_Matis I don't know the Dunlaps or Lee? Bischoffs are still there but I've tried to reach out to Rhoni a few times.
  17. @Mark_Matis close, Lake Price. Jennifer and Kris La Point's old lake.
  18. Looking for AM ski partner in East Orlando. Use my 2015 6.0L 200 ECI and two course sited lake. Would like someone who's a comp skier and is comfortable driving 36 short-line. PM me if interested!
  19. @ESPNSkier - I still get tenderness in the upper center of my chest doing certain things. I feel your pain man, it takes time but will heal up! Take it easy and eat healthy and get rest.
  20. Pshh - That's nothing! I fractured my sternum with a pre-release out the front fall in February. Scary stuff! Took me 2 months to fully recover.
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