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Posts posted by SDNAH2OSKIER

  1. There is a course set up on Anderson lake up the CDA river right next to Harrison. You can launch from Spokane Pt. and be on the course in 10 mins. I dont know who set it up, but that is a spectacular place to ski. I am only up for two weeks a year at our cabin in cottonwood bay and came and went earlier this summer.


  2. I have not been skiing behind this boat much, we primarily ski behind an 2006 Malibu RXLI, however I did ski behind it this weekend and it has a notably harder table, so much so that is was launching me off the wake. We are wondering if there is anything we can do to the boat to maximize the skiability of this boat, possibly a different prop. Not holding my breath but would like some input or feedback if you have any,





  3. After free skiing Thur-Sun at the river, we hit the course today. I am literally having an awakening figuring out how to ride the ski. Its like I am now skiing in 3D I really have to drive the ski and reach for buoys and manage my body position, none of which I have to do (or at least think about) at all when I free ski, I just kick back and ride. This is REALLY great. : )
  4. I buy and sell cars every day. You have no right to the boat itself and I know you are probably just being funny, your problem is with the DMV, and let me tell you that you are the only one. : ) The buyer is probably trying to dodge the sales and registration fees and frankly the state putting the burden on the seller is pretty stupid, but its dmv, whats new.


    File a complaint with this form. I know it is maddening and I cannot believe how incompetent and aloof they are, but that said, they are getting better. You may want to go to AAA or a third party agency for assistance, sometimes they are able to expedite these matters and it keeps you out of the 3 hour que at the local DMV.



  5. I know people work hard and are very passionate about skiing but I cant help to think that these issues suck the fun and enjoyment right out of the skiing. I agree that you are either a Pro and pay and complain accordingly, or you are an amateur and thankful you have a pot to piss in.


    I would recommend to the latter, that you serve your fellow skiers as much as you ski, and through that service and interaction, find ways to improve consistency in ALL areas of tourney skiing.

  6. I bought it from a gentleman in central California, I think it was 2009. I only owned it for a few months. He was the original owner and had purchased it new in Montana. It was in good condition, however, I did wind up replacing the trans for $1200 so really I owned it for a bit more, but it was still a smoking deal. No special edition, well, other than the Malibu Barbie paint scheme. I tinted the windscreen and it was a pretty hot looking boat imo. Steven, you may have seen me at Canyon, I lived in Phoenix at the time.
  7. I skied yesterday and had read some info in waterski and the post on hips up and was literally thinking about it while I was about to get picked up and then as soon as I am up, boom, forget everything. I am skiing on a prophecy now and its a much faster/more agile ski than my V and so I am dealing with that, but I need some tips on how to concentrate WHILE I am skiing and try to improve on some fundamentals. TIA


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