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Everything posted by sunvalleylaw

  1. Between sets, based on what the others were seeing, moved my bindings one hole forward. Seemed to make getting up over my feet and more balanced easier. Seemed to help me be faster cross course and earlier. I like it.
  2. Heading down to Black Butte for more practice. I now seem a bit obsessed. ;) Focused on improving elbows to vest, better stack today.
  3. @mahansen81 , where is that?? @aupatking , that pic reminds me very much of my Dad, who waterskied at lot in the 50's and 60's before his back started giving out. He used to do dock starts off tall bulkheads behind his buddy's ChrisCraft, and once skied around Mercer Island, in Seattle. He didn't ski a lot with us once we got a boat again in my teens, but he sure supported our fun! This is a happy pic for me. My first tournament. Now that I look at it more critically, I can see some things I want to change. But, I got out there, and it went pretty well for a first time.
  4. Hey, did you use a rope with the in between practice loops to help the jumps between lengths? Did it work for you?
  5. Ordering my first custom handle. Do you guys like rope expose endcaps or wedge? I have bought Masterline combo ropes and handles before with wedge type always. But the one I borrowed and made me decide to order had exposed. The reason I am ordering is the diameter mostly, so don't know that I care about the end caps. Just thought I would ask.
  6. @swc5150 , yeah, exactly my point. If we want people in the sport, they have to be able to feel comfortable to ski the progression. These kids at Gilbert had no fear, and were ripping it up! Wives (and old Dads like me) too! I am really impressed with the boat.
  7. @gregy Thanks for this. You asked for others to tell their story. I will not repeat boring details here. I am a long time freeskier that decided to really learn the course and discovered that wasn't so easy. I am now making progress and increasing speeds at 15 off. I hope, just for fun and the sake of progress to ski my max speed of 34 at 15 off this year. And play with 22 off at slower speeds. Maybe try 28 off just to feel it and get a sense what is necessary this year too, even if I am nowhere near making it. With a reduced speed from 34 of course. I definitely have a goal to reach 28 off as soon as I can. I found the @jhughes 28 off thread and will link it here for reference. http://aqasports.squarespace.com/new-blog-1/2016/3/21/rax60e347tpeg2wyvbei4lixaxhptf I also found what looks like a good suggested progression to consider at this website Arturo Nelson: http://aqasports.squarespace.com/new-blog-1/2016/3/21/rax60e347tpeg2wyvbei4lixaxhptf Basically, it suggests shortening the line more first before increasing speed too much. I may mix it up a little and not take this as gospel. But it gives me an idea of a progression. If anyone has some thoughts on progression, please let me know. Thanks again for the thread!
  8. @Stevie Boy They move when you pull your foot out and put it back in, but all you do is use the attached strap handle to center it on your shin/foot, and make sure the tongue is inside the outers. Stays in place well once put on. No need to over-tighten IMO either. Really no harder than putting on a running shoe.
  9. Great podcast again. In the last couple minutes, John talks about a head to head that sounds very similar to what they ran at Gilbert Lake. Guys with their opener at 28 off, 34 mph, were skiing against kids with their opener at maybe 24, maybe 15 off. It was a ton of fun. My daughter, who came with me to the tourney but did not ski (she normally wakeboards but now wants to get her deep water start down and ski after attending this tourney) said that was the funnest part of the day to watch. Just for some real world feedback.
  10. After watching the new Flowpoint, and hearing @Horton and @MB another couple points, based on my experience with the boat this year. First run of the year this year was behind a ProStar, on my new ski. I remember thinking, cool! Nice wake! Also, in getting back into slalom and course skiing, I had to drop the speed significantly to re-learn. The ProStar has been impressive in terms of the wake at slower speeds. Seeing all the kids rip it up at the Gilbert Lake tournament behind the ProStars used there, at slower speeds as well, without fear of the wake at those slower speeds and long line lengths, was also super impressive. I also very much like being able to have no carpet. I like keeping things easy and clean. Also the racks. I like those. This boat will be on my short list when/if I look at a new boat.
  11. @DaveLemons , yeah pretty much. I have run that pass near as I can tell (years ago in my 20's) behind an old outboard, and 22 off behind the same boat (Casad pylon equipped.), in a bent old floating course in salt water, going as fast as the old boat would go. We shot for 36 but I am sure we were short of the mark. The old speedo didn't work so hot anyway. But had not practiced it/run it successfully since attempting the course again this year, behind modern tournament boats with ZeroOff. Or any tournament boats ever for that matter. Thanks again, and great to meet all you guys over there. Hope to ski with you again soon! Let me know if you are in the Wood River Valley also.
  12. Don't fix what ain't broke. IMHO. Thanks Horton!
  13. The ProStar that was the official tow rig for the tourney at Gilbert, and the additional ProStar brought in for the unofficial head to head after, were both excellent. As was the one that is now over at MGM lake. I am really liking skiing behind them. Congrats on your new boat!
  14. This story is right in my wheelhouse. Thanks for posting it!! Going to use it for my own planning. The skiing year around part will be hard to pull off in the central mountains of Idaho, at least waterskiing. But you never know. Could always schedule a trip.
  15. @DaveLemons 's better half Linda sent me a nice pic!
  16. Yeah, I logged in to my youtube and found it. UMG_MK filed request to block the video because "Let It Be" is on their PA in the background. Sheesh! Like I can control that. They were playing really mellow music that morning. My first run has an Elton John easy listening type song. Not what I would choose to fire up and ski. ;)
  17. @gregy , yeah, I think that is especially true on the 2/4 side, where you see the ski waver a bit, from me trying to get more of it in the water and steer it with my center of mass too far back. At least that is what I am thinking. Thanks for the input! And did the second vid get censored? Audio? the video and audio is still playing for me. There was a Beatles tune in the background. Maybe Youtube censored that.
  18. Not the best, but I was just glad my daughter, who was SUCH a trooper for hanging with me for the tournament, shot these. Anyways, if you CAN see anything to comment on, please do. Thanks. Thoughts??
  19. A couple site shots. Not me skiing. The crew belly laughing at some shenanigans during the head to head.
  20. @bigskieridaho Thank you for encouraging me and the motivation to come over. It was great to meet you and your family in person and also to meet @DaveLemons and all the rest of the crew. Hope to ski with you guys again soon.
  21. Made it past the first head to head and lost the second. After posting another personal best (unofficial). All and all a very awesome day!
  22. Travelled down to Gilbert Lake and entered the second day of the Gilbert Lake Slalom as a grassroots entrant. Was concerned I might miss the gate but got my first result instead. Very excited! Met a lot of nice people. The lake is nice too! Glad I decided to just do it! I am listed as Stephen.
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