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Everything posted by RazorRoss3

  1. even just keeping your hips pointed slightly away from course/outbound in the glide could fix the issue.
  2. This will make a huge difference for collegiate skiing as well since getting boats to an event is frequently the hardest part even beyond securing your chief officials.
  3. Looks more Tiger Hawk than bumblebee to me, Go Hawkeyes!
  4. @Than_Bogan I know you know you know the answer to that question and if I had the authority I would give it a panda. How do you keep those glasses on while skiing @Horton
  5. Well I guess we can't hit him with "practice doesn't count" since he went and did it for real too. Not bad for only a few weeks on the stick to be around your best
  6. @Thager, win some and lose some, I can ski in December without having to take a vacation to do it. Thanks @MattP
  7. ask a stupid question get a stupid answer but is there a webcast? Harvey likely has me confined to the great indoors all weekend so I'll need some entertainment.
  8. I won't catch any of the direct storm but it's looking like I could see a foot of rain over the weekend from the arms. Closest to a Hurricane I've ever been by a long shot.
  9. To some extent is this admitting that as people with 1/25th of a horse power we cannot physically go a direction that a 350 horse power boat doesn't want us to ;) When I edge change and just try to keep the handle close to my body I ski much better than when I try to force out bound (wide) direction.
  10. While visually I know what you are talking about, I don't believe pushing the ski forward is the intentional move. I think that is a bit of an optical illusion caused by handle path dynamics and the skier going from a pulling position with the ski in between themselves and the boat, to a tall position riding on top of the ski. Physically speaking I don't believe you can move the ski ahead of you without shifting weight back on the ski.
  11. I know, in theory we are upgrading from our current windows 2010 in a few months so we'll see what happens there but for now there seems to be nothing I can do. You'd think a major bank would be a little more up with the times in the technology department.
  12. I think this speaks to how you can say something to a skier 99 different ways and the 100th way is the one that will make sense to them.
  13. Internet explorer does not seem to support the video type HTML5 so I think I am unfortunately out of luck.
  14. still nothing for me, I'm stuck with internet explorer at work, possible that that is the issue. Too bad, why work when you can watch jumping but I guess I'll just have to work.
  15. When I lived in Minnesota there was a year where I skied the day the ice went out, so water temp below 40 degrees. It was great incentive not to fall since you really didn't want to get your head wet.
  16. 8AM in which time zone? I'm looking at the link but the video is just showing the pinwheel at the moment so I'm hoping it just hasn't started yet.
  17. Yeah, I think your issues started with some gate timing/width and body position that is a little behind the ski. If you can try to stand tall, shoulders on top of hips, hips on top of front foot that will help everything.
  18. Eclipse reflected in a pool of water partially covered by a cloud
  19. @glock, your link doesn't seem to be playing nice for me and you might end up with a Panda on account of the long link. Might want to try and embed the video if others are having the same issues as me. Unlike 22, 28 does start bring you up the boat and on account of that can punish you quite severely for mistakes you weren't even aware you were making, hoping the video works on my home computer so I can take a look.
  20. Oh, thought she must have sent you a picture after receiving it. Beautiful work regardless of background
  21. That's a pretty one Kaldor has up there sitting out in a Minnesota winter
  22. That was a spectacular dismount. I give it a full 5 stars
  23. I am going to be very jealous if I miss a pro coaching weekend in Minneapolis after being up there last weekend and back in Texas now.
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