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Everything posted by Deep11

  1. FYI : If you try to donate from outside US it defaults to $15 shipping - keep going and select “self collection” at next step to remove shipping.
  2. Is this going to be available to watch again ? (Links are dead now)
  3. Long shot but does anyone have a broken 5.7 340 GM Malibu engine with intact throttle sensor and ECU - ours won’t get up to speed and has been isolated to these parts? Thx Kevin
  4. @The_MS - were you watching me working on this today ? Raised the intensity and felt faster in to the bouys but video showed that it was at the expense of the “connection” off the second wake. (Need to keep to the plan). Importantly though focusing on turning a 1 bouy about 3-4m further down course than the actual bouy allowed me to make it to 5 :) @12 So progress ?
  5. Thanks Adam - can definitely work on that?
  6. Looking for a little advice. On the back of Adam C’s post earlier in the season on “swing and connection” I’ve been having fun seeing if I can implement some of the advice he offered. It’s feeling good and for the last couple of months i’ve been skiing 14 and 13m pretty much in my sleep, the “wheels come off” at 12m though and generally around 2 ball (as here). Watching the video makes me sad as it really looks like I’m just giving up. On the water however it “feels” as though there are a couple of things going on: 1. I’m too fast into 1 and then more so into 2. 2. I dont actually know how to handle the turn at this line length to emerge in the correct position. Dont really want to keep doing the same for the next couple of months - Can anyone see any glaringly obvious issue that I am missing? Or just let me know what I should be doing in the turn to keep the line tight. Thanks in advance :) https://www.dropbox.com/s/s16durp6lnvh8qg/Video%2002-08-2021%2C%2021%2015%2052.mov?dl=0 (I can post to youtube if easier)
  7. Too early for this thread to fade away........ @adamcaldwell wrote something that seemed to slip by unnoticed and may need a little more discussion : “Even had guys this past weekend saying to me they like how I ski open to the boat and with level shoulders and counter rotating into the turn. It was beyond frustrating to hear that as that is NOT what is going on. My objectives and goals are nearly the polar opposite of that.” Whilst there is a lot in this sentence, I’m focusing on the level shoulders. I’ve heard many coaches saying we should be aiming for “level shoulders”. Its also been discussed a few times in BOS as a goal. I’ve been suspicious that it’s one of the slaloming myths? ( like trying to be “wide and early”). Interesting to hear that Adam does not have this in his objectives. I’ve always thought that the “connection” trumps level shoulders and that they aren’t necessarily the same thing. You certainly don’t want the “away” shoulder pulled in towards the wake, and with the right connection and release it won’t be. Having the “away” shoulder rising “up” though as the centrifugal force causes you to lean over actually seems preferable and far less effort than trying to force a “reverse C” type situation - which just results in more of your mass further out the course. Reverse C and level shoulders looks cooler though which is a problem :( Obviously a whole lot more to this and I’m interested to hear views......
  8. I guess the follow on point from Hortons is ..... if you keep equal load and shoulders square your arms will bend naturally. If not you will find your shoulder getting pulled round towards the boat = narrow and fast at the bouy. The focus (if you can) moves from the load on the arms to actually how to keep the shoulders square and maintain a balanced position - that requires a lot of effort and at the same time looks like nothing is happening. Crazy sport.
  9. Not just me then... You’d think it would be standard on 68 and 69 Thx @aussiemc will look at D3.
  10. Hi, does anyone know if any of the top end skis out there have binding hole patterns that take the reflex xxl plate? Ive got mine on a vapor ProBuild and the toe bar is about 4 inches in front of the furthest forward holes. This means there is flex and the resin/moulding round the bar keeps falling apart. I know it’s not a strictly necessary part but the flex can’t be good? (My “plates of meat” really aren’t that big!) I’m looking to change skis for next season...... Thx
  11. We have an old (2011) Malibu response with a 5.7 GM engine. Currently running single puck Zero off rev R. Recently Skiing 32 and 35 behind new Nautique and a new MC the “feel” is entirely different (in a very good way). Feel is clearly subjective but as we need a new puck is it worth upgrading to Rev S or is it more likely the feel is a new “tight” engine as opposed to an old “slack” one ! Does Rev S make that much difference ? I know we’ve had a few discussions on ZO upgrade before, but there has also recently been chat on old boats and how they still work well, which has prompted this, Many thanks,
  12. Hi, we need a new puck for our 2010 Malibu response. Rather than importing from the USA has anyone managed to switch in a 18x5hz (5 wire) standard Garmin puck ? (Seem much easier to obtain) Thx
  13. Thanks @Wish - for me the process @Than_Bogan is talking about seems to work better when there is also using a conscious “unweighting” rather than simply riding round the turn with front foot pressure. (That obviously works but seems to result in a wider radius turn and earlier load for me. It can also result in what @gregy commented on)
  14. Damn @Than_Bogan - I’ve literally just worked that out and was trying to find the words. The explanation for WHY it works of course could take a whole lot longer. Also why it’s more relevant with your onside rather than offside ????
  15. @adamhcaldwell very impressive skiing! I’ve trawled through this thread and don’t see my question brought up yet, although @matthewbrown references it in his post: on previous incarnations of the Denali (and in GUT theory) it has always seemed that you guys spent a lot more time on the front of the ski into and through the turn (like Asher and all the other pros - notably CP, AM and TW who seem to bury the front in the approach), in the videos on the new ski I’m not seeing nearly as much of the front in the water and yet you are still achieving everything you are trying to do. Has this been a deliberate focus to appeal to the majority of “tail riders” or a welcome side effect of all the “tweaking”. (Or being critical would you like to see more of the front of the ski in the water in the approach?) K
  16. Smoothest offsides ive seen Fred do. Could it be the two handed gate or another ski?
  17. Does SHE actually want to get much better or are you vicariously pushing her ? Looks like she’s having a great time skiing within her ability and not getting hurt :) she’s riding flat between the wakes because it feels safer and is easier for her to stay in control. Pulling on the other side is the only way to make it out there, so not really a problem at all, just the compromise to get it done and keep having fun with her obsessive husband :) I’d focus on making sure she’s still smiling at the end of each pass and work on your connection from wake to ball.
  18. Video EVERY pass to make sure that I initiate edge change before the first wake and that my shoulders stay level until the handle release (which is going to get later). The goal = not so fast at the bouy and in better shape to turn without slack. (ran 38 twice for the first time last year, don’t want it to be the last time!).
  19. Quick review of the fin - Just in case anyone is at all interested - we finally had a few days of good weather so skied a few sets as normal to establish by comfort zone then the next day changed to the new fin and went to give it a go. Was entirely prepared for anything from “no difference” to “squirrely” with lots of swimming. Was not prepared for actually feeling a difference and it being entirely positive. I have been a bit of a sceptic on fins and usually just set them to factory and leave alone, so this is really quite enlightening. In terms of where it felt different: Behind boat - same Pull out and glide - same Cut - same Approach turn - same End of turn offside (1,3,5) - same End of turn (2,4,6) - entirely different, seems to turn faster with a much reduced radius and less effort to achieve it resulting in ending the turn further up course and in the right position to accelerate. It was a lot of fun and I’ll be keeping it on the ski (vapor pro build 2018). (Set it at standard settings with the vapor wing) The vids are the very first 14 and 13, then - after a getting comfortable and trusting it - another 13. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gp16vnzz1v0d8c7/IMG_0796.MOV?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8yr0arkpnu0qd7j/IMG_0797.MOV?dl=0
  20. Hmm that is disappointing as not having any idea what it “feels” like, i would be shooting in the dark trying to make one :( I have an old Mapple wing i guess I could put on it. Is everyone now thinking that the wing isnt that important ?
  21. Just received my new fin :) No ‘s’ wing though - is that right, the start of this thread suggests it’s an integral part of the fin ??
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