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Everything posted by ozski

  1. It makes for a great rear boot when setup correctly. I have been using one for a few seasons now, if you don't start hacking them up they last really well and they are super light weight.
  2. I was just wondering how brand loyal everyone thinks they are or are not when it comes to ski gear and boats. Do you have a logical or illogical attachment to your boat or ski? From a boating perspective I'm pretty Nautique loyal but when it comes to skis I'm more than happy to switch brands for a performance gain. On the other hand I know skiers that will only ski on "brand x" and stick their heads where it don't shine even if the performance is sub par... Or the reverse, not ski on a particular brand for one reason or another.
  3. Contact @twhisper and see what he can do for you on the KD - Its an awesome ski and very well priced.
  4. The way that the sport is heading with more HP means skiers will have to be more technical and have the perfect balance of power to weight to be competitive at the highest levels in my opinion. I'm also a fan of "ride the biggest ski you can turn" which plays into the whole equation. To answer the question I'm going lighter which to some extent gives me the other.
  5. I reckon he watched @adamhcaldwell then went out and got it wrong.
  6. I agree, the shut down should be done correctly. If you just turn the engine off but fail to power down then turn off the battery switch it seems to trigger problems the next time you use it.
  7. Having some issues with a blank screen on our 2017 200. Can take several minutes to 30 minutes to get the screen to boot. Only after the boat has been sitting and once it works its good for the day.
  8. Its always summer somewhere, come see us down under and stay to watch Moomba. Problem solved.
  9. Put one up in my back yard last year, great for balance and core strength. I use it almost daily and its a lot like slalom skiing, some days your on and some days it does not come together for no apparent reason.
  10. Years ago a mate of mine put his head through trying to setup a toe hold off the boom. 3 days in intensive care and his nose has never been the same and they had to stitch his ear back on... I won't let my son ski without some sort of handle guard, cheap insurance and no downside. I do the same and have been using one for a couple of seasons now.
  11. Northern states of Australia offer some pretty amazing year round weather conditions, Florida like. There are some good lakes around as well - Bushy Brown's man made lake at Woodford QLD is world class as is Stoney Park on the NSW central coast.
  12. Mine was tight when new, they loosen up a decent amount after a few sets.
  13. Forgot to mention that I am riding the 67 at 170 LBS. Yesterday tried slightly deeper and shorter - 2.500 / 6.850 with the rest of the settings the same as above and these numbers felt even better to me. Ran 3@-38 straight off the dock, over turned 3 ball when I just needed to chill. This is my 3rd set in a row where I've had to run -35 down wind and the KD has taken me through it comfortably.
  14. Current settings - Front Boot - 29.3 2.490 6.865 .740 8 Degrees Ran a 36 MPH skier on these numbers yesterday first time on the ski he was a little unstable on -32 but as he got into -35 / -38 things came together and he finished with 4@-39 which is his best practice score -ever. @skibug Right now running settings in this range I am skiing better than I ever did on the Goode, the KD feels lighter, faster and turns both sides as well as anything, its also very forgiving if you make a mistake during the turn.
  15. So I've been on the new KD Platinum for a few weeks now and to be honest coming off a current Nano XT I was conservative in my expectations. Out of the box the ski felt really nice, fast side to side and an incredible offside so I could feel the potential straight up. Working with Wayne Briant on binding placement and fin numbers I found some fairly middle of the road settings that work really well. The first hint that this ski is something special came when I started running down wind -35's that have been difficult or not possible (for me) on any other ski. Yesterday after a week of the water I ran my -32 opener on some new settings and I can honestly say I've never had a ski turn and come under the line as well as the KD so I shortened to -35 and ran through it, not perfect but comfortable. I decided to cut to -38 for the first time to see if I could get out of 2 ball which I did, then out of 3, then 4 wide and early for 5 and popped the handle behind the boat going to 6. Sitting in the water at the buoy line looking at 6 was a little bitter sweet but a practice PB and a level of comfort and control at -38 that I've never experienced before. If you get half a chance to run a few sets on this ski then grab it with both hands, Terry Winter and Wayne Briant have turned out and amazingly good ski.
  16. Reverse grip curls (cables) helped me but the real game changer was switching to the fattest handle I could find. I think changing things up helps a lot. Rest did not do much for me, I think you need to find a way to keep everything mobile but not aggravating the injury. I went reverse grip most of winter and managed to run close to my best scores.. In short you can find a way through it but you need to test a few things to see what works for you.
  17. Over the last couple of weeks I have learned that KD is back and in a big way. Their new ski is the business, I'm hitting some new milestones on it after only a few sets. Well done @twhisper , Wayne Briant and anyone else who had a role in developing this ski.
  18. Get your water tested. Your fingers have a green taint as well. Icky.
  19. Drones will be carrying people soon enough, I can wait.
  20. I learned that rubber boots, the T-Factor in particular is still a world class piece of kit and the ultimate ski boot is yet to be designed and built.
  21. We just did an evaluation of the NRG v 2018 Vapor and in the end it was an easy decision for the skier in question to choose the NRG and then run a 6 buoy PB into -39 at the L class tournament on the weekend. "The NRG just feels like its on rails by comparison" so it looks D3 have produced another great ski.
  22. Priceless
  23. As a lefty I have been dealing with an ordinary 2-4 offside turn for most of my skiing life - until recently. I've stopped trying to make changes at the ball and focused on what I'm doing through center line out of my onside which has been a game changer. My 2-4 turn has become a whole lot better as a result, the knock on effect is a better line into my onside and the need to relearn some timing. If there was money on the table I'm taking my onside turn every time, I don't think that will ever change. I look at Nate and Will and admire their incredible 2-4 turns, in my opinion the best in the business. The definition of better for me is at full throttle my onside is still my onside.. As an offside example right now I really like to watch JMac, it sort of validates what Horton is saying but I don't think there is any black and white on this issue.
  24. No they are still there but I don't thread them through the top loop and I pretty much only tension them enough to pull the side of the boot in a little.
  25. Its a good binding but there are potential issues with release / injury if you over tighten them, same with Radar Profile / Vapor and any other bungee release. If its a real problem then invest in the MOB system with a Profile / Vapor and you won't look back. I use the open toe Vector on the rear and it works well but I don't use the top laces. Risk reward investment is a personal choice...
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